
"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

author:Flower family famous fun house

Lu Yi finally "married" Fan Yiting with strength, and for this day, she has been preparing for 7 years.

In order to get close to Fan Yiting, she got the "Confession" in his hand, a list of people arrested in the patrol room, and a portrait, which is, to put it bluntly, a file.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

There are many lists of Communist Party members, not only the Japanese want to get it, but the Kuomintang also wants to get it, and everyone depends on their own skills.

Lu Yi used 4 kinds of schemes in order to get close to Fan Yiting.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Lu Yi is a Japanese secret agent whose real name is Keiko Tachibana.

Seven years ago, she was sent to Shanghai to seduce Biel, the owner of the French Concession foreign firm, because she knew French, so biel was particularly kind to her, and later married her.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

After Bierre's death, she officially accepted foreign firms and freight terminals, and began to use her status to contact people in various fields.

She pretended to be soft, made herself look like nothing, and gave all the work to Ma Tianmu, who thought he had helped her, but later found out that he was just a pawn, he underestimated this soft woman, because there was no defense, resulting in the death of the principal, Ma Tianmu carried the pot again.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Because of the dock matter, Lu Yi had many contacts with Fan Yiting, plus she became a female Moral School Trustee, often helping Fan Yaluo, so that Fan Yiting relaxed his vigilance against her.

Lu Yi's camouflage technique was very high, and so far, almost no one could see through it.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

10 years ago, Lu Youxiang killed the newspaper tycoon Jiang Ziyong, who was Jiang Yunqing's father.

Jiang Yunqing heard that Lu Youxiang had come to Shanghai and was bent on killing her.

Fan Yaluo is a good friend of Jiang Yunqing, and in order to help her avenge, he used his identity to take her to the banquet scene and gave her a gun.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Jiang Yunqing took advantage of Lu Youxiang's lack of attention and fired a shot, causing chaos at the scene.

Fan Yaluo has been looking for Jiang Yunqing at the scene and wants to take her away, she has been shouting everywhere on the spot, hoping that she can hear the voice. Lu Yi beckoned to Fan Yaluo and asked her to come down and be two people together, so that they could take care of each other.

At the same time, Lu Yi hinted to the Japanese upstairs that when Fan Yaluo went downstairs, the Japanese crashed into her hard, and Lu Yi rushed to the corner of the wall by Fan Yaluo's impulse in order to save her, and directly fainted.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Of course, this fainting is skillful.

She has already mastered the angle and will not really cause serious harm.

This bitter meat plan increased lu yi's opportunity to approach Fan Yiting.

Seeing that Lu Yi had fainted, Fan Yaluo quickly called someone, just when Fan Yiting saw this scene, he immediately asked people to find the best hospital, the best doctor to treat Lu Yi.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Lu Yi was sent to Guangci Hospital.

Fan Yiting and Fan Yaluo were waiting for Lu Yi's bedside to wake up.

As soon as she woke up, she used a beauty trick to make Fan Yiting immediately attracted to her and became deeply interested in her.

She wanted to take Fan Yiting's hand and say thank you, just as her arm leaked out a scar, a sign exactly the same as Fan Yiting's dead wife, the same place, the same scar.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

It can be seen that Lu Yi has done a lot of homework in advance.

As we all know, Fan Yiting is very nostalgic for his wife and has always wanted to draw the wife in his heart.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

He liked his wife very much, and for so many years, there had never been a scandal, which showed how much he loved his wife.

Lu Yi not only looked like his wife, the scars on her body were exactly the same, which made her want to explore her even more, understand her, and hope to find his wife's shadow from her.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

In this way, Lu Yi further entered Fan Yiting's heart.

The disguise meter is only for the convenience of identity, the bitter meat meter is only to be able to approach Fan Yiting and make him give up his guard, and the beauty plan is to arouse Fan Yiting's nostalgia for his deceased wife.

All of this is in preparation for the last plan.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

We often say that attacking people first attacks the heart.

Lu Yi used this plan so much that people could not see the traces.

Female Principal Guan Xue'an was monitored and unfit to appear at the patriotic rally, and Lu Yi presided over the patriotic rally with Fan Yaluo on behalf of the school trustees.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

For the sake of the petition, let everyone sign it.

Fan Yaluo wanted to be the first to sign, at this time Lu Yi interrupted her, saying that she was still a child, this kind of thing is not suitable for her, should be done by adults, so Lu Yi was the first to sign.

Afterwards, Tang Xianping prepared to arrest all the people who signed the patriotic rally.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Lu Yi came to the patrol house and directly found Fan Yiting, she said that she was from the head, as a French citizen, she did not violate any laws and regulations, so she volunteered to inform the situation.

Fan Yiting knew that Tang Xianping would definitely arrest Lu Yi, and Lu Yi was the first to sign at the rally, but he was affected by Fan Yaluo, and he had to protect her and not let her be arrested.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Fan Yiting was very grateful to Lu Yi, but Lu Yi said that there was nothing, after all, she had been Fan Yaluo's teacher, Fan Yaluo was still a child, she should help her.

Fan Yiting heard this and directly made a decision, he wanted to vouch for her, she was not only Fan Yaluo's teacher, but also her stepmother.

Fan Yiting said that he could only save her with this reason, hoping that she would understand.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

But Lu Yi made an intriguing request: I can enter your home, but I don't need any name, I don't need to be public, I don't need to do a big deal, I can take care of Fan Yaluo, I don't need to let her call me mom, she can call auntie, I don't care about this.

This sentence can be described as offensive.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

First, she thought about it for two people.

Lu Yi knew that Fan Yiting did not really marry her, but it was for expediency, so he put forward this request, saying that there was no need for a big deal, nor did he need any name, which could be said to be for Fan Yiting's consideration.

Fan Yiting likes his wife, she will not take her place, she will put herself in the right position.

Lu Yi also did not want to embarrass Fan Yaluo, did not let her call her mother, nor would she replace her mother, but just took care of her as an "aunt" so that she would not resent her.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Second: Her words are also a flexible treatment

Externally, she is Fan Yiting's wife, but internally, they are all friends.

If she doesn't say that the relationship is dead, she can retreat from anything in the future, and Fan Yiting doesn't have much to worry about.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

Third: Lu Yi must gain Fan Yiting's trust

Lu Yi has always stood in the other's perspective for them to consider.

Lu Yi really thought it through very well, she did not get carried away because she got the help of Fan Yiting, but immediately named her position and told Fan Yiting that she would not get inches forward, she would only do her own thing, and would not add chaos to him.

Her identity, he knows, she knows, Van Ya Luo knows, others do not know.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

She was such a weak and understanding woman, how could Fan Yiting bear it, he must have immediately trusted her and married her home with confidence.

Lu Yi did so much to gain Fan Yiting's trust, not to marry him.

If she was too eager to marry him, it would make him suspicious, and it should not be said that Lu Yi would really attack his heart.

"The Forerunner" Lu Yi "married" Fan Yiting with 4 counts: beauty, bitter meat, attacking the heart and camouflage count one: camouflage count two: bitter meat count and beauty count three: attacking the heart

In this way, Lu Yi used these 4 schemes to successfully "marry" into the Fan family, gaining the trust of Fan Yiting and Fan Yaluo, and increasing her chances of getting the Confessions.

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