
Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

author:Encyclopedia of Succulents

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Thanks to the author [Coco Dad] for the original exclusive license sharing

Editor's arrangement: [Succulent Encyclopedia] Encyclopedia Jun

Coordinates: Linyi City, Shandong Province

Hello everyone, I am Coco Dad, coordinates Linyi Yinan. The last time the daughter-in-law wrote the article "Husband's Succulent Road: The Wife Is Out of the Pit, but the Husband Has Been Crazy All the Way Ever Since!" The full-time comic husband mentioned in the "full-time soil, spraying, watering, and dirty work" all love to rush to do it. Unconsciously, he had been abducted by his wife into the meat pit for more than a year. Just as the so-called into the meat pit is as deep as the sea, succulents have also developed from the initial dozen pots to more than three hundred pots now, what balcony shelves, fill lights, shade network tubes It is useful or not, first try the whole.

Every time my dad came to the house and saw me tinkering with succulents on the balcony, he started chanting, "Is there so much to put here?" And they all look similar, what does it mean not to blossom and not bear fruit? Listening to my head was big, and then I couldn't hold back and let me retort a few words: "Don't you also raise longevity flowers under the stairs every year?" And every year is dozens of pots, and they all look the same. "Later, my father never said anything about me again, maybe he didn't say it in his heart or opposed it, haha."

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

In fact, I used to be very bored, there is no big hobby at all, every day when I go home, I am not playing mobile phones or playing games against the computer, and now I have the big hobby of raising meat, which is better than playing games on mobile phones and computers all day.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I do is to go to the balcony and look at the meat I raised, and I have an indescribable sense of joy in my heart. A good mood is the beginning of the day, so that the day will be very comfortable, and the work efficiency will be greatly improved. Raising meat, I am serious, or do not raise, raise to raise a look.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

After more than a year of meat cultivation, I have read many articles about the maintenance of succulents, and the heavy rain at the end of the summer of 18 years caused me to suffer heavy losses, and I died eight succulents in a row, including my most beloved ice plum and a large ebony. It is also considered to be all the way from the succulent corpse, although it is not a big god, but there is still some meat experience, share it with everyone, I hope it will be helpful to you, I wish you to advance to the "king" as soon as possible!

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

First, buy meat

I believe that most meat friends will go through the following stages:

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Bronze Stage: Don't look at the soil, don't look at the pots, buy the meat. Most of the bought meat dies due to discomfort in soil or pot selection. (Later with soil (pot) article will be written)

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Golden Stage: Buy pots, buy soil, buy meat, and collect varieties like crazy. The monetization form of a typical succulent primary enthusiast, in a simple sentence, is that people are stupid to buy more money, buy and buy! Greenhouses, online shopping, WeChat circle of friends, buy and buy through various channels.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Diamond Stage: Choose your favorite variety to raise and collect valuable goods. Through the first two stages, gradually explore their own meat experience, at this time will not be easy to die meat, the vision is also high, like to pick expensive goods to buy.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

King Stage: Look down on everything, raise meat as you like, and have a special love for the old pile. Local greenhouses, Taobao also do not go to the shop, WeChat circle of friends are also screen screen, delete the deletion, occasionally open to see that there are special favorite varieties to buy to collect.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

The above is a few of the meat buying processes I summarized, and then I will briefly talk about a few things that should be paid attention to when buying meat:

1, for friends who have just entered the pit or have recently entered the pit, we must control our hands, buy as little as possible, summarize experience, choose some classic and good breeds, and slowly master the habits of succulent life. At the beginning of raising succulents, there is no immortality, if you come up to choose expensive and difficult to raise to buy, in case of hanging up, it is still very painful.

2, buy succulents do not rush, look at the purchase again! Communicate with local meat friends and share and summarize experiences. It is recommended to form a succulent WeChat group, and if you see what you like, you can shout that the meat friends in the group will go to buy together. In this way, the price will be cheaper, eliminating the need for middlemen to make the difference, and meat can be bought all over the country. There is nothing to do to shop for idle fish, if you are lucky, you can find the boutique meat that the pit meat friends have disposed of, the price is not very expensive, it is much better than the water in the greenhouse.

3, polish their eyes, do not be deceived by the seller's deception, many sellers like to add a prefix in front of the meat in order to increase the price. For example, add a powder, rouge, jelly, flame in front of it..... In short, adding this prefix is much more expensive, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is out of the state of succulents in front of the addition of a few words. Generally, this kind of Yunnan goods is more, who let the home is open hanging area... Personally, I don't recommend buying this kind of succulent, because most of this is bought online, and the state of buying it back and planting it will more or less fade. To learn to be good at raising ugly flesh, only the state of self-cultivation is the most beautiful, and there is a special sense of achievement in the heart!

4, the last is to learn to selectively buy meat, succulent varieties of thousands, want to get together is impossible, not to mention that every year there are many new varieties of hybrids, choose their own favorite, suitable for their own varieties, some varieties if you raise two or three times or die, then simply give up, maybe this variety is really not suitable for you.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

2. Root repair

Whether it's succulents bought online or in greenhouses, I like to fix the roots. First of all, the succulents purchased online, the meat sellers who buy online generally remove the soil in advance before shipment, and when they are sent to our hands, the root system will be dry and dead due to a long period of water shortage.

We all know that it is the capillary roots that really absorb nutrients and water, and the roots that have completely dried up can no longer grow white capillaries! Therefore, we must first prune these bad roots and dead roots to promote and stimulate the growth of capillaries, and then plant them in pots. Otherwise, the bad roots will rot directly in the soil, breeding pathogenic fungi to invade the root system from the wound, resulting in succulent black rot.

The succulents bought in the greenhouses are generally carried with potting soil, and the root system is also very healthy. However, the soil of the greenhouse is generally not breathable enough, the soil is easy to carry insect eggs, germs, and the stickiness of the garden soil is relatively heavy, and it is easy to appear compacted after a long time, which is very unfavorable to the growth of succulents. Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is still safer to repair the roots and change the soil.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

The next is to repair the root, most of the succulent root is still relatively simple, the overall principle is to remove the main root, if the main root is too long, you can cut it properly and leave 2 to 3CM. Although the taproot does not absorb water nutrients, the taproot helps the succulent to re-root, making the succulent "reborn". Raise meat first to raise roots, and succulents with good roots are easier to get out of state and easier to spend summer.

For that kind of root system, which is relatively small, only the main root is succulent, and a few simple treatments can be done. When trimming the roots, look at whether there are any water-rotting leaves at the bottom, and if there are some, they need to be broken off to prevent the whole leaf from dying by inducing the leaf to center water. The dry leaves at the bottom can be cleaned with forceps, and these dead leaves often contain insect eggs, and too many dead leaves are easy to induce diseases. After cleaning, it is best to soak it in water mixed with too much fungus and soak it for about ten minutes to minimize the chance of disease and insect pests.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Finally, the purpose of drying the roots is to dry and heal the wounds, so as not to cause rotten roots after contact with the pot soil after the pot. Place the roots in a ventilated and scattered place, and judge the number of days to cool the roots based on the diameter of the cross-section of the wound. A few millimeters in diameter across the cross-section is cool for a few days.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Third, the soil (pot) article

Succulent soil pays attention to looseness, ventilation and drainage, so as to achieve "no black rot in summer, no rotten roots in winter". According to their own environment reasonable soil, if you raise on the balcony, appropriately increase the proportion of particles, so that it is as breathable as possible; if outdoor open, you can appropriately increase the content of peat, so that the root system will be more robust. The northern climate is dry and has certain requirements for the moisturizing ability of the soil; the southern rain is abundant, the air humidity is high, and the drainage and ventilation of the soil are higher.

Share my soil:

German Dahan 422 coal (provides nutrition, ventilation, water retention) + Luao A2 slow-release fertilizer (increases stem hardness, promotes succulent stem and root growth, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio 9:14:19, plus MgO+Fe) + coconut bran (breathable, promotes root growth) + rice husk charcoal (PH is alkaline, conducive to sterilization, should not be too much, more is not conducive to succulent growth) + wheat stone granules (breathable, helps to develop roots, provide trace elements) + carbon residue particles (breathable, provide trace elements, protect against pests and diseases) + Diatomaceous earth particles (breathable, prevent potting soil compaction, improve activity) + light stone particles (breathable and water-permeable, providing trace elements) + volcanic rock particles (breathable, providing trace elements) + chlorite particles (breathable water retention, fertilizer retention, improve soil, provide trace elements, can effectively inhibit the reproduction of harmful bacteria in the soil) + terracotta soil particles (breathable water retention, provide trace elements, promote root growth, PH is weakly acidic) + deer swamp soil particles (breathable water retention, provide trace elements, PH is weakly acidic) + vermiculite (breathable water retention, provide trace elements, PH is weak acidic), + vermiculite (breathable water retention, It helps to plant new seedlings in the leaf to develop roots) + small white medicine (to prevent insect pests) + small powder medicine (soil fungicide, to prevent black rot, bituminous coal disease, black spot disease and other diseases).

Haha, look good complex look, in fact, succulent soil is still quite simple, go to the Internet or greenhouses to buy some ready-made peat, granules, coconut bran according to the proportion of it, with soil remember to sprinkle some preventive drugs and slow-release fertilizer. As for the size and proportion of particles can be determined according to the size of succulent plants, the general seedlings need relatively more nutrients, you can increase the proportion of peat and coconut bran, reduce the proportion of particles, as far as possible to choose small particles; adult plants (refers to more than 1 and a half years of meat) need to increase the proportion of particles, exposed granules account for about 60%; balcony is recommended to account for 70% to 80%; old pile soil with soil permeability and water permeability requirements are higher, then you need to increase the proportion of particles.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

There are two points to note here:

1, choose slow release fertilizer to choose the lowest nitrogen content, nitrogen fertilizer is often called leaf fertilizer, characterized by making the leaves larger and greener, very important for vegetables, but has little value for succulents, affecting the coloring effect, too much can also lead to long, powdery mildew, insect shells and so on... Therefore, it is right to choose the slow-release fertilizer with the lowest nitrogen content.

2, small white medicine, small purple medicine, small green medicine are insect repellent drugs, but small white medicine is produced in Japan, small purple medicine, small green medicine is produced in the United States. The effect of personal feeling that the small white medicine is better to use, but it is a three-point poison of the medicine, the dew is better, if the balcony raises meat, it is best to mix the medicine in the soil, because the rotten cabbage taste of the small white medicine is still quite heavy. However, the small white medicine is now out of the second generation, there is no rotten cabbage flavor before, it should be improved.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

As the saying goes, a good horse with a good saddle, good meat of course must also be paired with a good pot, choose a suitable pot for the growth of succulents is crucial. Regarding the selection of pots, first choose from the material, flower pots usually have tile pots, stoneware pots, volcanic pots, porcelain pots, purple sand pots, plastic pots, wooden pots and so on.

Personally, I prefer the stoneware pot and the volcanic pot, which are both breathable and beautiful. The purple sand pot is breathable and the appearance is ok, but the price is generally more expensive. The permeability of the tile basin is also good, but the texture is rough, crunchy and fragile, and the aesthetics are poor. The porcelain basin is beautiful but not very breathable. Plastic basins are poorly breathable and aesthetically poor. Although the wooden basin is breathable and has good drainage performance, it is prone to decay and insects. Choose the material next need to see that the bottom of the basin is not punched, it is best to have legs at the bottom of the basin, so that the breathability will be greatly improved, and it is easy to spend the summer. Finally, look at the appearance, I personally feel that the flower and the pot are one, and only when it is properly matched can it more perfectly show its charm.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

IV. Watering (to be continued)

V. Environment (to be continued)

PS: Originally, the watering article and the environment article came out one night, but it seems that I forgot to save it, and the result is like this... Just wait until you have the opportunity to write it next time, and then it's meat time.

Ice plum, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum, succulent of the lunar shadow family. My favorite, when the temperature difference between autumn and winter is large, it will turn pink, the leaf edges have a transparent feeling, very delicate and lovely, and it is said that the leaves will have a fruity aroma in the sun. Summer growth is slow, during the period can not cut off the water, pay attention to ventilation or easy to black rot.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Berry, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum, is succulent of the lunar shadow family. It feels like an upgraded variety of ice plums, the leaves are thicker than ice plums, and the maintenance is similar to ice plums, but it feels better than ice plums in summer.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Xena, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum, is a succulent of the lunar shadow family. Relatively rare varieties, once expensive, are now cheaper. The difference between Xena and Berry mainly looks at the leaf center, the Xena leaf center is triangular, the leaf blade is thicker than Berry, and the pink is purple when it comes out of the state.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Queen of the Violet, Sedum family Officinalis is a succulent of the genus Lithophyllaceae, said to be a hybrid of Moon shadow and Piscene bluestone lily. Prefers sunny and cooler growing environments. Watering too often, the formation of water, will cause plant rot, especially in hot and humid weather, pay more attention to careful watering.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Anna rose, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. A very favorite variety, more like headshots, out of the state of jelly color, and it is easy to form small piles.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Ebony, East Cloud System. Because he is a winter cloud control, so the family has several ebony, like ebony domineering black edge, yellow skin big blood back, this is a bit like Han ebony, although more miscellaneous but also not bad. Ebony must pay attention to water control in summer, otherwise it is easy to start from the middle leaf core.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Yellow-skinned ebony: Eastern cloud system. The leaves are yellow, and the bloody back is the most ornamental place for yellow skin. When out of the state, the blood back does not reach 1/3 of the range of the leaf back, and it cannot be regarded as a yellow skin.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Lipstick, succulent of the genus Euphropocynaceae in the family Sedum. There is also a particularly nice name - Charming Night. It is one of the more popular varieties in the Dongyun system, easy to maintain, and basically stress-free in summer. To ask the color number, it's a bit like "chop male color" YSL12#.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

White chrysanthemum, genus Fairy Cup. White chrysanthemum prefers warm, dry and sunny environment, is not hardy, tolerant to semi-shade and drought, afraid of water wetness and strong light exposure, and is semi-dormant in summer when high temperature and lack of water.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Pansy, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. Pansies prefer warmth, dryness, abundant light, loose soil requirements, drought tolerance, and cold tolerance. In summer, pay attention to proper shade and ventilation, and continue to maintain it in a place with strong indoor light in winter.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Peacock mage, succulent plant of the sedum family Lotus palm. The leaves are flattened from the center of the leaf to the surrounding areas like peacocks opening the screen, and the state is amazing and stands out from the flock.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Blue apple, sedum of the family Sedum lily is a succulent plant of the genus Sedum. Also known as the Smurfs and Blue Angels, the Great General Goods prefer warm, dry and sunny environments, drought-tolerant, cold-tolerant, and slightly semi-shade-tolerant. Grow slowly in summer, do not completely cut off the water in the summer, pour less and pay attention to shade and ventilation.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Mung bean, genus Sedum in the family Sedum. The leaves have small red dots at the tip and prefer a sunny, cool and dry growing environment, which is not hardy and drought tolerant. Pay attention to ventilation and shade in summer, and can be placed indoors in the sun in winter for maintenance.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Chiro, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. Love burst cubs, easy to embellish, easy to spend summer, very suitable for novice breeding. Qiluo out of the state, plant type wrapped, the front of the leaf is all red, with its group posture, very beautiful.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Peach, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. Prefer the sunny, cool and dry growth environment, spring and autumn type of succulents, relatively easy to breed, one of the preferred varieties for novices into the pit. In summer, as long as you prevent exposure to the sun and prolonged rain, you can spend the summer safely.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Tia, a horticultural variety of the Sedum family, Sedum and Sedum and Lithocyana. Prefers warm, dry, airy and sunny environments. Drought-tolerant, hardy, shade-tolerant, adaptable, but not resistant to hot sun exposure.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Rainbow sugar, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. Much like first love, the leaves are relatively round and thick, and the leaves of first love are much thinner. A group of students, also a relatively easy breed, prefers a sunny, dry and ventilated environment.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Twilight, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. The information is unknown, and the moon shadow is succulent.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Blue light, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. Super super favorite variety! One of the "Three Immortals" of the thin leaves, the hybrid of guanghan palace, has a clean red edge on the leaf edge when it comes out of the state, and it seems to emit a leisurely blue light. Blue light habits are strong, and maintenance is not difficult. In summer, pay attention to proper shading, ventilation, water control, avoid sweltering environment, avoid long-term humidity of potting soil. At this time, the appearance of a month ago, the leaves are a little blue, full of fairy!

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

This is the way the blue light is now, and the leaf edge is even more red and tender.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Sunset, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. One of the "three immortals" of thin leaves, a hybrid of the Guanghan Palace and the Gion Dance, the leaves of the sunset are pinkish purple and slightly wrinkled, it is easy to confuse the sunset and the sunset dance, in fact, the two are very different, the edge of the leaves of the sunset dance is jagged, and the sunset is not so obvious.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Guanghan Palace, succulent plant of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. One of the "Three Immortals" of thin leaves, the leaves are smooth with white powder, the tip of the leaf can be seen to the center of the leaf with obvious creases, and the leaf edge is very thin, a bit like a knife edge, very similar to the appearance of a lotus flower!

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Begonia, parents of the original ominous, hybrid variety. The out-of-body state is that the leaves are orange, the leaves have white powder, and the leaf margins are very thin, and it feels like the "three immortals" of the thin leaves.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Frank, succulent of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. It is said to be an American hybrid of Sycamore and Corolla. Frank is brightly colored, ranging from bright red to light red to orange.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Golden snub-nosed monkey, hybrid. The new breed that just entered this year, the parents are ominous, it is estimated that the color is similar to the golden snub-nosed monkey... The human imagination is so powerful that you can come up with any name.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Ou Zi Mage, succulent plant of the sedum family Lotus palm. Also called purple cashmere, summer sleep wrapped up looks particularly beautiful. The mage has been letting me put it on the balcony in winter, the color has faded a little, and then I have used the fill light to illuminate the appearance after half a month, and I feel that the effect is still there.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Moon shadow heterogeneous, succulent plant of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. The information is unknown, and the moon shadow is succulent. It feels like the succulent hybrids of the Moon Shadow are all good looking.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Sunset peony brocade, succulent plant of the genus Sedum in the family Sedum. The information is unknown, but it may be the name of the location of the golden color of the sunset.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Thin makeup, Sedum of the family Sedum is a succulent plant. The thin makeup leaves out of the state are bright red and very eye-catching. Thin makeup is not difficult to maintain, and it is easy to germinate side buds. During the spring and autumn growth period, try to give enough light, dew is the best, and avoid long-term drying of potting soil. In summer, dew should avoid long-term dampness of potting soil, avoid storing water in the leaves, avoid exposure to the sun after watering, pay attention to shade, rain, ventilation, and avoid watering on the head.

Raising succulents: the path from "bronze" to "king" (I)

Well, today's succulents are shared here, and I hope my experience can help you. Approaching the end of the year, I wish meat friends in the new year: smooth work, good health, all the best, the more beautiful the meat!


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