
I have always wondered why the "feces" of sperm whales are so expensive.

author:The Path of Scientific Exploration

Whale is the largest mammal in the world today, the world's most expensive secretion is actually not the sperm whale, commonly known as ambergris, known as "fecal gold", what is this treasure? It is reported that in 2016, an 80 kg of ambergris is worth 3 million US dollars, the history of human use of ambergris has been more than a thousand years old, and now it is an important raw material for many high-grade perfumes, which is the perfume perfume, do you know?

I have always wondered why the "feces" of sperm whales are so expensive.

Whales are called fish, but do not belong to the fish, the definition of fish is, swimming with fins, breathing with gills of aquatic vertebrates, organisms that meet these conditions can be called fish, if not, they do not belong to fish, even if their names have the word "fish", the fact is that whales are mammals in the ocean, breathing with lungs, are fetal large mammals, and humans, they also have the need for "three meals a day", there is in and out, so whales will also excrete, their secretions are the famous "dragon's birthday" , the so-called ambergris is also called ambergris, in the West also known as "gray amber", is a silver gray or black solid waxy combustible substance, ambergris essence is the sperm whale sperm whale intestine secreted dry products, discharged into the sea ambergris at first for light black, under the action of seawater, gradually become gray, light gray, and finally become white, spice companies will acquire ambergris after grading, will be ground into a very fine powder, dissolved in alcohol, and then mixed into 5% concentration of ambergris solution, Used for the preparation of perfume, or used as a perfume, the perfume is also called the perfume, as the name suggests, can make the components of the fragrance volatilize evenly, prevent rapid evaporation, make the aroma of the fragrance more durable, just because it can make the aroma of the fragrance more stable, slow to volatilize, is an important part of the fragrance, so, the price of ambergris is expensive, almost equivalent to gold, throughout the view, ambergris has been washed and blown for a long time before use, is the best in the spice, but also the indispensable "strange fragrance" in the high-grade perfume fragrance, Using its prepared perfume essence, it is not only soft in aroma, but also long-lasting, wonderful and moving, so it is deeply loved by people.

I have always wondered why the "feces" of sperm whales are so expensive.

The world's earliest discovery of ambergris in the country is ancient China, Han Dynasty, fishermen have fished some gray-white, fragrant waxy drift in the sea, this is the finished ambergris after years of natural degeneration, ranging from a few kilograms to tens of kilograms, there is a strong fishy smell, but after drying it can emit a lasting aroma, when lit is more fragrant, more fragrant than musk, some local officials, after acquisition as a treasure to contribute to the emperor, used as a spice or as a medicine in the court, it is said that as early as the 18th century BC, In the religious ceremonies of Babylon, Assyria and Persia, in addition to the plant spices such as cinnamon, sandalwood, benzoin, etc., there were ambergris, and ancient Hebrew women also immersed ambergris, cinnamon and benzoin in oil, made into a balsamic oil, and applied to the body.

In fact, the real discovery of the secret of ambergris is the fishermen of kotra island in Saudi Arabia, the fishermen on this island, mainly to catch sperm whales for a living, once, an old fisherman in the section of a sperm whale intestine, found a piece of ambergris, at that time, fishermen think that it is swallowed from the surface of the sea, thus attracting people's attention, this news also made marine biologists attach great importance, they immediately carried out in-depth research, and finally solved the mystery of ambergris, it can be said that sperm whale is the top eater in the whale, Sperm whale likes to hunt the terrifying marine life of the great squid and octopus, these creatures in the mouth, there are tough jaws and tongue teeth, not easy to digest, when the sperm whale swallows large mollusks, the jaw and tongue teeth these substances will accumulate in its gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the intestine, thereby secreting a special waxy substance, the food debris wrapped up, slowly formed ambergris.

Indeed, with the "gray amber" known as the dragon's birthday incense, rich in high medicinal value and charming fragrance, in the strict sense, you will find that the dragon's birthday is not whale feces, but whale intestinal obstruction, the formation of solid substances, this stone in the body when just discharged from the body, is very smelly, but, with the oxidation in the air will be more and more fragrant, so, the sperm whale secretion ambergris has become one of the four spices, it and agarwood musk such a spice, by the way, mentioned, Only a very small number of sperm whale secretions are solid, this mostly gray-black solid substance like bovine yolk, belongs to the low probability of generating fine products, the price is not cheap, the so-called bovine yolk refers to the cholesty stones of the chordate phylum mammalian bovine bovine gallbladder, surprisingly, once, there was a piece of 30kg gentian incense, sold tens of millions of yuan price, you know, this single gram price is more than ten times the gold.

On the whole, the precious dragon birthday incense in addition to can be medicinal, but also once as a perfume extract, although there are many chemical components can be synthesized artificially, but compared with the natural dragon birthday incense, or worse, in view of the rarity of the thing is expensive, so to say, can pick up a piece of sperm whale expensive poop, for many fishermen, is a dream thing, you know, sperm whale secretions are precious in whales will not be excreted on the shore, often will sink into the deep sea, therefore, the general fishermen who go to sea are mostly relying on luck to pick up leaks, if you can catch, I think it will be a huge profit, what do you think about this?

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