
【Office Dynamics】Wu Dang Dang Qiang Physique Competition Style Exhibition Style - The Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau jointly held a symposium and men's basketball friendship tournament

author:Shantou government affairs released
【Office Dynamics】Wu Dang Dang Qiang Physique Competition Style Exhibition Style - The Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau jointly held a symposium and men's basketball friendship tournament

In order to further promote the study and education of party history and enrich the cultural and sports activities of young cadres and workers, recently, the municipal government office relied on the "Wednesday Night Reading" platform to jointly hold a special seminar and men's basketball friendship tournament on "understanding party history, strengthening physical fitness, playing style, and displaying style" with the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau, to further create a cultural atmosphere of unity and progress of organs, and achieve the purpose of promoting learning by competition and promoting learning.

【Office Dynamics】Wu Dang Dang Qiang Physique Competition Style Exhibition Style - The Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau jointly held a symposium and men's basketball friendship tournament

At the seminar, the comrades of the Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau focused on the theme of "tracing the sportsmanship of the centenary party history", collectively studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of a sports power, and traced the sportsmanship in the centennial party history such as the development of sports ideology and the process of sports undertakings. Everyone said that the great party history contains the rich and wonderful sports history of the party and the country, and Shantou is a city with rich red resources and good sportsmanship, and has accumulated a good sports culture in long-term development practice. In the new era, young cadres should inherit the red gene, further temper the party spirit, strengthen their physique, unite and forge ahead, and effectively transform the results of study and discussion into full of vigor and vigor in their work combat effectiveness and team cohesion.

【Office Dynamics】Wu Dang Dang Qiang Physique Competition Style Exhibition Style - The Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau jointly held a symposium and men's basketball friendship tournament

In the subsequent basketball game, the players of both sides were full of spirit and tenacious struggle, adhering to the sportsmanship of "friendship first, competition second", and jointly interpreted a wonderful and passionate game, which played out of the level, out of unity, out of friendship, laid a solid foundation for strengthening departmental communication and contact, showed the high morale and good mental outlook of young cadres in the new era, and the activity received good results.

【Office Dynamics】Wu Dang Dang Qiang Physique Competition Style Exhibition Style - The Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau jointly held a symposium and men's basketball friendship tournament

In the next step, the municipal government office will continue to focus on the study and education of party history, with activities such as "Friday lecture hall" and "Wednesday night reading" as the carrier, carry out a series of activities, and earnestly transform the results of party history study and education into a driving force for work, so as to study party history, understand ideology, do practical things, open up a new situation, and strive to create a new situation in all work.

Source: Municipal Government Office

【Office Dynamics】Wu Dang Dang Qiang Physique Competition Style Exhibition Style - The Municipal Government Office and the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau jointly held a symposium and men's basketball friendship tournament

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