
The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow


The earliest racial classification, the mural of the tomb of Sedi I of the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, distinguishes humans in different colors and divides humans into four types: Egyptians painted red; Asians painted yellow; southern Negroes painted black; Westerners and northerners painted white. It became the basis for today's division of humanity into white, yellow, black, and brown.

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

White race

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

The White race, also known as the Europa race or the Caucasian race, is the most widely distributed and the most populous race in the world. Yes, you're right, the white race is the most numerous, not the yellow race. You will think, my great heavenly dynasty of 13.4 billion people, can directly crush the sum of the population of European countries, plus small Japan, South Korea stick and Southeast Asian countries, you now tell me that the number of white races is the largest, is my primary school mathematics taught by the physical education teacher?

In fact, except for the yellow race in East and Southeast Asia and the black Africans in sub-Saharan Africa, almost all the rest are white, including Europeans, Australians, Russians, North Americans, most latin Americans, as well as Arabs, Turks and Indians.

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

Don't look at the Indian Ah San looks black, but the people are really Caucasian. The ancestors of the Indian Azoans were Aryans, who migrated to India from Europe and later tanned in India, and they shared the common ancestor of the Indo-Europeans with Europeans. If you still don't understand, don't worry, I will serialize the Great Migration of Mankind in a future article, and I will detail how the Aryans came to India.

Have you noticed that Europeans also have a big difference in skin color, such as Germans are particularly white, and Spaniards seem to be darker than us.


The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow


The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

White races are divided into white types and dark white types. The white type is distributed in Northern Europe, Western Europe and Eastern Europe, and the dark white type is mainly distributed in Southern Europe, Central Europe, Southwest Europe, North Africa, West Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia.

Yellow race

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

The Yellow Race, also known as the Asian American Race, the Race or the Mongolian Race, is the second largest race in the world. The yellow race is mainly distributed in East and Southeast Asia. The Chukchi and Tunguska peoples of Siberia, the Arctic Inuit (formerly generally known as the "Eskimos"), and the American Indians all originated in Central and East Asia and belong to this ethnic group.

In fact, it is possible for the yellow race to develop into the world's largest human race, before the Europeans reached the Americas, the yellow race active on the American continent was the Indians, who created the Mayan civilization and the Inca civilization in the Americas. Later, the Europeans came and destroyed the Indians with the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, and the Americas gradually changed from the world of the yellow race to the world of the white race.

Native American

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow


The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow
The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

Do you think that the above two Finns are very similar to us, in fact, Finns are yellow people? Finns belong to the Ural language family of the yellow race. Nearly 10,000 years ago, the Urals swept through northern Europe. But later, the Ural culture was too backward – for example, the Finns only appeared in the 15th century, they were gradually squeezed into remote areas, the Urals began to mix with the White race very early, and the modern Urals are mostly yellow and white mixed races, even whites, they are distributed in the eastern and northernmost parts of Northern Europe, Central Europe.

In addition, the main ethnic group on the African island of Madagascar is also yellow. Between the 10th and 6th centuries BC, a large number of Austronesian Malays, a large number of yellow people, migrated to madagascar.

Black race

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

The black race, also known as the Negro race, is the Negro-Australian race and equatorial race, mainly distributed in Africa and the Americas. Black people generally have a dark complexion, black hair with wavy or flaccid hair, black eyes, a wide flat nose, a low or medium nasal root, a small nose protrusion, a large diameter of the nostrils, a convex lip, a large mouth width, thick lips, and less beard and body hair.

The Black Race also includes two major ethnic groups: the Sudanese and the Bantu. Their distribution in Africa is roughly bounded by the equator. The Sultanates, who are north of the equator, are characterized by a pure dark complexion, while the Bantu lineage, which is south of the equator, is characterized by a light and dark complexion. For example, the black leader of South Africa, Mandela, is more familiar to everyone, and his skin color is not very dark, because the black South African belongs to the Bantu family.

From the middle of the 15th century to the end of the 19th century, in order to provide labor for the plantations and mines of the American colonies, the Western colonial countries abducted a large number of black people from Black Africa and trafficked them remotely to the Americas and other places.

Brown race

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

The brown race refers primarily to the Australian Aboriginal people, but others are found in Australia, New Zealand and the islands of the South Pacific. The brown race has the thickest brow arch compared to the other three major races; usually has a long skull type, black curly hair, a large jaw, a protruding jaw, a chocolate complexion, and dark brown or black eyes.

Brown people, early inhabitants of the Asian continent and part of the Indian Ocean islands in the Pacific, stagnated for a long time in the Paleolithic Age, defeated by the yellows of the Neolithic age who entered the competition, and gradually disappeared from the Asian continent, so they are currently only distributed in isolated islands and alpine regions. The brown race in Tibetans and Japanese Ainus has a high genetic frequency.

Four human races

The division of the four major races in the world: Indians are white, and Finns are yellow

Among the four major races, I personally think the best looking is my yellow race. Black and brown are indeed too black, white people have super deep wrinkles on their old skin, like the bark, or my yellow skin color is just right, and the skin is delicate and ruddy and shiny.

I was recently doing a special topic on the Great Migration of Mankind, which includes the history of the spread and differentiation of human migration from out of Africa to modern times, and was serialized in the headline number of "View of History", and friends who are interested in history are welcome to subscribe to my headline number.

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