
Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

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Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that
Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

The director and the first cast of the Netflix version of "Three-Body Problem" have been determined, and filming is about to begin.

Chinese the Internet circulated that after the cast was announced, the crew of the American version of "Three-Body" insisted on its own attitude, did not agree with the values of the original author Liu Cixin and "Three-Body", and would add some unnamed cutscenes to satirize and criticize, and change the theme under the condition that the plot trunk remained unchanged.

After verification, it was not found that the Netflix "Three-Body" crew had made relevant remarks after the recent cast announcement, and Netflix did not publish any other details about the adaptation.

Previously, Netflix invited Liu Cixin, the original author of "Three-Body Problem", and Liu Yukun, an English translator, to serve as production consultants for "Three-Body" to "ensure that the spirit in the book remains unchanged."

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that
Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

Recently, Chinese network circulated a screenshot of the American version of "Three-Body Problem". The screenshot said: "After the announcement of the American version of the three-body actor, the American version of the three-body crew still adheres to its own attitude as it did last year, that is, it does not agree with the values of Da Liu and this book, and all kinds of ideas in the original work that are considered cruel, Nazi, and anti-human by European and American audiences will be criticized, and those who say cruel but facts in the eyes of Chinese audiences will become the objects and villains of criticism in this American drama." ”

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

There is also a direct quote from the tone of the American version of the "Three-Body Problem" crew in the screenshot: "We will add some cutscenes without names to satirize and criticize, although the main trunk of the plot has not changed, but the theme will change, our opposition and critical attitude towards the three-body novel, of course, also recognize that he is a science fiction work, but in order to let the audience in Europe and the Americas understand that this novel is an anti-civilization and even anti-human work, we will show the attitude to the audience, that is, this is wrong!"

The "Three-Body" trilogy consists of three novels: "Three-Body", "Dark Forest", and "Death Immortal". In 2015, "The Three-Body Problem" won the Hugo Award, the highest honor in the science fiction literary world, which was the first time that Chinese won this award.

In September 2020, Netflix and the copyright holders of the "Three-Body" trilogy announced that they had reached an agreement to jointly develop and produce the "Three-Body" English series.

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

1, has the CREW of the American version of "Three-Body Problem" recently made a public announcement?

Enter the Netflix official website, search the newsroom section for "the three-body problem" (three-body problem), only to find Netflix on September 1, 2020 issued a press release about the filming of "Three-Body".

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

According to an exclusive news from The Hollywood Reporter on August 20, 2021, Netflix confirmed that Hong Kong director Tsang Kwok-cheung directed "Three-Body Problem".

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

On October 28, 2021, according to The Hollywood Reporter, Netflix announced the first 12 actors for "The Three-Body Problem," including Eiza González, who has starred in "Breaking Dawn," "Extreme Car Thief," and "I Care," and John Bradley and Liam Cunningham, who have starred in Game of Thrones.

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

The first cast also included many oriental faces, including Benedict Wong, who starred in "Doctor Strange", "Twin Killers", and "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings"; Zhou Caiqin (Tsai Chin), who played Jia Mu in Li Shaohong's version of "Dream of the Red Chamber"; Jess Hong, who starred in "The Mystery of Duan Lin Town", and the newcomer actress Zine Tseng.

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

However, in social networking platforms and media reports, it was not found that the main creative team of Netflix's "Three-Body Problem" made remarks about the screenshots, nor did it mention that it would "add some unnamed cutscenes to satirize and criticize" . Netflix also didn't release any other details about the adaptation.

According to production weekly, a specialty publication for the film and television industry, Netflix's "Three-Body Problem" will start in the UK and China in November 2021, and shooting is scheduled to last from November 2021 to August 2022.

Netflix hasn't announced when It plans to launch three-body, but since filming for the first season will end in August 2022, it won't be released on Netflix until early 2023 at the earliest.

2, What is the evaluation of the US version of "Three-Body" crew on "Three-Body"?

In September 2020, when Netflix announced that it would start filming "The Three-Body Problem," Peter Friedlander, Netflix's vice president of original episodes, said:

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

"When I first read The Three-Body Problem, it completely changed what science fiction meant to me. While this story of the first contact between humans and alien civilizations is no stranger, based on the ability of Chinese writer Liu Cixin to incorporate science fiction into fiction, his future and contact with aliens is more real than all the science fiction I've read. At the same time, the entire human race has been invaded by external forces, and while people are united against foreign enemies, they are divided by internal discord, and this kind of storyline also fascinates me deeply.

Early in my career at Netflix, I was committed to finding unique stories and narrative perspectives, and created episodes like Black Mirror and Sense8. The story of "Three-Body Problem" is not only unique and unique in style, but also deeply empathetic.


Everyone involved not only had a passion and high respect for the original book, but also had the creative vision and ambition to bring this extraordinary story to audiences around the world. ”

The Netflix Three-Body Writers and Production Team included David Benioff and D.b Weiss, who developed Game.b of Thrones. weiss), and Alexander Woo, who developed True Love Like Blood and Polar Evil.

David Benioff and .b Weiss:

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

"In the science fiction series we have read, Liu Cixin's trilogy is arguably the most ambitious work, taking readers from the 1960s all the way to the end of time, and from the small pale blue planet inhabited by humans to the far edge of the universe. We look forward to bringing this massive work to audiences around the world in the coming days, in the last few years." ”

Writer and Executive Producer Alexander Wu:

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

"It is an honor to be able to adapt one of the great masterpieces of Chinese science fiction. The Triproject trilogy combines many of the things I love: rich, multi-layered characters and true existential stakes— all told in elegant and profound human allegories. I'm excited to start working with Netflix with this accomplished creative team." ”

3, What role did the original author Liu Cixin play in the American version of "The Three-Body Problem"?

Liu Cixin, the original author of "Three-Body Problem", and Liu Yukun, the English translator of "Three-Body", will jointly serve as production consultants for Netflix's "Three-Body Problem".

In a press release dated September 1, 2020, Netflix said: "As avid fans of these books (the Three-Body Problem), it is particularly meaningful for us to have the support of Liu Cixin, who created this vast universe. Cixin will further serve as a consulting producer with Liu Yukun, who wrote the English translation of "The Three-Body Problem" and "Death Immortality". Cixin and Liu Yukun's involvement will help ensure that the spirit of the book remains the same. ”

Liu Cixin said:

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

"I have great respect and trust in the creative team of the Original English Series of "Three-Body Problem" and believe that they will definitely bring a series of wonderful visual enjoyment to "Three-body" fans around the world." What I want to tell is a story that transcends time, crosses national, cultural and ethnic boundaries, a story that forces us to think about the common destiny of mankind. As an author, I am honored to see this particular science fiction work spread around the world and loved by many fans. I'm also delighted that new and existing fans around the world will be able to see this story on Netflix in the future. ”

4, has the American version of "The Three-Body Problem" caused controversy?

After the news of Netflix's filming of "The Three-Body Problem", there were indeed Chinese and foreign readers who did not think that American producers could successfully adapt the original book.

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

Some Chinese netizens are worried that the Chinese and events described in this Chinese science fiction work will fall into "Western stereotypes."

Ji Shaoting, head of the science fiction culture promotion platform "Future Affairs Administration", believes that the lineup of the core creative team (the American version of "Three-Body Problem") reflects the production volume of this first-class web drama, and also reflects the team's deep understanding of science fiction. "There's definitely a better list in my mind, but I'm in a very stable state of mind, and I think 'Three-Body' will definitely be adapted into countless versions in the future, and this is one of them." She told The Paper in an interview in September 2020.

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

She believes: "There are some IPs that have been very influential before being adapted into super dramas, but web dramas have further expanded their influence, such as 'A Song of Ice and Fire' after being adapted into a series, which has had a profound impact around the world." In my opinion, when "The Three-Body Problem" is adapted into a series, it will certainly radiate to a wider audience around the world and have a clearer visual image. ”

Ji Shaoting believes that any IP adaptation will face controversy, which is precisely the embodiment of the influence of the original work. "If there is no public opinion and controversy, it shows that this IP is not paid attention to, and it is good to have controversy."

There are also many netizens who question the appointment of the creator of "Game of Thrones" as the screenwriter of "Three-Body Problem", because the "bad end" of "Game of Thrones" has led to a decline in the reputation of many viewers for the screenwriter.

Liu Cixin, author of "Three-Body Problem", told the surging news reporter that "Game of Thrones" is a TV series he likes very much. "Whether it sucks or not, the ratings of the previous seasons of the TV series are very high, which has proved its height."

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

There is no public evidence that the crew of Netflix's "Three-Body Problem" has recently made remarks circulating Chinese the Internet, "adding some unnamed cutscenes to satirize and criticize the original book." Netflix also didn't release any other details about the adaptation.

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that

Auditor: Pan Jinyan (School of Communication, Film and Television, Hong Kong Baptist University)

Will the American version of "Three-Body Problem" add new characters dedicated to criticizing the values of the original book? The crew didn't say that


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