
Drawing the power of change from excellent traditional culture Chinese middle schools empower curriculum transformation in this way

author:Xinmin Network

How to borrow from excellent traditional culture and build a "ladder" for curriculum transformation in the new era?

On May 27th, with the sonorous and powerful chanting of "Young China Speaking", the "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Education" of Chinese Middle School was integrated into the school curriculum display activity, and the special display activity of the third principal advanced training class in Xuhui District was opened at The Chinese Middle School in Xuhui District. Principal's report, teacher's teaching demonstration, student sharing, expert comments... One by one, the audience shared the practical experience of the landing, blossoming, and results of excellent traditional culture in Chinese middle schools, and finally infiltrating the curriculum in all dimensions.

Traditional culture is infiltrated, and the national curriculum can be implemented school-based in this way

According to reports, as a school with "Chinese excellent traditional culture education" as the characteristics of running a school, after becoming a school with shanghai characteristics of ordinary high school project in 2017, Chinese middle schools took the opportunity of curriculum transformation, under the guidance of the guiding ideology of "fully integrating the characteristics of running a school in the core curriculum of literature, history and philosophy, and the contextualization of other courses", the teaching and research groups explored effective ways of integration through expert guidance and intra-group discussions, etc., taking the "double-new" reform as an opportunity.

At the scene, Teacher Liu Qunqun of the Language Group, Teacher Zhu Li of the Ideological and Political Group, and Teacher Rong Yun of the History Group represented the teaching and research group, and took the lead in showing their new thinking on integrating characteristic teaching into the teaching of the national curriculum in the form of a demonstration class.

Drawing the power of change from excellent traditional culture Chinese middle schools empower curriculum transformation in this way
Drawing the power of change from excellent traditional culture Chinese middle schools empower curriculum transformation in this way

With the theme of the reading class of "Dream of the Red Chamber", Teacher Liu Qunqun cleverly borrowed the interesting plot of "Grandma Liu Enters the Grand View Garden" to lead the students to appreciate the charm of this classic of excellent Chinese traditional culture by combing the text and cleverly setting up the situation; Teacher Rong Yun explained the process of the struggle between Germany and France in ancient Chinese society, the parallel flow of German and French to the confluence of Germany and France in ancient Chinese society, leading students to taste the journey of the formation of the Chinese legal system under the influence of China's excellent traditional culture; Teacher Zhu Yu used the theme of "The Rule of Law and Indoctrination in Ancient China" as the topic of "The Rule of Law and Indoctrination in Ancient China" as the topic. In the analysis of China's excellent traditional virtue "filial piety" culture, it is summarized that socialist law with Chinese characteristics is a law that connotates the requirements of virtue in traditional culture.

In addition to the exploration of integrating characteristic education into the national curriculum, Chinese middle schools also continue the essence of the ancient "six arts", echo the "moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor" five education and education policy, and actively build a "new six arts" school curriculum that includes six major curriculum modules, such as "Mingde Weixin", "Wen Yi Dao", "Ge Wu Zhi Zhi", "Healthy and Self-Strengthening", "True Beauty And Education", and "Unity of Knowledge and Action".

Drawing the power of change from excellent traditional culture Chinese middle schools empower curriculum transformation in this way

Teacher Yang Xiaoming, a biology teacher, introduced three "key points" in the implementation of the "New Six Arts" school-based curriculum from the school-based curriculum of "Chinese Medicine Culture" taught by herself: questioning, integration and student creation. He said that the "New Six Arts" school-based curriculum gives students the space to "question", stimulate their desire to explore from problems and conflicts, improve the efficiency of listening to lectures, cultivate speculative evaluation and argumentative inquiry; its "fusion" discipline characteristics allow students to contact, understand, learn and practice the knowledge and literacy of various disciplines, and the environment it creates to solve problems in real situations allows students to have more possibilities of "creating students".

In addition, the physical education and research group also took the "traditional martial arts classroom" as an example to introduce in detail the process of physical education classroom transformation through "traditional cultural characteristics" in the course transformation. The teaching and research group independently teaches and researches and builds courses, reflects the evaluation reform through the credit system, combines self-evaluation, mutual evaluation, comprehensive evaluation, and process evaluation, and at the same time monitors the changes in students' physique by means of modern technical means, realizes the virtuous circle of creation, implementation, evaluation and feedback of topics, and jointly empowers students' development with "traditional + modern".

Drawing the power of change from excellent traditional culture Chinese middle schools empower curriculum transformation in this way

Leadership, transformation, execution "three steps", characteristic schools to promote the transformation of the classroom

It is understood that in the curriculum map of Chinese secondary schools, the national curriculum continues to develop in depth and complements the school curriculum with traditional cultural characteristics. On the other hand, the teaching evaluation system has also been continuously improved, providing a rich fertile ground for cultivating students' comprehensive literacy development. So how exactly is such a course built? Zheng Minfang, principal of Chinese middle schools, summarized the "three steps" created with the characteristics of leadership, transformation and execution.

She introduced that leadership is rooted in the top-level design, under the high-level fixation of the goal of basic education education in the new era, the school must combine its own school history and culture to comprehensively excavate the top-level design, so Chinese middle schools put forward four keywords of "comprehensive foundation, prominent characteristics, planning guidance, and co-education enhancement" at the leadership level to strengthen the "shouzheng improvement" of the curriculum.

Drawing the power of change from excellent traditional culture Chinese middle schools empower curriculum transformation in this way

From the perspective of transformation, the school adheres to the principle of "sinking transformation, starting from the beginning to the transfer", strictly controls the pillar status of the national curriculum to achieve the "five educations" and the quality of scientific education, and does a good job in the "renderings", "construction drawings", "scaffolding" and "toolbox" of the curriculum, and finally builds a rich curriculum system and evaluation system.

From the perspective of curriculum implementation, the school has changed from "seeking direction" to "seeking countermeasures", compiling the "Subject Teaching Guide", exploring the integration of teaching subjects and learning subjects, achieving harmonious interaction, mutual promotion and teaching, and also rapidly improving teachers' quality and school teaching and scientific research level.

So what qualities and transformations does such a classroom bring to students? Zheng Shijun, a second-year high school student in China, elaborated on a "work that belongs to himself". Under the influence of the school's rich traditional culture, she conquered the youth on both sides of the Taiwan Strait with the "Autumn Sound" of earrings created by using the technology of Chinese herbal specimen collection combined with 3D printing, and won the best design award. "If it weren't for the inspiration of the school's traditional culture education and the guidance of the teachers, I would not have had such a unique growth experience." She sighed heartily.

Expert mentors come to "take the pulse" and continue to promote Xuhui education to climb the peak

In view of the integration of "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Education" into the school curriculum display of Chinese middle schools, Gao Yi, former principal of Shanghai Nanyang Model Middle School and principal of private Nanmo Middle School, Li Wenxuan, dean of Xuhui District Education College and deputy director of Xuhui District Education Bureau, and Zhang Zhimin, former principal of Shanghai Gezhi Middle School, made comments respectively.

Among them, Hu Qingfang, Institute of General Education of the Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences, said that promoting cultural self-confidence is the only way for national rejuvenation, and Chinese middle schools have set a good example. The series of courses in Chinese middle schools not only draw on the creative design of ancient traditional culture, but also create a guide for the integration and penetration of subject courses, and realize the in-depth implementation of the six arts thematic, project-based, exhibition evolution and diversification. He suggested that the school should further promote the brand and symbol of traditional cultural education and give full play to the educational advantages of traditional cultural education.

As the chief tutor of this high-level research class, Wang Maogong, former secretary of the Xuhui District Education Party Working Committee and chairman of the Xuhui District Education Foundation, believes that in the exploration of running schools, Chinese middle schools have integrated traditional culture into the core curriculum, and also created a more innovative way to create a human ecology, which is a good attempt to fall on the main axis of cultural construction, and also provides an excellent model for the creation of Xuhui characteristics and curriculum transformation.

Yin Houqing, former deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and president of the Shanghai Municipal Education Society, summarized it from the perspective of curriculum education. He pointed out that school education should think about how the curriculum allows students to get what they need in life. From this point of view, the subject teaching under the new curriculum reform should move from fragmentation to structure, from "scripted" to "solving practical problems", to pay attention to the connection established with life, to let students perceive culture, design learning methods, and stimulate internal motivation. The "Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Education" in Chinese middle schools is a profound practice of this transformation direction.

Jin Song of the Basic Education Department of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission said that the creation of characteristic schools has also invisibly given the school new vitality and broadened the development space of the school. It is a good attempt for Chinese middle schools to explore the characteristics of traditional culture education. He pointed out that in the future, Chinese middle schools can further strengthen the cohesion and prominence of the characteristic system, better learn from the advantages and strengths of other schools, and continuously promote the practice of characteristic schools.

At this event, Yao Lihong, secretary of the Party Committee of Xuhui District Education Work, thanked the experts and leaders for their support for the development of Xuhui education. She pointed out that China Middle School is a complete middle school with nearly 90 years of accumulation, relying on The excellent traditional Chinese culture education, and has always been committed to building a curriculum system that conforms to the characteristics of the times, the characteristics of students and the characteristics of schools. In the construction of the "excellent traditional culture education" characteristic curriculum, the school gradually explores the implementation path of full integration of school-based characteristics and curriculum in accordance with the ideas of organic integration of national curriculum and school-based curriculum design.

Drawing the power of change from excellent traditional culture Chinese middle schools empower curriculum transformation in this way

At the same time, as the class teacher of the third principal's advanced research class, she introduced that in the past year, the advanced research class has actively explored the practice and curriculum development of various schools, refined the school-running concept, summarized the practical experience, and made great progress in many aspects. This special exhibition is also a full presentation of the collective wisdom and painstaking efforts of the advanced research class, which will effectively promote Xuhui Education to continue to climb towards the peak of the plateau. (Text/Wu Saihua)

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