
Control methods and cultivation techniques for common pests and diseases of The Hairy Crane

author:Seedling knowledge - point flowers and trees

Hairy azaleas are also known as splendid rhododendrons, which are a kind of rhododendrons, which are currently planted in many places in China, mainly as garden ornamental flowers or bonsai. The cultivation of the hairy crane is relatively simple, it is suitable for piece planting, and the effect is particularly good when flowering, it is simply a sea of rose red flowers. Cuckoos will have diseases and insect pests during the growth period, so in the maintenance process should be well protected, pay attention to observation, and timely use drugs to control diseases and insect pests. Rhododendron is a common ornamental flower, it is a shrub, the plant is relatively full, the growth is vigorous, the flowering effect is also particularly good, full of flowers, brilliant clouds.

Control methods and cultivation techniques for common pests and diseases of The Hairy Crane

1. Soil selection

It prefers acidic soils, prefers loose soils, high air permeability, and humus-rich soils, and should prepare, fertilize, and improve the soil before planting. If you are planting hairy cranes in pots, you can take 4 parts of humus soil, 2 parts of old pot soil, 1 part of sand soil, fire-burning soil, and sawdust, and add an appropriate amount of cake fertilizer to mix evenly.

2. Propagation method

The propagation methods of the hairy cuckoo are sowing, cuttings, pressing strips, etc., the sowing and propagation of the hairy crane is appropriate in April, using fresh seeds sown, 10-15 days after sowing; cuttings propagation is carried out in the rainy season, the cuttings are inserted into the sand bed, and the temperature is maintained at 1518 °C; the propagation of the hairy crane strip is carried out in April and May, using the high-altitude compression method, and the pots are sheared in autumn.

3. Water and fertilizer management

Breeding hairy crane needs to pay attention to water and fertilizer management, hairy crane likes warm and humid environment, but it is afraid of drought, afraid of waterlogging, so when watering should pay attention to, according to the climate situation watering, hairy crane does not like large fertilizer, so that thin fertilizer can be applied diligently, generally stop fertilizing after winter.

4. Trimming skills

The hairy crane grows relatively fast, so it needs to be pruned regularly to make the plant more beautiful and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. During the growth period, you can pick the heart, promote the germination of the side branches, but also cut off the dead branches, tillers, etc., and cut off the residual branches in time after the flowering period.

Control methods and cultivation techniques for common pests and diseases of The Hairy Crane

5. Pest control

(1) Brown spot disease

Brown spot disease, also known as leaf spot disease, is a disease that manifests itself on the leaves of the hairy rhododendron and can hinder the growth of the plant, and the disease of the greenhouse-planted rhododendron is serious. For the prevention and treatment of brown spot disease, 50% methyl tolbuzin wettable powder can be sprayed with 1000 times liquid and used more than 2 times continuously.

(2) Root rot

Root rot is manifested in the roots, which will cause the roots of the hairy cuckoo to appear water-stained brown spots, soft rot, and then rot and peel off the skin, which will lead to the death of the whole plant. Prevention and control of root rot can be sprayed with fungicides, in addition to the usual maintenance should pay attention to, increase light, increase potassium fertilizer, maintain ventilation, so that the soil is acidic.

(3) Yellowing disease

Yellowing disease is yellow leaf disease, fading green disease, potted hairy cuckoo often appear this disease, so pay special attention. Rhododendron is acidic and alkali-afraid, and it is necessary to use acidic soil when planting, and the soil pH should be continuously improved during the maintenance process, and ferrous sulfate can be mixed into fertilizer for application.

Control methods and cultivation techniques for common pests and diseases of The Hairy Crane

(4) Gray mold disease

Gray mold is a more common disease, manifested in the leaves and flowers of the cuckoo, spring outdoor rhododendron is prone to gray mold, can be 50% chlornitroamine 1000 times liquid or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 liquid spray control.

(5) Red spider

Red spiders are very common, generally in March began to harm, it is relatively small, it is difficult to find, so it is necessary to observe the growth of the hairy cuckoo, when found red spiders with 10% Emperor Star Emulsion 1000 times liquid, 7051 insecticide (insecticide) 3000 times liquid or pyridazinone (quick mite) 1000 times liquid spray.

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