
These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

author:The fish is fresh

The fishermen of Dongshan Island have lived on the sea since ancient times, and dealing with the sea for thousands of years has made fishermen aware of many dangerous fish. There has always been a saying in the Dongshan community: "One stingray, two tigers, three sand eels, four flying ancient..." This is to warn future generations of the danger of these marine fish, let's get to know it.

1. A ray

Refers to all kinds of rays, most of which have deadly stingers; I have heard that fishermen have been thrown by ray tail spines, and the wound immediately turns purple and puffy, the lips are purple, cardiac arrest, shock ... , you must seek medical treatment quickly, and you can't delay for a minute.

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

2. Two tigers

Refers to the stone fish, also known as tiger fish, hidden in the reef, will change color with the environment, dorsal fin poisonous thorns, accidentally stepped on or accidentally caught will be stabbed and poisoned, there have been cases of death. This fish is considered to be a good food for pregnant women to lactate on Dongshan Island, and special care should be taken when slaughtering, and it is also necessary to seek medical attention in time when it is stabbed.

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

3. Three sand eels

Commonly known as sand fish, scientific name eel catfish, there are three stingers hidden in the dorsal fin and side fins, there is a highly poisonous, once stabbed, it will be severe pain for more than ten hours, belongs to the dangerous fish. When the finger was stabbed, the whole hand was trembling, and the numbness was more than ten times that of being stung by a horse wasp. Friends who have experienced it recalled that "when they were stabbed, they had a highly toxic heartache", and some people were poisoned more violently, and even their lives were dangerous, so they also needed to seek medical treatment in time when they were stabbed. Some folk homes on Dongshan Island also have secret medicinal water that can detoxify, but it is difficult to find.

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

4. Four Flying Ancient

Scientific name: maroon blue fish, commonly known as mud, stinky belly, Zhao'an area commonly known as "cool mourning"; a common fish in sea fishing, the back and abdomen of the thorns are poisonous, when stabbed there is no danger to life, but the sting will last a long time. It is said that crushing its cod liver and applying it to the wound can detoxify it.

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

Even after death, the toxicity of the spines of the above four fish is still there, so be careful when slaughtering before cooking! Of course, in addition to these fish in the Minnan proverb, there are also these marine creatures below to be careful.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > other dangerous fish</h1>

Blowfish, most puffer fish are highly poisonous, if you have no experience, do not risk your life to taste the early!

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish
These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

The golden drum, also called the grass fan drum, the scientific name money fish, the spines on the back and under the abdomen are poisonous, and the toxicity is slightly stronger than that of Feigu;

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

Lionfish, beautiful, but the spines on the back and body side are highly poisonous.

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

Blue-ringed octopus, a super dangerous poison, must not be touched, mainly grows in the tropics, Australian coral reefs can often be seen;

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

Taro snail, also known as chicken heart snail, mouth thorn has a high degree of poison, is a neurological venom, can cause death, generally live in the deep sea, seawater fishing cage operation can catch taro snail, see it thrown back into the sea, do not touch the hand.

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

Sea snakes, like many snakes on land, have teeth that produce highly venomous liquids, but they are more docile and generally do not attack people.

These seafood are "poisonous" all over the world, and you should be careful of other dangerous fish

There are still many dangerous creatures in the ocean, when we come into contact with strange marine creatures, we must not easily catch and play, especially those species with obvious warning markings on the surface, we must be particularly vigilant!

Welcome to "Fish fresh" to learn marine culture, understand seafood knowledge, and enter island life. Hope to stay fishing my opinion about it.

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