
Jin Lie, secretary of the Helong Municipal Party Committee, made a report on the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress

author:Ji net

On the morning of November 28, Helong City held a study meeting on the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Theoretical Learning Center Group (Expansion) of the Municipal Party Committee. At the meeting, Jin Lie, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, made a propaganda report, which was comprehensively interpreted from three aspects: the interpretation of the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress, the strategy of rural revitalization, and the pride, hard work, and writing a new chapter in the development of the dragon.

Jin Lie, secretary of the Helong Municipal Party Committee, made a report on the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress

Jin Lie pointed out: Conscientiously studying, publicizing, and implementing the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party is the most important political task at present and for some time to come. At present, the atmosphere of studying, publicizing, and implementing the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party throughout the city is very strong, and the effect is constantly emerging, and everyone is seriously studying, studying in depth, and applying it in a down-to-earth manner, so that they can think, understand, and do something. In accordance with the unified deployment of the Municipal Party Committee, we will deeply study and comprehend the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party, further unify our thinking, clarify the direction, and gather strength to ensure that the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Party is fully implemented on the land of Helong.

Jin Lie pointed out that the practice of Helong development shows that we can overcome difficulties again and again, withstand various risks and tests, and in the final analysis, "do not forget the original intention". We have always adhered to the leadership of the party, always used the party's latest theoretical achievements to guide the development of various economic and social undertakings, inherit the practical achievements and experiences in the process of historical development, and comprehensively understand and summarize the development process, practical achievements, fine traditions and historical lessons of the dragon. Only by "not forgetting the original intention" and adhering to the party's leadership can we continuously stimulate the spirit of the old area where the Dragon people have struggled hard, the entrepreneurial spirit of daring to be the first, and the spirit of indomitable hard work, and strive to work together with one heart and one mind, gather sand into a tower, and promote the steady and far-reaching development of various undertakings of the Dragon.

Jin Lie, secretary of the Helong Municipal Party Committee, made a report on the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress

Jin Lie stressed that at present, the development of Helong has entered an unprecedented period of historical opportunity, and the construction of border areas, poverty alleviation, and the central government's acceleration of border area construction are superimposed, and three policy supports converge on Helong. We should cherish and make good use of it, firmly seize the period of strategic opportunities of Helong, base ourselves on the advantages of Helong resources, and plan to implement a new round of development strategies. At present, based on the industrial foundation of Helong and the national policy orientation, we have planned and implemented 15 industrial parks; Focusing on industrial poverty alleviation, implement the model of "substitution, breeding, and traveling" to develop poverty alleviation projects, focusing on the development of medicinal mushrooms, organic vegetables and other planting industries, cattle, donkeys, mink and other breeding industries, as well as homestay tourism, rural complexes and public infrastructure, and strive to form a new development model of breeding, breeding, living, traveling and purchasing; Firmly establish the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" and "ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains", highlight the positioning of changbai mountain forest ecological function zone, vigorously develop the ecological tourism industry, start the homestay "thousand family tour", and build the largest tourist homestay base in northeast China; Relying on the golden signboard of the Helong National Border Cooperation Zone, we will actively integrate into the national "Belt and Road" initiative, plan and implement key infrastructure projects such as the Long-Nanping Expressway and the Jindalai General Airport, form a three-dimensional and all-round open pattern of aviation, land and sea, and lay the foundation for "borrowing ports to go to sea".

Jin Lie, secretary of the Helong Municipal Party Committee, made a report on the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress

Finally, Jin Lie encouraged everyone to "never forget the original intention and keep firmly in mind the mission", and the party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in the city, especially the leading cadres at all levels, should implement all kinds of work to the letter, promote new progress in the cause of Helong, and make unremitting efforts to win the all-round well-off, promote the construction of the "three cities", and realize the aspirations of the Helong people for a better life.

Jin Lie, secretary of the Helong Municipal Party Committee, made a report on the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress

More than 300 municipal leaders and relevant responsible persons of various departments (units) attended and listened to the propaganda report.