
Be wary of food additives that harm health

author:Family Medicine

Text/Deputy Chief Physician Zhu Benhao

Be wary of food additives that harm health

Food additives are chemically synthesized or natural substances added to improve food quality and color, aroma, taste, and for the needs of preservative and processing processes. Although most of these additives are used within the normal range allowed by the state, for children, middle-aged and elderly infirm and chronic diseases, it is equivalent to invisible killers. Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and other substances in additives will directly affect their health. For example, patients with hypertension know that they should eat less salt, but they do not know that the additive sodium propionate in bread, the additive sodium phenylpropionate in beverages, and the additive sodium bicarbonate in biscuits all contain sodium, these "salts" without saltiness, eating more can also cause blood pressure to rise. Children regularly drink beverages containing sodium benzoate, which can cause ADHD. In order to avoid or reduce the damage to health caused by food additives, relevant experts remind that middle-aged and elderly people or people with the following chronic diseases should pay attention to the following problems when purchasing processed foods.


Patients with high blood pressure

People with high blood pressure should eat less plums, preserves, ham sausages, chicken essence, and buy less ready-made dumpling skins and mixed dumpling skins. Because in the processing and production of plums, preserves are generally added sodium saccharin, sodium cyclohexylsulfamate, sodium benzoate, the production of ham sausage will also add sodium nitrite, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium benzoate. These additives all contain sodium, and the intake of more sodium is not conducive to maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes in the body, which will cause an increase in blood pressure. Studies have confirmed that a low-sodium diet relieves insulin resistance and is a key treatment for high blood pressure. In addition, when processing and producing dumpling skins and wonton skins, many manufacturers add sodium lactate, which is not good for high blood pressure. Chicken essence contains sodium glutamate and disodium nucleotide, which are also easy to induce increased blood pressure.



Patients with osteoporosis eat less fried shrimp slices, puffed foods, and fritters, and drink less soda and cola. These foods are often added with alum (commonly known as alum). The chemical composition of methyl alum is potassium aluminum sulfate, which contains aluminum ions, and excessive intake will reduce the body's absorption of calcium, resulting in bone loss. Soda contains carbon dioxide additives, cola contains phosphoric acid additives, these two additives in the body appear acidic, acidic constitution will consume alkaline calcium ions to maintain acid-base balance, so that the blood calcium ions are reduced, easy to induce osteoporosis.


Diseases of the digestive tract

People with digestive disorders eat less low-sodium soy sauce, low-sodium salts, coffee, and acidic drinks. Potassium chloride is added to both low-sodium soy sauce and low-sodium salt, which can be used as a salt substitute, but it is highly irritating to the gastric mucosa, so patients with acute gastritis should avoid foods with potassium chloride. Coffee contains caffeine, and acidic drinks contain citric acid and malic acid additives. Caffeine, citric acid, malic acid will irritate the gastric mucosa, especially reflux esophagitis, chronic gastritis high gastric acid, superficial gastritis, gastric ulcer patients should be avoided. Patients with superficial gastritis should also eat less sweets and less production-prone radishes, beans, and sweet potatoes.


Patients with cardiac insufficiency

It is not advisable to eat biscuits, soy milk, milk, etc. Biscuits contain the additive sodium bicarbonate, which is easy to produce gas in the body and will compress the heart. Soy milk, milk also contains flatulence factor, eating too much to make flatulence, easy to induce heart failure, therefore, myocardial infarction, heart failure patients to avoid eating.


Patients with kidney disease

People with kidney disease should eat less jam, pastry filling, hawthorn cake, unsalted soy sauce, meat products, and eight treasure porridge. Jams, pastry fillings, hawthorn cakes contain potassium sorbate additives, and unsalted soy sauce contain potassium chloride and potassium sorbate, which are potassium salts. Poor renal function can easily lead to oliguria, potassium excretion is small, and eating too much potassium salt will induce hyperkalemia. Most of the meat products and eight treasure porridge contain sodium pyrophosphate additives, sodium pyrophosphate contains phosphorus, and patients with glomerular disease should eat less phosphorus-containing foods, otherwise it will cause hyperphosphatemia and stimulate the thyroid gland to cause hyperfunction. Patients with chronic renal failure ingest high phosphorus, which is easy to deposit calcium phosphate in kidney tissue and cause renal sclerosis. People with poor kidney function should have low phosphorus and high calcium in their diet and eat less sodium salt to prevent swelling.


Patients with liver disease

People with liver disease should eat less canned mushrooms, preserves, vermicelli, sausages, ham, pickles, and less white flour. Generally, canned mushrooms, preserves, and vermicelli will add sodium sulfite, which has a certain inhibitory effect on liver cells, and long-term consumption can increase the lactate dehydrogenase activity of liver cells and cause certain damage to the liver cell membrane. Sodium nitrite is added to sausages and ham, and sodium benzoate is contained in soy sauce, which are metabolized in the human body and finally detoxified by the liver; due to the longer time of complete detoxification, it will increase the burden on the liver. Excessively white flour is generally fortified with benzoyl peroxide, which achieves the purpose of whitening by destroying the carotene and lutein in rice noodles. Benzoyl peroxide is broken down to produce benzoic acid, which is not conducive to liver health. Patients with chronic hepatitis should eat grapefruit, tofu, barley, sweet potato, crucian carp and other foods.

Be wary of food additives that harm health

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Be wary of food additives that harm health