
The influence of emerald color on price

author:Yilu Emerald

4.3 Color: color type, hue, saturation

The color of jadeite is very rich, mainly including: green, yellow, red, purple, black, colorless and so on. Jadeite color is an important parameter in the price system, which is mainly manifested in three aspects: hue, saturation, and color type. Hue refers to whether green is yellowish or bluish; saturation is the intensity of the color; and color type is the distribution of color roots. Combining these factors can we judge the quality of jadeite color.

The influence of emerald color on price

Emerald with better water and good color performance

The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price

The color performance of bean seeds and waxy jadeite is slightly worse

The same color on the jadeite of different kinds of water, the effect and value are not the same, so it can not be separated from the water of jadeite to talk about color. Green is slightly dull on the bean jadeite, and it is flexible and ethereal on the glass jadeite, just like after a drop of ink is dropped into the water, it can melt more open inside the jadeite, showing a very good effect. The effect of color presentation is also related to the shape of jadeite. The color is completely different in the plane and the arc surface, and the performance on the brand is more ordinary, and the performance on the ring surface is significantly better. Thickness also has an impact on the color of jadeite, such as the processing method of "wide sheet", that is, the green jadeite with a very dark or even black color is cut into a sheet of about 2mm, and after inlaying, it will emit a green color that is very positive, similar to the effect of high-grade jadeite. There are also many combinations of jadeite colors, such as the double color composed of yellow and green, which is called "yellow plus green"; the three colors of green, yellow and purple are called "Fulu Shou". These "double color" and "three color" jadeite are relatively rare, double color jade pendants are not common, double color jade bracelets are even rarer, and the value is much higher than the pendant. In general, this type of jadeite is very popular in the market.

The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price

Colors perform better on the arc surface

The influence of emerald color on price

Spring ribbon color " emerald bracelet

4.3.1 Color patterns

Color pattern refers to the distribution of color roots, usually showing clumps, strips, filaments, dots and other characteristics. The color pattern is also related to the engraver, and the influence of the color distribution on the price should be taken into account when designing. If jadeite has a good color pattern and is evenly distributed, its value will be greatly improved. For example, the color on the bracelet, whether it is a green or dot-like distribution in the whole section, has a great impact on the price, taking a group of bracelets as an example, the specific comparison is as follows.

The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price

Emerald bracelets with different color distributions

The color is distributed in different parts and also has an impact on the price. In the case of formal Guanyin, for example, the color distribution is centered or symmetrical, such as in the lotus base and the treasure vase, the value is higher, and the price will be about two or three times higher than that of the jadeite with the color distributed on the edge. The same is true of the formal emerald Buddha, which is best covered with a lump of green to cover the belly area, and its value is much higher than the color distribution at the edges, and the price is even close to the full color of the Buddha pendant. Emeralds of multiple colors are also best centered in color or symmetrically.

The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price

Emerald pendants with well-distributed color patterns

4.3.2 Tint

The influence of emerald color on price

The green hue of jadeite can be divided into yellow and bluish, and the center is called a positive hue. "Positive Yang Green" is a green with a very yellow tone, like the warm color in the noonday sun, which is a very precious color. "Fluttering blue flowers" are the green of the blue tone, corresponding to the yellow tone. Some jadeites have both blue and yellow tones, such as imperial green jadeite.

The influence of emerald color on price

The color is sunny, and the price is 150,000

The influence of emerald color on price

The color is bluish and the price is 15,000 yuan

The influence of emerald color on price

The color is lighter, and the price is 150,000 yuan

The influence of emerald color on price

The color is thicker, and the price is 20,000 yuan

The influence of emerald color on price

Blue tone, lower value

The influence of emerald color on price

Yellow-hued emerald, commonly known as yang green, has a higher value

The influence of emerald color on price

The "Lucky Star" pendant sold at an auction price of 80 million yuan in 2017

Yellow jade also has a hue, with positive yellow as the standard, some are golden yellow tones, the value is higher, some are brown tones, followed by value. The hue of violet also has red violet, pink purple, eggplant purple, lotus purple, blue purple, etc., each different name, represents a different hue.

The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price

The color of the upper picture is lighter, and the color of the lower picture is strong,

The two pieces of jadeite above the high saturation left figure are similar in appearance and seed water, and the difference is the difference in hue. The color of the jadeite on the top is blue, and the market price is about 100,000 yuan, while the color on the bottom is sunny green, and the price is about 200,000 yuan. The influence of hue on price is more pronounced on high-end jadeite. The price of the same two 20mm green ring faces may be 100,000 yuan for blue tones, and the price of yang tones may reach one million. The biggest advantage of the "Lucky Star" auctioned in 2017 is that the color is sunny enough and the instrument type is also full, so it can auction off a high price of 80 million yuan

4.3.3 Saturation

Saturation refers to the intensity of a color. If the color of emerald is likened to a car, then the hue is like the steering wheel of the car, and the saturation is like the engine of the car. Hue determines the direction, saturation determines the distance. Usually, the more intense the color of the emerald, the more colorful it is, and it will be much more beautiful than the lighter color. In some cases, the saturation should not be too high, such as green emerald with a bluish hue, the saturation is too high, it will appear gray or even black, and the value will be reduced a lot. In the process of jadeite carving, there is a very important process called "color grading", which is aimed at the saturation of jadeite color. If the color of the material itself is light, try to retain the thickness to appear more intense. If the color of the material is dark and dark, it will be thin to reduce saturation, making the color performance more perfect, which is the case with many high-colored inlays. If it is both thick and colorful enough, it is a very rare treasure, many times more valuable than jadeite with a slightly thinner thickness. The overall performance of jadeite color is mainly a variety of combinations of hue and saturation. Divide the intensity of hue and saturation into ten levels, and there are a hundred different color combinations. Taking the green emerald ring as an example, the combination of hue and saturation is different, resulting in different prices. This combination of colors, if expressed in the jade Guanyin and Buddha and other carvings, its corresponding price difference will be even greater.

The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price
The influence of emerald color on price

Very good shade and saturation of the emerald ring