
Stay away from these most terrifying insects under the epidemic, these terrible insects are very toxic, look at it


Under the current epidemic, people realize that some wild animals have brought great harm to people, but there are many terrible insects in the world that are also quite harmful to the human body, do not think that insects are small, there is no lethality, non-also, the world's most frightening insects, the most disgusting insects, and even can cause pain or fatal injury to the human body, let's get to know it together.

The world's scariest bugs:

1. Desert spider bee

Stay away from these most terrifying insects under the epidemic, these terrible insects are very toxic, look at it

Ranked first among the top ten terrifying insects, the desert spider bee can reach a length of up to 5 centimeters, making it the longest spider bee in the world. This most terrifying insect is extremely fierce, and even uses the toxins on its antennae to anesthetize tarantulas that are larger than itself, but rarely attacks humans. A female desert spider bee has spines up to 7 mm long, and their spines are rated as one of the most powerful thorns in the world, and once stung, they can cause pain that lasts up to 3 minutes. This... It is widely distributed and exists in Southeast Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas.

2. Weta worm

Vita worm, ranked second of the top ten terrifying insects, is the largest insect in nature, 100-150 times larger than a fly and 50 times larger than a general locust. Although considered the most terrifying bug, it is specially protected in New Zealand and has been seen in the Entomological Museum. Vita worms are not only fierce enough to scare away rats that are several times larger than themselves, but also bite people, and many New Zealanders have experienced the pain of being bitten in their childhood, although not fatal, but the pain is unbearable.

3. Kissing insects

Stay away from these most terrifying insects under the epidemic, these terrible insects are very toxic, look at it

This scariest insect, though it has a nice name, is the spreader of Chaaks' disease. The causative agent of Chaaks disease lasts a lifetime in the body, and 50,000 people die each year due to damage to the heart, esophagus and organs, and it is usually difficult to quickly treat it. This most fearsome insect generally chooses the human lip as a blood-sucking target, and the parasite he carries (Trypanosoma cruzi) enters the bloodstream from the wound and multiplies in large numbers in the heart, eventually causing heart failure.

4. Bullet ants

Named one of the "Top Ten Most Toxic Animals in the World" and "Top Ten Terrifying Insects", the bullet ant is one of the largest ant species in the world. This most terrifying insect has a strong and powerful upper beam and sharp and poisonous tail spines, and once bitten, the pain will often last for several hours, and the bitten part will not be able to move. Bullet ants are about 5 times the size of ordinary ants and prefer to prey on insects or small frogs that are larger than their own size.

5. Israeli golden scorpion

Stay away from these most terrifying insects under the epidemic, these terrible insects are very toxic, look at it

The Israeli golden scorpion, also known as the Israeli killer scorpion, is recognized as the world's first poisonous scorpion, ranking fifth among the top ten terrifying insects. The venom is usually not measured enough to kill an adult, but it is still fatal for small children. Its venom is a mixture of multiple neurotoxins. This most fearsome insect, mainly found in the dry deserts of the Middle East and North Africa, grows slowly, is slender, and has a pair of powerful large claws, and has been known for its ferocious habits and highly poisonous tail spines since its birth.

6. Field turtle

The pain of being bitten by a turtle is one of the worst of all insects, its saliva can liquefy muscles, this bite can cause permanent damage to the human body, so do not get close to these terrible insects as much as possible. However, to the regret of the editor, the most disgusting insect of this highly toxic disease is one of the most widely distributed insects in China, especially in the south. Common individuals generally reach 7-9 cm, and smaller individuals are only about 5 cm.

7. Tsetse flies

Stay away from these most terrifying insects under the epidemic, these terrible insects are very toxic, look at it

Tsetse flies are not only one of the most terrifying bugs, but also arguably the most disgusting, as soon as they bite the human skin, they will suck blood and carry the cone parasite in. These parasites can induce African trypanosomiasis, which in turn leads to fever, drowsiness, anemia, and once in the central nervous system, cause fatal lethargy. Tsetse flies feed on the blood of humans, domestic animals and wild prey, and are generally distributed in human settlements and agricultural areas in some sub-Saharan areas.

8. Cockroaches

The cockroaches everywhere are probably the public enemy of all mankind, ranking first among the most disgusting bugs. This most disgusting bug, as far as the editors of the buying network know, there are about 6,000 species in the world, and it has been proved to carry about 40 kinds of bacteria that cause disease to vertebrates, such as dysentery Amima, intestinal giardia, etc., which are harmful to the human body. Because cockroaches have a wide range of infestations and miscellaneous food habits, they can not only move in places such as garbage and toilets, but also take food on food, so they cause intestinal diseases and the spread of parasitic eggs cannot be ignored.

9. Horse fly

Stay away from these most terrifying insects under the epidemic, these terrible insects are very toxic, look at it

Speaking of the most terrible insects, I certainly don't forget about horseflies. After the larvae of the horse fly burrow into the skin and use the subcutaneous tissue of the human body as food, the victim's body will form an ulcer-like swelling. When it grows to about the size of an almond (about three-quarters the size of an adult's little finger), it begins to crawl outwards, crawling out of the surface of the skin, falling to the ground, pupating, turning into a horse fly, and then starting to look for its next target. This most frightening insect also parasitizes the stomach of an animal.

10. Black striped gray lamp moth

Although this most terrible insect is not poisonous, it has a very terrifying body, similar to a moth, a bright body color, and 4 furry tentacles, which are very conspicuous, and people who do not know what they are will be scared half to death at night. The lifespan of the black-striped gray lamp moth is generally relatively short, and once mated, it will die immediately. When they are born, they are a major pest that affects crops.

11. Scorpions

Stay away from these most terrifying insects under the epidemic, these terrible insects are very toxic, look at it

There are more than 650 species of scorpionflies, mainly living in damp and shady forests, and they are truly the most disgusting insects and the most terrifying insects. Because more recent studies have found that the P. nuptialis species of scorpion in North America can find human corpses earlier in the wild than flies and feed on them, which is also a big preference of them. Of course, in addition to the terrible eating habits of scavenger, there are also a small number of them mainly eat nectar, fruits, mosses and so on.

12. Artillery rifle armor

Ranked last among the top ten terrifying insects, it is called the Cannon Rifle Armor. This most fearsome insect has a small sac at the end of its abdomen that spews out toxic liquids that are generally shot out at a higher temperature, vaporize upon contact with air, and contain poisonous quinones. Artillery rifles generally inhabit loose bark, rocks, planks, and flood plains and ponds, in short, preferring moist soil or near water sources.