
Go out for a walk, don't be a frog at the bottom of the well.

author:a Han Shen Guan Yan

"Zhuangzi Qiushui" has such a story: "The well frog cannot speak of the sea; Bound to the void also. This sentence translates as follows: In an abandoned well lives a frog that has never been out of the well and cannot go out. Therefore, its eyes can only see the sky as big as the wellhead. One day, the giant turtle from the East China Sea appeared at the mouth of the well, and the frog boasted to it, saying how beautiful the world was and how comfortable life was here. The sea turtle then told it how big the East Sea was, and the poor frog at the bottom of the well did not feel it at all, and could only open his eyes and be stunned. Recently, it was learned that some people say: I would rather go out and hit a wall than face a wall at home. That makes a lot of sense. We must remember: there is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people, no matter how capable you are, you must also be humble and cautious, and you must always pay attention to and then study. Otherwise, you're going to be left behind.

Go out for a walk, don't be a frog at the bottom of the well.