
Funding explosion? Do you know the ufotable that made Devil's Blade?

author:Japanese Anime Network
{"info":{"title":{"content":"经费爆炸?制作出《鬼灭之刃》的ufotable你了解吗?","en":"Funding explosion? Do you know the ufotable that made Devil's Blade?"},"description":{"content":"在日本众多动画公司中,有一个公司却与众不同,那就是近几年越来越活跃的ufotable。大部分二次元宅对ufotable都...","en":"Among the many animation companies in Japan, there is one company that is different, and that is ufotable, which has become more and more active in recent years. Most quadratic houses are..."}},"items":[]}