
Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

author:Eat with the garden

Original text: [pot roast meat]: cooked without peeling, put sesame oil to burn, cut into pieces and add salt, or dip in the sauce can also be.

Chun Yuan Mei "Suiyuan Food List" special livestock list

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

Pot roasting, is an ancient cooking method, pot roast meat in the Song, Yuan dynasty has been recorded, the preparation method at that time is: put raw meat into the pot rack, cover the fire, all by the heat of the dry pot, the meat baked, this method has been passed down to the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, to the Qianlong years, the pot roast meat has undergone a major change, changed to cook the meat, and then put into the oil to fry, but the name of the dish is still called pot roast meat, this kind of derivative technique, the earliest recorded in Mr. Yuan Ming's garden menu, so with the garden pot roast meat for pot roasted vegetables, In the history of culinary development, it has played a role in carrying forward the upper and lower levels.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

Pot roast meat is recorded in the Yuan Dynasty "All Categories of Household Must Be Used", the original text is as follows: "Pork and lamb, goose, duck, etc., first marinate with salt, sauce, and ingredients." Wash and heat the pot, pour over sesame oil, set up the meat with a stick, close the paper and cook it slowly. "After hundreds of years of changes, the production method has quietly changed, and now the pot roasting dish has been changed to the clinker hanging paste, changing the knife, eating with green onions, sweet noodle sauce, with lotus leaf cake roll to eat, this typical "pot roast" method, Shandong people are very good at.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

Shandong has pot roast meat, this dish is a special dish in the Tai'an area of Shandong Province, and it is a must-have large piece on the traditional four or four seats. The elbow is first brine and then fried, and the meat in the mouth is delicious, fat but not greasy. The key to making this dish is to master the heat. When frying, first use medium heat, then use low heat, and then use rapid fire and low heat to fry through the crisp to a golden brown. Plate neatly. It tastes better with lotus leaf cake rolls, accompanied by pretzels, noodle sauce, and green onions.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

The "pot roasting" technique, called "pot roasting", is actually a combination of boiling, steaming and frying. From raw fried to cooked fried, straight hanging paste fried nephew has experienced hundreds of years to form the current pan frying, to the pot fried elbow as an example, the preparation method is to add onion ginger, large ingredients, peppercorns, cooking wine and other pots stewed until three or four ripe. Remove the bones, place the skin face down into a bowl, add the green onion and ginger to the pot and steam until soft. Mix the wet starch, eggs, fine salt, cooking wine, and soy sauce into a paste; spread half of the egg paste into a flat dish, put the elbow slices on the plate, keep the elbow in shape, and smooth the remaining paste on the surface of the elbow; put the pot on the fire to burn 50%, push the elbow into the oil pan to fry, make its shell hard and set shape, poke a few small holes with iron chopsticks, slowly fry, until it is fried thoroughly, re-fry the oil pan, and fry the surface of the light yellow crisp. Remove the oil control oil, change the knife and place it on the plate, sprinkle the pepper noodles, and serve with green onions, sweet noodle sauce and lotus leaf cakes.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

In addition to the pot roasted meat, pot roasted elbows, there are also "pot roast duck" and "pot roast chicken", the preparation method of the chicken and duck slaughtered, boiled in the pot of boiling water, take out the pot; add soup, add rice wine, soy sauce, salt, ginger, green onion, steamed out of the basket; clean the bones to dry the water; put the eggs, wet starch, peanut oil in the bowl and stir into a crisp paste; take a plate, smear a layer of oil on the plate, pour half of the paste, spread the duck meat, and spread the remaining paste evenly on the duck meat; the wok is put on the fire, add peanut oil, and when it is hot, the duck will be hung with crisp paste. Fry in the frying pan and heat twice in the middle until the duck is fried through to a persimmon yellow and decant the oil; the fried duck is placed on the pier, cut into three strips, the middle one is chopped into 1 cm wide and 6 to 7 cm long strips, and the two strips on both sides are chopped into diagonal strips, which are loaded into the plate in the shape of a saddle bridge; when served, the shallots, sweet noodle sauce and pepper salt are brought out. Served with shallots and sweet noodle sauce, it has a unique flavor.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

There is a pot roast duck square in Beijing, but the duck meat is folded into a plate and compacted, cut into domino pieces, hung with crispy paste and fried, and the effect is also very popular. In addition, there are also pot roast lamb, pot roast beef, the preparation method is basically the same, and the pot roast elbow, pot roast chicken preparation method is much the same. However, there are also pot firing methods that are different. In Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, there is a pot roasted river eel, which is one of the top ten famous dishes in Ningbang cuisine. Although it is also called pot roasting, the preparation method is different.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

The river eel is slaughtered and cut into 6 cm long pieces, the cut river eel is sequentially circled in a buckle bowl, add shallots, ginger slices, rice wine, put into the cage and steamed over high heat for about 1 hour, until the river eel is crispy, remove the green onion and ginger, and set aside. When eating, heat 25 grams of raw oil under the wok, then put the green onion and ginger to simmer the aroma, then put the steamed puff pastry eel together with the diced pork plate oil into the pot, put the rice wine, red soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate and white soup 250 grams, cover and burn for about 10 minutes, see the soup is thick, sprinkle 25 grams of raw oil, turn the pot a few times, and then pour sesame oil into the pot. This dish is copper-colored, the flesh is crispy, the eel segments are not broken, and the taste is fresh and fatty.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

There is also a more different pot roast dish than pot roast river eel, in Jiangsu there is a dao pot roast meat, in the local area is still a traditional dish, the peeled pork washed and cooked, and ham are cut into 5 cm long, thick 0.5 cm shredded; eggs are whisked into a bowl; water chestnut peeled, also cut into silk; the above 3 kinds of silk into the bowl, add egg paste, MONOS glutamate mix well, put on the porcelain plate (smeared with oil), make a round cake about 2 cm thick. Place the wok on high heat, add oil to 70% heat, carefully slide the meatloaf from the plate into the oil pan, fry until golden brown (when frying, poke the air eye on the meatloaf with a bamboo skewer, and turn it over at the right time), fish it out, cut into 3 cm large diagonal cubes, put it on the plate, and serve at the same time as the pretzel saucer. The dish is salty and fresh, golden in color, crispy and delicious.

Roasting meat with the garden pot has a role in the history of culinary development

We learned about the Chu duo pot cooking method, the following preparation with the garden vegetable pot roast meat, take fat and lean pork without peeling and cooking, add condiments when cooking, marinade mature and take out, put in sesame oil to burn, burn that is, fry also, after frying with sesame oil, cut into pieces and add salt, cut the fried meat into shape and put on the table Of course, this refers to dipping in pepper and salt to eat, or dipping sauce to eat, clear sauce is good soy sauce, this method, with secondary heating, that is, retaining the characteristics of the song and Yuan pot roast meat outside the caramel, but also allows the eater to eat immediately, is a qualitative change, This method plays a pivotal role in the history of cooking from the perspective of studying the development of pot roasted dishes.

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