
Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

author:Fantasy Journey to the West mobile game

Although the playful and cute Zhenlu Boy joined the game in the later stage, but because of its super high qualifications and non-rare pets, it has become one of the mainstream legal pets of the Yongwu Group, and today Ling'er will analyze it in detail for the little friends and show several finished Zhenlu Boys.

Introduction of pets

Zhenlu Boy is not a rare pet, nor does it have special skills, it is a pet that joined the game later, but it has a beautiful appearance and super high qualifications, which is deeply loved by the friends of the Yongwu Group. Zhenlu Boy's initial skills are Advanced Huixin (must be brought), Water Flood Golden Mountain, Advanced Solid Law, and Lucky.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

Exclusive To Neidan

RainFlower - When attacking with group spells, ignore the target's certain spell defenses.

The effect of The Sky Rain Flower is similar to that of the Advanced Spirit and the Psychic Method, after the Rain Flower reaches the 5th layer, when using the Group Spell Attack, ignore the target 10% of the spell defense, while the Psychic Method and the Advanced Spirit Are ignoring a certain spell defense when the spell attack, so if the Sky Rain Flower plays its due effect, zhenlu Boy can only learn the Group Spell Skill.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

Pet set

The three pieces of equipment (wrist guard, collar, armor) have the exclusive effect of zhenlu boy, and after wearing it to the corresponding janelu child, you can get the corresponding set skill. The exclusive effect of the Jane Dew Boy is that when the Group Spell attacks, there is a 50% chance to increase the target unit. When Zhenlu Boy has the set skill, seconds 4 will be a piece of cake, which can be said to greatly improve his own output ability.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

In the match between the Wang Eight Clan and the Fruitless Team in the Wishing Pool of the Yongwu Group Eight Finals of the Jiangshan Picturesque Server, the Zhenlu Boy who was paired with the Fruitless Team opened the place triggered the set effect in The First Round, attacking 4 target units of the enemy and triggering the Neidan Reincarnation To kill the opposing lion camel to the ground.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

Skill matching recommendations

In terms of skill collocation, first of all, it is necessary to play the advanced spell critical hit, the advanced demon heart, the advanced meeting heart, the advanced spell combos, the advanced spell fluctuations, followed by the advanced strong and advanced god blessings that enhance the survivability, and the most important thing is to play a group spell output skill for it, and in the case of sufficient skill grid, you can play advanced perception, advanced exorcism, and advanced recoil.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

Neidan recommended

The choice of inner dan of the law pet is very wide, the high-level inner dan heart wave, double star explosion, psychic method, reincarnation break are all good choices, the specific choice can be matched according to the positioning of their pets, low-level inner dan recommends Jing Yue, spirit body, aura, and health.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

Pet display

9 skills certification Ben Thunder Spell Zhenlu Boy, the necessary skills of the pet are not a lot, and the Zhenlu Boy is also equipped with advanced anti-shock, pets with advanced anti-shock have a 30% chance of counterattack when they are physically attacked, and the anti-shock damage is equal to 50% of the damage they have suffered, and they will not be hit by the pet at the same time.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

9 skill certification Hellfire Zhenlu Boy, skill matching impeccable, plus points to choose the full magic plus points, panel damage up to 1321, carry this Zhenlu Boy to participate in the battle at the same time and then wear the Hui Ling Lantern will once again improve the output ability of the pet, the damage played in the battle is absolutely eye-catching.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

10 skill certification Hellfire Zhenlu Boy, with advanced recoil also paired with advanced parry, advanced parry has a 30% chance of reducing physical damage results by 30%. Secondly, he also has a high-level spiritual concentration, which can resist the abnormal state of the sealing class, so that it is not affected by the sealing sect in the battle.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

11 skills certified Ancient Spirit Rune Zhenlu Boy, not only has a single spell Ancient Spirit Rune, but also a group spell Ben Thunder Spell, in the battle can constantly adjust their output methods according to the changes in the battle situation. At the same time, the Jane Dew Boy is also paired with advanced perception, which can effectively target the enemy's stealth pet in battle.

Zhenlu boy has a big analysis, and the strength under the cute appearance should not be underestimated

The analysis of Zhenlu Boy is here for the time being, and ling'er will bring other pets analysis and display to the friends in the future, so stay tuned !!!