
"Turns out the crab eats these!" The labor education base of this Lingang university is very distinctive

author:Xinmin Network
"Turns out the crab eats these!" The labor education base of this Lingang university is very distinctive

Pictured: Two college students experience feeding crabs photographed by Yu Guanglei

The temperature plummets these days, which may not be so adaptable to people; but for the Chinese river crab, this weather is just right for "growing up". No, in the morning, when the sun is a little outcrop, they can't wait to climb to the shore, lazily bask in the sun, and then dive back into the water.

"For the first time, I learned that hairy crabs used to eat a mixture of crushed striped fish and cooked corn kernels." Next to the crab pond of Shanghai Tangzhiqu Aquaculture Co., Ltd., two girls from the School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Ocean University sat in a small boat and, under the guidance of breeders, threw bait at the lake. "Looking at simple jobs is actually physically demanding, not to mention there are so many ponds." After landing ashore, the two could not stop sighing.

This experience benefited from the activity of "Seeing Big Crabs, Celebrating Harvests, and Painting Crabs - 2021 Shanghai River Crab Industry System Pudong Tour". "Crab claws are gold liquid, bad hills are Penglai", in this poetic season, the School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Ocean University and Shanghai Tangzhiqu Aquaculture Co., Ltd. cooperated to establish a labor education base.

The choice of "Pond Fun", the college has many considerations. "First of all, this is the scientific research and breeding base of Wang Chenghui, a professor at the school and chief expert of the Shanghai river crab industry technology system, which is used to show up to college students and carry out labor education." Professor Yang Zhengyong, dean of the School of Economics and Management, told reporters.

"Turns out the crab eats these!" The labor education base of this Lingang university is very distinctive

Pictured: Tangzhi Fun Shanghai China River Crab Industry Base Xinmin Evening News reporter Gao Yang photo

What is cultivated here is the "Jianghai 21" river crab species that Wang Chenghui has been breeding for more than 10 years. "Students look closely, these are crab species." Wu Haiou, general manager of Tangzhi fun, deftly grabbed a large crab from the pool. Seeing that the boy next to him was a little hesitant, he pointed out: "Grab the sides of the shell, its big pliers are useless!" Put it on the scale, everyone immediately exclaimed: "Wow, there are more than 400 grams!" Wu Haiou explained that "Mom and Dad" thrive, and "crab second generation" can inherit excellent genes - sharp frontal teeth, large long legs, green shell white belly, golden claws and yellow hair. The first batch of catches has already appeared in the female crab 6 two, male crab 8 two "big man".

"It's not far from the school, and it's easy to get to and from line 16." A classmate said that the "location" of Tang Zhi's fun.

In the view of Liu Huanan, head of the economic and cultural group of the Shanghai River Crab Industrial Technology System and professor of the School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Ocean University, Tangzhiqu is of great significance as the labor education base of the college. "Students in the Faculty of Economics and Management knew very little about the aquaculture process before, and here they can feel the changes in ecological farming." She said, "The students will also participate in the marketing and promotion of river crabs in the future, and I even think that this is a very good graduation thesis topic." ”

"What kind of tatsumi eats hairy crabs?" At the end of the day's labor education activities, a college student asked Wu Haiou. "These days the autumn wind has risen, the river crab is in the final fattening stage, wait for another ten days, you can buy the hairy crab in the market!"

Xinmin Evening News reporter Gao Yang