
The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

author:Chengdu Association for Science and Technology
The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

If bats are synonymous with horror, then foxbats are the cute bearers of bats.

The fox bat is the largest bat, with large watery eyes and a fox-like face, which is far from the eerie image of bats on screen.

The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak
The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

Despite this, some fox bats are very large, with wingspans of up to 1.5 meters or even larger, and when hung upside down on trees, people unconsciously think of blood-sucking monsters, so many people are still afraid of bats.

Thankfully, fox bats are mainly plant-based foods, larger, eat fruit, also known as fruit bats, a variety of tropical fruits, as long as they are sweet, high sugar, do not refuse, and smaller, suck nectar.

Excellent flyer, also known as the "flying fox".

Among the fox bats, some species have amazing wingspans, which is equivalent to equipping a set of powerful aerial equipment, strong wings are very light, aerodynamic enough to take them to high and far places, so naturally become excellent pilots in the air.

In flight, they carry children with them.

As we all know, bats are nocturnal animals, and when a flying fox gives birth to a child, it does not dare to leave the cub alone at home, so the mother bat lets the cub clamp tightly around its abdomen and then flies with it.

The mother bat is very "fond of cubs" and will fly around with her cubs until the cubs are too old to fly.

The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

The mating policy of "polygamy"

If there are male bats that are attractive enough, they can attract different female partners.

Male bats will guard their territory and invite female bats to come and mate.

The healthier and larger the male bat, the more space it can occupy, which can also lead to more romantic pursuits.

The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

Not all bats use echo positioning

Unlike smaller bats, the fox bat is a large mammal with better vision.

With the exception of a few species such as the brown fruit bat, most foxes do not use sound waves to determine their location and surrounding environment, but use their sense of sight and smell to discover food.

They do not like to live in caves, but instead live in a leafy forest environment.

Swamps, mangroves and tall trees in the rainforest are ideal homes, and these areas are full of flowers and fruits for them to enjoy.

Large fox bats generally prefer to live in groups, and after foraging and preparing to finish work, they will curl up in a group of thousands of bats.

The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

Fox bats play an indispensable and critical role in the local ecology.

In the ecosystems of Southeast Asian islands, fox bats play a vital role.

In their daily diet, they feed on nectar, pollen, and fruit, and whenever they risk their lives to forage around the world, they spread the seeds and pollen of plants farther into the forest, a long-distance distribution that increases the survival rate of the plants

The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

As the largest bats, scientists warn that they may become extinct in the near future.

Bats are hunted in large numbers in Peninsular Malaysia and Indonesia, and more than 20,000 bats are legally killed each year in Peninsular Malaysia, not to mention those killed illegally.

Locally, bats are also believed to have medicinal properties, and most of the reasons for hunting are still used for eating.

The world's largest bat, with innocent eyes, like a puppy in a cloak

Many of the world's bat species are under threat of extinction, and more than 280 endangered, vulnerable or "endangered" species are identified on the IUCN's Red List.

The fruit bat in the fox bat is the most endangered bat in the world. It was found only in one cave in Papua New Guinea, and according to the Red List, there are only about 137 to 160 of them.

Still, hunting is not the only threat to foxbats, and as deforestation has driven these animals out of their homes, some flying foxes, such as those in Mauritius, are on the verge of extinction.

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