
A disgusting form of entertainment – online violence

author:Little hFlq

While online comments aren't enough to constitute cyberbullying, kids at this age may be very sensitive to criticism and, like teenagers, tend to focus only on snarky words rather than compliments.

A disgusting form of entertainment – online violence

According to the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project study, most adult users of social media say they have "seen mean, cruel people on social networking sites."

A disgusting form of entertainment – online violence

In cyberspace, brutal things can turn into a competitive sport, and posts can quickly escalate from cynicism to abuse.

Jealousy is the driving force behind this behavior, and the target is often a celebrity. It took 10 years for Monica Lewinsky, an early social media victim, to shake off the shadow of the humiliating experience.

A disgusting form of entertainment – online violence

Actor Robin Williams' 25-year-old daughter, Zelda Williams, was caught up in unimaginable vicious tweets after her father's death. To that end, she cancelled her Twitter account.

That same year, American baseball legend Curt Schilling expressed his pride as a father on Twitter because his daughter Gabe received an acceptance letter from college.

A disgusting form of entertainment – online violence

But the mood of the celebration turned disgusting as Twitter's vandals posted some posts about 17-year-old Gabe.

Schilling did something millions of other fathers could only dream of: Through his prestige and popular blog, he tracked down 9 people who sent malicious, sexist comments and made them lose their jobs or leave sports teams.

A disgusting form of entertainment – online violence

What about children if young people are devastated by online attacks? "Malicious saboteurs" refer to people with malicious intent who cheat and tease unsuspecting people online. In their view, abusively teasing and mocking children and teenagers is a disgusting entertainment.

They usually go to online gaming sites to find 6-year-olds who play games while communicating with people online.

A disgusting form of entertainment – online violence

They play in popular multiplayer online games like Grand Theft Auto, hoping to win the trust of these unsuspecting kids and tease them and make them collapse.

For thrill-seeking purposes, their conversations are also recorded and then posted online. Children suffer harm from different levels, not to mention exposing them to sick strangers, manipulated by them, and making fun of their innocence.