
CATL: Plans to invest 7 billion yuan in new energy power and energy storage battery projects


Hello, good morning, it's another day full of vitality, let's browse the fresh morning newspaper first~

CATL: Plans to invest 7 billion yuan in new energy power and energy storage battery projects

【CATL: 7 billion yuan to invest in the construction of new energy power and energy storage battery projects】

CATL announced that the company intends to invest in the construction of the first phase of the Guizhou new energy power and energy storage battery production and manufacturing base in Gui'an New District, Guizhou Province, with a total investment of no more than RMB 7 billion. On the same day, the announcement said that the company intends to invest in the construction of Xiamen Times lithium-ion battery production base project (Phase I) in Xiamen City, Fujian Province, with a total investment of no more than RMB 8 billion.

【Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games released 8 major e-sports projects, including League of Legends, Glory of Kings】

The Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee held a special press conference at the 4th China International Import Expo held in Shanghai to introduce the latest progress in the preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games to the world. At the meeting, Zhu Qinan, director of the Competition Department of the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee and the champion of the men's 10m air rifle of the 28th Athens Olympic Games, announced for the first time on behalf of the Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee that the e-sports sub-sports settings of the Hangzhou Asian Games were announced, and 8 projects such as League of Legends, Glory of kings (Asian Games version), Peace Elite (Asian Games version), Hearthstone, Dota 2, Dream Three Kingdoms 2, Street Fighter 5 and fifa online 4 were selected.

[Japanese media: SoftBank plans to achieve wireless charging commercialization as soon as 2025]

SoftBank plans to commercialize wireless charging as soon as 2025 and considers enabling the use of wireless headsets and smartwatches without batteries in the future.

Blue Origin loses lawsuit over NASA's contract for awarding SpaceX lunar landers]

In August, Blue Origin filed a lawsuit against the federal government after NASA awarded Musk's SpaceX company a $2.9 billion lunar lander contract.

【The sales of the three giants of Japanese car companies in China fell sharply in October】

Honda motor said it sold 148,377 vehicles in China last month, down 18 percent from a year earlier, and Nissan said it sold 113,876 vehicles in October, down 22 percent year-on-year. Toyota Motor Motor announced that it sold 142,000 vehicles in China last month, down 19% year-on-year.

[BMW cuts working hours in East German factories to be in line with West Germany, unions: ushering in the long-awaited equality]

BMW has pledged to reduce the weekly working hours at its Leipzig plant to 35 hours by 2026 in three phases and to add 300 employees to make up for this deficiency.

【Porsche invests in China's 3D printing company Yuanzhu Intelligence】

Porsche announced that Porsche's venture capital firm has strategically invested in intamsys, a Chinese supplier of high-performance materials 3D printing equipment, to explore the application of digital manufacturing in the automotive industry.

[US media: Apple's large number of US stores will no longer require customers to wear masks]

The Apple Store lifted the mask-wearing requirement in June and announced a resumption in July after a spike in COVID-19 infections caused by the Delta variant.

[Haidilao explains the reasons for closing about 300 stores: the "bitter fruit" of the rapid expansion strategy]

Haidilao said that the operation of these stores did not meet expectations mainly caused by the rapid expansion strategy formulated by the company in 2019, which was manifested in: the location of some stores was wrong; the organizational structure changes that made managers at all levels incomprehensible and exhausted; the number of excellent store managers was insufficient; the KPI indicator of excessive trust in the interests of lianzhu and the lack of corporate culture construction.

【Sunac China: Contract sales amount of about 50.98 billion yuan in October】

As at the end of October 2021, the Group achieved a cumulative contracted sales amount of approximately RMB512.80 billion, an increase of 14% year-on-year.

That's it for today's morning report