
"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic


I haven't seen Kim Yoon-seok and Cho Yin-sung's performance for a long time. If I had to rate Korean actors, Song Kang-ho and Choi Min-sik were in the first echelon, and Kim Yoon-seok was definitely the first in the second echelon.

"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic

Kim Yoon Seok

The film "Mogadishu" is a standard big investment, big card work, focusing on the real diplomatic events of South Korea, telling the story of South Korean diplomats who ran to join the United Nations in African countries in 1991, encountered the Somali civil war, and tried to escort embassy staff and their families to flee Mogadishu. Two years after the civil war, intelligence errors during U.S. military operations in Mogadishu caused two Black Hawk helicopters to crash, making U.S. troops the target of attacks throughout the city. Ridley Scott based the film on the film's famous Black Hawk Down. This land is destined to be widely used by world cinema because of the turmoil.

"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic


"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic

Black Hawk Down

Koreans are known for their excellent screenwriting skills, but they are some films based on real events, because they have to be faithful to the events themselves, and they are quite limited and insufficient. "Mogadishu" reflects the world-class standard in the creation of complex situations and chaotic scenes, and the two Koreas have joined forces to get out of danger, because of political factors, but also hidden new crises, but also become a good plot point.

"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic

Stills from Mogadishu

"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic

No matter how big the pattern is constructed for a good movie, it must be very in place in the handling of some details, which is the key to seeing the characters and seeing the contradictions and conflicts. On the contrary, this is also the reason why many movies are greedy and unclear. "Mogadishu" does a good job of this, such as encountering young "rebels" by "pretending to be dead" to avoid automatic rifle shooting, such as the treatment of vehicle "armor"... Each scene has a continuation of the contradiction and an escalation of the sense of oppression brought about by the background.

"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic
"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic

However, on the whole, "Mogadishu" is obviously far from the classic expectations, in my opinion, the fundamental reason is that the narrative and characters are not calm enough, the actors have not put down the so-called "style", the performances in many places are upright, and the critical state is not reflected in the characters; some plots are obviously out of touch with reality in pursuit of effect, such as the escape passage on the way to catch a plane............ It might be more intuitive to compare a film of the same type——— Ben Affleck's Escape from Tehran. "Mogadishu" is compared to the gap between the master and the master of the same genre, "Escape from Tehran" has a better rhythm, without deliberately creating tension through gunfight scenes, and the sense of oppression and other aspects are obviously better.

"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic
"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic

Escape from Tehran

If you don't report great expectations, as a feature film, "Mogadishu" is still worth paying time. But frankly, such a huge investment has not received a reciprocal return in effect. In the end, Kim Yoon-seok's acting skills are much stronger than Zhao Yincheng's, and he is a good actor worthy of the name.

"Mogadishu" is still far from the high-scoring classic

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