
6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

author:A complete set of flower pots
6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades
The family has 6 kinds of longevity trees, which are casually raised for decades, and the longer the time, the more valuable it is

If you are particularly afraid of raising flowers in the process of raising flowers, it is recommended that you can choose to raise the following varieties, their life span can be very long, if you raise well, let alone decades, they can probably easily live past 100 years.

6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

The first plant to be mentioned to you today is cycad, generally in the park or other public places can see its figure, in addition, some families with yards will also raise some cycads on both sides of the door, if you want to raise this plant well, you must remember to change the soil for them, generally once every two years.

6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

Yushu is also a very long-lived plant, and its ornamental value is also very high, and it also has a very good meaning, such as gold and jade full of halls, so now there are many families willing to raise it.

6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

I don't know if you have seen azaleas, is a very beautiful plant, its flowering does make people feel very amazing, and the amount of flowering is very large, it looks like a different flavor, especially the old pile of azaleas, its value in the market is still very high, and the life of this old pile is also very long, we want to raise it well, first of all, to choose a semi-shaded environment for it, which is conducive to its growth.

6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

Secondly, to everyone is to talk about the ginkgo tree, its life span will be very long, as long as everyone raises well, he lives for hundreds of thousands of years without problems, the vitality is quite strong, everyone does not have to worry about raising it to death, and the root system of ginkgo biloba is also very developed, the requirements for the soil are not high, so it is also very convenient to raise.

6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

Next, to mention this kind of tree, its flowers are very beautiful, but also very atmospheric, it is a tea tree, and the ornamental value is not low, it is indeed more attractive to flower, the history of the begonia flower tree is also relatively long, it can bloom a big red flower, let people feel very happy, and this time the plant its life span is also very long.

6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

If you like long-lived plants, you can also consider the golden marbles, the reason why they are called this name, everyone will know that they will bear fruit when they see this plant, the fruit is green at the beginning, but in the later stages they will become very beautiful orange-red.

6 kinds of trees with good longevity, the longer they are raised, the more valuable they are, more than a few decades

Small flowers think that the above of these trees are relatively long, if you like to raise flowers and like to raise fragrant plants, you can also consider the osmanthus tree, osmanthus tree is not difficult to raise, in addition, if you have a garden or balcony, you can also choose to raise bougainvillea or wisteria, these plants are very eye-catching, and also very beautiful, it is not difficult to raise, the life is also long, if you like it, you can try it.

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