
The "most beautiful" power flower flies with the "broken wing" husband to hold up the sky of love

author:China News Network
The "most beautiful" power flower flies with the "broken wing" husband to hold up the sky of love

Luo Yan installed a prosthesis and put on clothes for her husband Zhong Zhi. Photo by Chen Rong

Mianyang, China News Network, March 8 Title: "The Most Beautiful" Power Flower and "Broken Wing" Husband Fly Together To Hold Up the Sky of Love

Author Yang Yong Dong Yuanyuan

"Because he's my hero." Although many years have passed, when others asked why Luo Yan and her husband Zhong Zhi fell in love, she still remembers the throbbing of her heart during the flower season.

In 1992, 19-year-old Luo Yan was a young nurse at the Mianyang Central Hospital in Sichuan Province, every day at two o'clock, until one day, a special patient was admitted to the ward.

Due to the accidental injury, 21-year-old Zhong Zhi's left hand was completely charred and bleeding, and he was given seven critical illness notices by the hospital for serious injuries. The doctor informed Zhong Zhi that due to special reasons, his amputation could not be anesthetized. The situation was critical, and he decided not to anesthetize and to amputate his leg directly.

Luo Yan told reporters that during the recovery period in the hospital, although others needed assistance to urinate and defecate, Zhong Zhi told jokes to the people around him every day to make his parents happy. "I was infected by his optimistic, cheerful personality and filial piety."

When she learned that her daughter fell in love with a disabled person, Luo Yan's parents resolutely opposed it, and even mobilized some friends to persuade Luo Yan, and various pressures came one after another, but these, Luo Yan silently endured. A year later, the two finally entered the palace of marriage. Subsequently, the birth of the daughter made the family happy and busy.

In order to better take care of her husband, Luo Yan quit her beloved nurse job and became an electric worker after passing the exam. "When I first arrived at the Mianyang Electric Power Bureau, due to the large span of career change, I needed to learn a lot of new knowledge, and every day was like a war." Luo Yan said.

Eating, dressing, fitting prosthetics... Twenty-five years is like a day.

"It's love that keeps me going all the way and making my family career a reality." Luo Yan said that he is very stubborn, Zhong Zhi is a person with ideas, in the face of work many times, he is mainly family-oriented, let me feel the power of love.

"Luo Yan is a kind person, choosing me in my most difficult time, I want her to live happily." Zhong Zhi told reporters that in 2004, he worked in an electronic equipment factory in Mianyang, in 2005, as a vice president of a sales company, and in 2015, through the city's unified examination, he worked in the Mianyang Chengbei Street Office, mainly helping low-income and vulnerable groups. "Do what I love, I want to use my strength to help people in need."

"My parents were extremely opposed at first, and they didn't even come to the wedding. That's when we went to talk to them and achieve their fulfillment. Every month, no matter how busy we are, we bring gifts to visit them, which is the rule we have made. Year after year, Luo Yan's parents looked at Zhong Zhi's mobility problems, but never complained about the world, but actively devoted themselves to public welfare undertakings. Watching them work together to live in a new house, buy a car, and the days are booming. Slowly, Luo Yan's parents began to accept Zhong Zhi, and the family was happy and harmonious, which made Luo Yan even more regretful of his original choice.

With her husband's support, Luo Yan has shown her style in the workplace, from the workplace newcomer to the technical backbone, whether in logistics management, or material technology, every post, she holds a sincere heart, with countless nights of sleep and food, to obtain fruitful performance returns. Luo Yan has won the title of advanced worker at the municipal level 51 times. Under the care of the family, the daughter thrived, was admitted to Chongqing University with high scores, was also guaranteed to study abroad, and obtained a notice to directly study for a doctorate at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

"When others are in difficulty, we must extend a hand of fraternity and help others as much as we can." This sentence is the attitude of Luo Yan and his wife in their daily lives, and honors such as "Touching the Top Ten People of Mianyang" and "The Most Beautiful Family in Sichuan Province" are also encouraging them to move forward. (End)


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