
The three major nemesis of algae in the fish tank, the last one is often ignored by aquarists, but the effect of algae removal is the best algae buster: fish algae buster: shrimp algae buster: snail

author:Fish farming said

Yesterday's article we talked about the pros and cons of fish tank algae on ornamental fish, and then there are aquarists asking, which kind of fish can eat algae? Although algae can be removed manually, it is indeed a very time-saving treatment method to use organisms to directly restrain each other.

Today's article not only introduces you to what fish can deal with algae, but also introduces other organisms that can effectively deal with algae. The so-called multi-method operation together, the effect is better.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > algae buster: fish</h1>

If the fish are mainly raised to deal with algae, then generally we become tool fish, tool fish to raise to remove algae, first of all, we must be compatible with the fish in the original fish tank, you can be polycultured together. The most important is a question of size, followed by the question of whether the water quality can adapt to each other.

If you are raising medium and large fish, then scavenger fish are preferred, because their scales have evolved into armor-like protective shells, which can protect themselves from attack. For example, raising arowanas and luohan fish are more aggressive, then the fish tank is generally equipped with 1-2 ordinary scavenger fish, or leopard print, queen scavenger fish are good choices, so that the growth of algae can be very well controlled.

If you raise a small and exquisite aquatic weed tank or a native tank, then the small tool fish is a good choice, because the larger scavenger fish will definitely destroy the exquisite aquatic grass landscape. At this time, for example, the elf fish and the bearded fish are very good choices. They can enter some of the horns, because they are also relatively small, and clean up the algae in them.

The three major nemesis of algae in the fish tank, the last one is often ignored by aquarists, but the effect of algae removal is the best algae buster: fish algae buster: shrimp algae buster: snail

Suck loach

In addition, one of our native fish endemic to China, sucker loach, is also a very good choice. Although it is small in size, the lines on the body are relatively average, and the ornamentality is not as strong as that of tropical fish. However, they are native fish in China, and they are relatively resistant to low temperatures in the wild environment, so if it is to deal with outdoor fish tanks, the water temperature is not very high, or in winter, it is also very good to use loach to deal with algae. However, it should be emphasized that although loach can withstand low temperatures, if it can provide a water temperature of more than 15 degrees, it can still keep them relatively active, and it is not easy to get sick.

The above fish, you can find, they are all mouth shape is more special, can be adsorbed on the tank wall to nibble algae. However, you will find that some of the algae in the fish tank are floating, such as silk algae, black hairy algae, which need to be dealt with by other native Chinese fish, trout.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > algae buster: shrimp</h1>

As we said in the previous article, the shrimp in the current aquarium market are mainly atmosphere rice shrimp and shrimp, and shrimp can not be removed, they do not eat, they are aquatic grass, so do not put shrimp. Rice shrimp are the nemesis of algae, but their "cutting" ability is limited, so they can only deal with some softer algae and moss like brown algae. Some bristles, silk algae, these rice shrimp can not be handled. Therefore, we have to find China's native fish, the trout. In this way, the sturgeon looks quite powerful, although the body color is not as gorgeous as the tropical fish.

The three major nemesis of algae in the fish tank, the last one is often ignored by aquarists, but the effect of algae removal is the best algae buster: fish algae buster: shrimp algae buster: snail

Black shell shrimp

The best choice for rice shrimp to remove algae is black shell shrimp, or grass shrimp. Because these are our native Chinese shrimp, the number is very large, and it is easy to breed, mainly because the price is cheap, and the effect of algae removal is good. If you are often watching our "Fish Farming" video friends should know, basically my fish tank to remove algae with the tool shrimp, are black shell shrimp, just so-called: black shell expedition, inch algae does not grow.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-center-line" > algae buster: snails</h1>

Snails have the best effect on algae removal, better than fish and shrimp, but they are always ignored. Because of the food sources of fish and shrimp, algae only account for a part, not all, up to 50%. In the recipe of snails, algae account for at least 80%, and even some snails feed on algae.

Don't look at the speed of the snail is very slow, when you stare at it, you will think, such a large fish tank, how long will it take to nibble it. But there is an old Chinese saying: "fine work out of slow work", which means not to rush to achieve, although slower but better, I think it is very suitable to describe snails to remove algae. They eat slowly, but if we look closely, they nibble cleaner than fish and shrimp. In fact, fish and shrimp in addition to algae, sometimes eat and eat on the run, leaving some hand tail, people with obsessive-compulsive disorder estimated that they can not stand it, turn around or scrape it with hand. But the snail rarely appears this problem, anyway, throw the snail in the fish tank, after a few days, or the fish tank is smaller, after a night, you will find that the fish tank has a new feeling.

So by the way, tell you which snails are better to raise, according to my own raising, the best feeling at present is the zebra snail, although it is a soda snail, but it is still very good after artificial dilution. In addition, the abalone snail is also good in removing algae, and it is also relatively easy to raise, that is, it is not easy to catch when it is caught. Onion snails are also good choices. At the same time, it is worth mentioning the golden snail, some golden snails are actually small seedlings of Fushou snails, and it is not recommended that you raise golden snails.

The three major nemesis of algae in the fish tank, the last one is often ignored by aquarists, but the effect of algae removal is the best algae buster: fish algae buster: shrimp algae buster: snail

Zebra snail

If you also like to raise ornamental fish, you may wish to pay attention to it, all you want for fish farming is here.

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