
Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

author:Mu Lan Dad

Wen | Mu Lan's father

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

A few days ago, there was a headline topic that was relatively hot, that is, "Scholars: China should emulate the Nordic fertility compensation policy", and there were many people discussing it.

Before moving on to the formal discussion, let's take a few pictures for your reference:

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

(Figure 1)

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

(Figure 2)

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

(Figure 3)

(Of course, there are many expressions of scholars and experts, and other authors will not be attached here to show you, ha!) )

The opinions of the experts are also inconsistent, some supportive, some against, and then talk about their own views.

In fact, the decline in the number of newborns, and the subsequent negative population growth, is a worldwide problem!

What does negative population growth mean?

To put it simply: due to the decline in the number of births and the increase in the number of deaths, the annual number of deaths is greater than the number of births, which will lead to insufficient consumption power, which in turn will lead to economic downturn or recession! This is still a minor problem. Other issues, such as the increase in the proportion of foreign nationalities, will not be discussed.

Therefore, when countries in the world face such problems, they almost always take financial compensation measures, such as our close neighbors Russia, South Korea, Japan, and Europe's France and Finland.

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

Recently, neighboring Japan has made the cost of kindergartens borne by the state. Russia stipulates that the first child in each Russian family is awarded about 60,000 yuan by the state (after conversion), and the second child is 40,000 yuan, so that a two-child family can receive about 100,000 yuan of state subsidies. This does not include the allowances that children receive when they receive their education, as we all know, and going to university in Russia is free.

What about France?

Worse than!

As early as World War I, France's birth rate was already very low, falling below 1.2% at one point. France, aware of the seriousness of the demographic crisis, has introduced policies to encourage childbearing, such as the "family card for many children" system. You know, in France, if a family has 8 or more children, the state awards a "French Family Medal of Honor". This system continues to this day.

In France, as soon as a woman becomes pregnant, the medical expenses are fully reimbursed until the birth of the child. In the area of employment, it is also strictly stipulated that "there shall be no discrimination against pregnant women".

In 2017, France also stipulated the restoration of the historical "care subsidy" and "baby birth award", and the subsidies accumulated to 600 euros (and more than 6,000 yuan). A better policy is that families with two children and above can receive monthly government subsidies, and the more children born, the more they receive, starting from 1,000 yuan (RMB) (two-child standard), and there is no cap. (Friends see here, is it time to envy and hate, this welfare really has nothing to say.) )
Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

Let's talk about Finland in northern Europe. The Finnish government also attaches great importance to newborns, and pregnant women receive a large number of gifts in the 2 months before giving birth, such as baby clothing, baby books, toys, etc. Similar to France, there are also maternity allowances in varying amounts, even if the child is an adult.

At this point, it is easy to understand this so-called "Nordic fertility compensation policy". In simple terms, it is a set of luxurious "fertility packages" for newborn families and families with many children, including all the costs from the birth of the child to the age of the child (including education costs, and even college tuition), and the state will help you solve it. You have only one task, and that is to "work hard to have children"! In terms of implementation, European countries have also gone further, not only taking care of normal married families, but even families with children born out of wedlock are taken care of!

Of course, no matter how well I say it, it is not our own country after all. As for whether China wants to have it or not, the first thing is to solve the problem of necessity.

There is no need, divided into two levels of data and concepts, everyone can judge it by themselves.

Let's look at the data first: the number of newborn births in 2019 was only 14.65 million, a record low. What about mortality? The death toll in China in 2019 was 9.98 million, approaching the 10 million round mark. In this way, the net increase in population in 2019 is about 4.6 million or more! On the surface, Chinese population still grew, but you should know that with China's population base of 1.4 billion people, it is normal to have a population of several million.

Looking to the future, experts make no secret of the fact that China may enter the stage of negative population growth in 2027, and the number of annual births at that time may drop to less than 11 million!

If you look at the data, 4 words: the situation is grim!

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

Look at the concept: in the past 40 years of reform and opening up, "excellent breeding", "only one is good", "one is also very good", "boys and girls are heirs", "giving birth to boys and girls is the same", "fewer children have a variety of trees", "one is a little less, two are just right"... These ideas are already deeply rooted in people's hearts, right?

Moreover, now the number of unmarried older men and women in society is increasing, forced by the pressure of life, forced by the change of concepts, in their eyes our traditional concept of marriage is also changing, whether to marry, whether to be single or not and other new concepts have also emerged. This has led to a plummeting marriage rate in our current society (only 9.471 million couples married in 2019, down for 15 consecutive years)!

The number of people married has shrunk dramatically, so what about fertility?

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

The data is not ideal, and the concept is quite "modern"! I'm afraid everyone knows this, right?

Next, we should talk about the mothers, because, after all, they are the main body of fertility, how effective this fertility policy is, I am afraid that it will ultimately depend on them, right?

Let's start with a sentiment:

Late at night, after a day of running and toiling, you come home, wash up, and fall asleep. The time slipped to 12 o'clock, 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock, 5 o'clock or 6 o'clock, and while you were sleeping soundly, the cries of children suddenly came from a certain family in the community, and in the deep night, it was so loud! Yes, you're going to lose sleep next. In fact, it's not just you who have insomnia, but also the mother of the crying child who struggles to wake up from her sleep, get up to feed or soak milk, or just gently soothe her child.
Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

The above is just a normal day for thousands of mothers in China, and it is also a small detail in their child-rearing process, which is simply insignificant, right? Although this action is not remarkable, it is a scene that many mothers often stage during the 730 days (two years) of caring for their newborns!

What are the consequences?

Physically, it is a low back pain, but mentally it is possible to collapse!

It's easy! When you wake up every night and don't sleep enough, force yourself to straighten up, repeat it day by day, and you will indeed feel "waist pain", right? Because the baby does not press the point when he wakes up at night, the mothers have insomnia. Long-term insomnia, for any person psychologically speaking, it is very likely to collapse, it is easy to be depressed. (It is said that there are 10 million such mothers in China every year) This situation is not to say that women, even a man can't stand it for a long time.

Therefore, I mention this point in the hope that everyone understands:

It's tiring to bring kids!

There may be many friends who see a lot of mothers taking a child all day long and "playing", but in fact, not many mothers are willing to take their children full-time all the time, right?

There are actually a lot of problems here!

For example, work problems! Many women are actually highly educated, spending a lot of time and experience on children, so is what they have learned before in vain, which is not equivalent to a waste of resources? Some friends may say, can't you take care of it? A little hard! If you want to take care of it, like many families have grandparents to bring, if the grandparents are inconvenient, or they want to "enjoy life" and do not bring you children, then who will bring the children? This is open to many parents living in the city, and it can only be "idle" alone, and this person is often a woman!

And the paradox is that society has a general opinion on this! Many people think, "Stay-at-home moms know how to play? ”

Birth population is declining! Scholar: "Make fertility compensation!" "Mom: You gave birth to yourself, right?" First of all, let's talk about what this "Nordic fertility compensation policy" is, and is it necessary to provide such a set of subsidies to Chinese families? So, what do moms think? summary

There is also the problem of "worrying". From the perspective of body and mind, mothers are also very worried, such as the safety of their children, this society is so chaotic, how to ensure the safety of their children? For example, on the issue of education, can the child's learning not keep up? ...... This heart is not much at all! After all, the child is still so young.

And the above look at the child's tiredness, it is almost inevitable, it is not to say that how much money you give can be solved, right?

If there is a corresponding fertility compensation, of course, it is very good, but this is actually far from enough, right?

So, friends, if there is such a "fertility compensation", are you willing to have more children?

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