
He Chao: The grassroots "heart" experience of science and technology pacesetters

author:Red Network Zhuzhou Station

Red Net Moment, June 22 (Correspondent Xie Mingrui) He Chao, male, born in March 1983, a member of the Communist Party of China, bachelor degree, joined the public security work in October 2002. In the past 20 years, he has worked in the patrol police detachment, the police command department, and the Kexin detachment, and is currently the deputy director of the community of the Xuelin Police Station of the Economic Development Zone Bureau of zhuzhou City Public Security Bureau. No matter in which position, he loves his post, is down-to-earth, innovative, and proactive, and has been awarded the third class merit twice and commended 4 times, and in 2016, he was awarded the Pacesetter of Scientific and Technological Reform and Innovation of the Ministry of Public Security.

Grassroots learning "humble people"

In 2016, He Chao actively responded to the call of the municipal police force to sink the grass-roots level and voluntarily signed up to work in the front-line police station. He put the halo of the Ministry of Public Security's scientific and technological reform and innovation pacesetter, but after going to the grass-roots police station, he humbly learned the work experience and methods of the grass-roots level, and actively integrated into the team, and everyone found that he was a "catfish" that actively drove internal competition.

He Chao: The grassroots "heart" experience of science and technology pacesetters

During his work at the police station, He Chao gave full play to the advantages of technology and research and judgment experience, actively participated in the handling of cases, overcame many difficulties, carried forward the spirit of bearing hardships and standing hard work and fighting continuously, united with the comrades in the police station, and successfully cracked major cases such as Gao's series of theft cases, Shuai's drug trafficking cases, Sheng's so-and-so's drug trafficking cases, and Luo's drug trafficking cases.

Science and technology application "enthusiastic people"

He Chao's use of scientific and technological means and data analysis capabilities combined with grass-roots actual combat has played a major role in the study and judgment of grass-roots police stations, the arrest of criminal suspects and public security management, further proving the application effect of big data analysis in actual combat, and allowing grass-roots police to experience the specific potential of big data in actual combat.

He Chao: The grassroots "heart" experience of science and technology pacesetters

In order to let more people's police grasp the ability of science and technology to solve cases, He Chao has organized actual combat police to conduct case analysis and judgment training on many occasions, which has stimulated the motivation of the police to learn science and technology and use science and technology to solve cases, and injected new scientific and technological strength into the work of grass-roots actual combat units.

Rooted in the community "caring people"

After the expiration of the two-year grassroots training period, He Chao took the initiative to give up the opportunity to return to the city bureau and continue to take root in the work of the grassroots police station. Since March 2020, He Chao has served as the deputy director of the community of Xuelin Police Station and the community police officer of Shuangfeng Community. There are few vigorous and important events in community work, and they are faced with trivial and ordinary small things, but these small things are all major events that concern the practical interests of the people.

He Chao: The grassroots "heart" experience of science and technology pacesetters

He Chao, with his fist and love for the people, has always run on the road to doing practical things for the people. During the epidemic period, he innovated a new model of home isolation and control, implemented remote camera control of home isolation personnel, effectively reduced the risk of contact transmission, and improved the efficiency of control; he led the creation of the red vest volunteer patrol team, scientifically formulated patrol routes, carried out anti-fraud propaganda and voluntary patrols more than 150 times, making criminal cases drop by 23.6% year-on-year; the 3+n linkage work mechanism initiated by him, with retired judges, lawyers and heads of police and relevant functional departments as the main body, effectively resolved more than 70 various contradictions and disputes. Achieve good results.

He Chao brought scientific and technological strength and scientific and technological thinking to the grass-roots units, and enhanced the ability of grass-roots units to solve cases through science and technology. At the same time, its excellent work style and serious work attitude have played a good exemplary and leading role for the majority of grass-roots comrades, and as a "catfish" that stimulates internal competition, it has brought a chain reaction of energy release to the entire organization.

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