
The child stole a handful of rice from the neighbor's house, and the county magistrate captured it and executed him on the spot, giving him a good reason

author:Yamakawa Bunksha

If you ask: In which dynasty is the most "cool" to be an official? Some people will say that it is the Song Dynasty, because the Song Dynasty gave preferential treatment to civilian officials, but it cannot be done too much, and it must be disciplined and law-abiding, even if it is the emperor's dragon-riding son-in-law, Chen Shimei is not cut off by Bao Gong. Su Dongpo, a talented man of a generation, was often beaten by the board when he was imprisoned in his cell, and the skin of the beaten skin was fleshy and blurred. Therefore, being an official in the Song Dynasty is not the most "cool".

Some people say: It is good to be an official during the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Jin Dynasty, because even if it is a war, you must first protect the personal safety of officials, and, simply from the point of view that officials are not punished after committing crimes, the most "cool" official in this period is really blessed by the emperor's grace. Economist Mr. Li Yining once said: "Without the suffering of the broad masses, it is impossible to reflect the happiness of a small number of elites." This theory also applies to the Wei and Jin dynasties.

The child stole a handful of rice from the neighbor's house, and the county magistrate captured it and executed him on the spot, giving him a good reason

At that time, zero tolerance was imposed on civilians who violated the royal law, and the standard was not a few thousand yuan to convict, but two straws.

It is said that qi kongxiu in the southern dynasty became the county magistrate of Wu County, and there was a ten-year-old child in the county who stole a handful of rice fields from his family, and the county magistrate was furious and could not tolerate this kind of behavior at all, and sent someone to take people. Someone persuaded: "The ten-year-old naughty boy doesn't know anything, please let the adults let him go." After hearing this, the county magistrate scolded the person who persuaded him, and said to this person: "Ten-year-old children have learned to steal, and when they grow up, what can they do?" "Moreover, the officials captured the child and killed it on the spot.

Coincidentally, Li Hongzhi of the Northern Wei Dynasty, when he was the assassin of Qin and Yizhou, announced a decree after his arrival: "Pedestrians are not allowed to carry knives, and carrying a knife is equivalent to the crime of robbery." "A pedestrian with a knife indicates that if he has a killing intention, he should be beheaded if he has a murderous intention." Through the coercive means of the officials of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the folk customs at that time were "simple", the public security situation was very good, the people's roads were not left behind, no one dared to rob the crime, and for a time, the crime rate also dropped a lot.

It can be said that the officials of the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Southern and Northern Dynasties were much happier than the common people, as long as they were not against the emperor, they would do anything, and even if they violated the law and committed crimes. Even if officials violate some laws and regulations, as long as they introspect and go on hunger strike for three days, they will be turned into big things and small things. The achievements of the government are all done by the officials, and those who are bad do not have to bear the legal responsibility personally, so as long as they can become officials, it is equivalent to entering a "happy and free country".

The child stole a handful of rice from the neighbor's house, and the county magistrate captured it and executed him on the spot, giving him a good reason

Here we take an example, the author Liu Chenglong, when writing "Dark Power", once talked about the different treatment of civilian crimes and official crimes during the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

The tyrannical Qin Shi Huang invented the "consecutive sitting" system, and Qin Shi Huang stipulated the object of consecutive sitting: "If a commoner commits a crime, not only will the whole family be punished, but even the whole village will be punished. However, in the Qin Dynasty, it was rare to see the clan sitting together, that is to say, as long as there was a grade, it would not be "exterminated", and such a provision would of course cause great dissatisfaction among the people in the country.

In the Song Dynasty, the top level conducted in-depth research on the practices of the Qin Dynasty, and finally summed up the law: the clan who made mistakes needed to sit consecutively, and the clans who made mistakes did not need to sit consecutively. If the scholar commits a more serious crime, he can also let the housewife bear the guilt. If something is committed, the main responsible person can not be responsible, and the second-in-command and the person in charge needs to be punished in place of the master, thus showing responsibility and demonstrating the rigor of "ruling the country according to law".

The child stole a handful of rice from the neighbor's house, and the county magistrate captured it and executed him on the spot, giving him a good reason

As mentioned above, the naughty boy stole a rice field from his neighbor and was sentenced to death, so what was the sentencing standard for officials in the Wei and Jin dynasties?

As we all know, "frankness and leniency, and resistance to strictness" is a criminal policy of China, that is, criminals who thoroughly and truthfully confess the facts of their crimes should be treated leniently, and those who refuse to truthfully confess the facts of their crimes should be dealt with severely. Confession and resistance must be premised on the existence of criminal facts, and confession and leniency are also the content of the court or procuratorate's determination of the circumstances used to determine the sentence in cases of job-related crimes.

However, this sentence will have the exact opposite effect during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

If officials commit corruption and dereliction of duty, they are pushed to a dome a foot high and chopped up twice a day. The daily "hard" penalty stations have to allow officials to recover their strength, and after each completion of the penalty station task, officials can rest for three to five days. If the officials avoid talking about their own problems, they will continue to punish the station, and after several cycles, they can slowly "get rid of punishment."

The child stole a handful of rice from the neighbor's house, and the county magistrate captured it and executed him on the spot, giving him a good reason

The above is a cadre of the general level, if it is a cadre of a higher level, it is probably an official at the level of the assassin shifu official who commits a crime, and even the punishment station is avoided. Because those in power are worried about "obstructing the view", such a way will ruin their face. These people will be locked up in the cell to drink porridge every day, what level of porridge can be drunk depends on the relationship with the cell boss, and if they are good, they can drink the nutritious eight treasure porridge, and they can also drink thin porridge at this time if they are not moving around.

No matter how geometric, as long as you firmly say that you have not committed a crime, you can be acquitted after a certain period of time. Here, we can see that the premise of both the penalty station and the fasting is that if you confess your guilt, if you frankly confess your crimes, these officials will be locked up in small dark rooms. If you have not admitted your mistakes and "persisted", then it means that you are essentially good, still a good cadre, and can continue to be an official.

The child stole a handful of rice from the neighbor's house, and the county magistrate captured it and executed him on the spot, giving him a good reason

Frankly from "strict", if you are a young cadre who has made a mistake and recognizes your crime, it is very likely that you will sit on the bottom of the prison. Resist from "wide", if, you "insist" that you have not made a mistake, and, just in time for the New Year's holiday, you will be released home for the holiday. As for the "huge amount of money embezzled", it is only "suspected of corruption", and there is no characterization of certain corruption, so it is no problem to release the suspect home, and it makes sense in theory.


【History of Chinese Civilization · Volume IV · Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties" and "Dark Power"