
Most of the people who mix well in the workplace are people who will lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects of the workplace, tantrums are a kind of skill, two when interests are violated, three when reputation is denigrated, and three when the black pot is backed

author:The path to the workplace of the sheep boy

We mortals all have seven passions and six desires, especially in the workplace, every day in the face of different colleagues, customers, handle different jobs, there will always be emotional moments.

Some people mix in the workplace with the idea of "valuing harmony", thinking that they will get good popularity, get along well with colleagues, and be greatly appreciated by leaders. In fact, in the workplace, if you force yourself not to lose your temper when you encounter something bad, it will only make others more arrogant about you, and you will be greatly wronged.

But some people are not easy to get along with, and when it is time to lose their temper, they are in the awe of their colleagues.

Most of the people who mix well in the workplace are people who will lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects of the workplace, tantrums are a kind of skill, two when interests are violated, three when reputation is denigrated, and three when the black pot is backed

There is no need for good old people in the workplace, and the more you tolerate it, others will only approach you step by step.

Cao Ming is 28 years old and works as a salesman in the company. Cao Ming is known in the department as a warm-hearted person, colleagues have never seen him lose his temper, the same thing, others are extremely angry, Cao Ming will only laugh and ignore it, but also comfort colleagues to relax their hearts.

Last month, because of Cao Ming's good temper, the leaders had some side eyes on him, so he also canceled the timing of his promotion.

The leader called Cao Ming to the office, threw him a stack of documents, and asked him why the original data was different. It is clear that customers deliberately hide data, which creates serious hidden dangers for our company's work.

The leader wanted Cao Ming to negotiate with the other party and showed his angry attitude. I thought that Cao Ming would understand the meaning of the leader and run to confront the other party. However, unexpectedly, Cao Ming not only did not show his due attitude towards the other party, but also whispered to the other party to change it.

At this point, let the other party feel that the company is asking for them, so they refuse to give in.

After Cao Ming told the leader about this result, the leader lost his temper and asked Cao Ming not to care about this matter, which simply lost the face of the leader.

But Cao Ming felt very aggrieved, more is not as good as less, isn't it better for everyone to tolerate three points? However, he did not understand that the customer was actually making the bad, testing the bottom line of the leader step by step, wandering in the minefield, and Cao Ming's approach just gave the other party a wrong signal.

Most of the people who mix well in the workplace are people who will lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects of the workplace, tantrums are a kind of skill, two when interests are violated, three when reputation is denigrated, and three when the black pot is backed

After this incident, the leader was greatly disappointed in Cao Ming and cancelled his promotion opportunity. A person with a personality like Cao Ming is not the material for the leader, and the subordinates will not obey.

I believe that many people in the workplace will have the same idea as Cao Ming: endure the calm of the wind and waves for a while, and take a step back from the sea and the sky. However, in the workplace, this does not work.

The workplace is Vanity Fair, but also the battlefield, you and others are in a state of confrontation, emphasizing the enemy to advance and retreat, the enemy to retreat, you are strong, he is weak, you are weak, he is strong.

Many times, people are making things difficult for you, not because you have done something wrong, but because you are testing where your bottom line is. If you blindly give in and blindly tolerate, you can only give the other party an illusion: you are a soft persimmon.

Therefore, in the workplace, everyone who mixes well will have the instinct to lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects.

Most of the people who mix well in the workplace are people who will lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects of the workplace, tantrums are a kind of skill, two when interests are violated, three when reputation is denigrated, and three when the black pot is backed

The hustle and bustle of the world is for profit, and every day is for profit.

In the workplace, we work hard to fight for our own interests. Once your interests are offended, pick up your temper and defend your interests well.

Napoleon once famously said: There are two levers in the world that can drive people to act, one is profit, and the other is fear.

It is precisely because our interests in the workplace are offended and will arouse our fears that we have to fight back. Giving in in the dark will only make the other party think that you are a soft persimmon, and you will try to find a way to take advantage of you in the future. Therefore, when necessary, lose your temper when you should, and don't let others take advantage of it.

Most of the people who mix well in the workplace are people who will lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects of the workplace, tantrums are a kind of skill, two when interests are violated, three when reputation is denigrated, and three when the black pot is backed

A person lives in society, and only those who are close to you may know you, most people in society are not qualified to really understand you, and whether people respect you or not depends on your reputation.

Famous people are easy to get people's recognition and respect, on the contrary, even if you have high talent and great achievements, if you do not become famous, you will not get high praise and respect from the public.

Therefore, fame is very important for a person, and even more important for girls, otherwise they will be talked about. Behavior should be standardized, not fooling around outside, and know how to clean up and love yourself. For men, they must be able to take responsibility, not lose faith in others, and not be cunning and treacherous.

But if someone secretly makes a mistake and deliberately smears your reputation and causes others to misunderstand you, be sure to stand up and defend it. When it is time to lose your temper, you can't let others slander and be silent, so that you will only suffer injustice.

Most of the people who mix well in the workplace are people who will lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects of the workplace, tantrums are a kind of skill, two when interests are violated, three when reputation is denigrated, and three when the black pot is backed

In the workplace, some people will always have bad eyes, superficially respectful to you, but secretly bad to you. In order to save mingzhe's life, he will push the black cauldron to others and let others take on his responsibilities.

In "Ode to Joy", Guan Juer is a kind and honest person, she helps her colleagues work overtime to deal with data files, the result is wrong, blamed by the supervisor, colleagues do not explain to the supervisor after seeing it, but do not care about their own attitude of hanging high, making people angry.

Guan Juer also did not show his attitude and bottom line, defending his own interests, but silently returned to his seat to wipe his tears. If Guan Ju'er can stand up and dare to confront and tell the reason, it will not make people feel that she is weak and deceitful.

Most of the people who mix well in the workplace are people who will lose their temper, especially in these 3 aspects of the workplace, tantrums are a kind of skill, two when interests are violated, three when reputation is denigrated, and three when the black pot is backed

In the workplace, we do not need to be good old people, when we should show our attitude, we must make our attitude clear, never ambiguous, otherwise it is easy to be bullied and have no resistance.

I am the workplace road of the sheep boy, there are no small things in the workplace, everywhere the big truth, share a little bit every day, and make a little progress every time.