
Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

author:Eco China

Education is the Great Plan of the State And the Great Plan of the Party

  During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Longchuan has always taken "carrying forward the ancient Yi culture and casting the education brand in mountainous areas" as the goal, implementing the fundamental task of Lide Shuren, balancing and optimizing educational resources, continuously improving school-running conditions, strengthening the construction of the teacher team, promoting the comprehensive and high-quality development of education, and striving to run a satisfactory education for the people.

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people
Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people
Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  In Laolong Town Jiandong Primary School and Laolong Town No. 2 Primary School, the school fully implements the party's education policy, implements the fundamental task of Lide Shuren, gives full play to the advantages of their own characteristic campus culture, and combines martial arts classes, chess classes, football classes and other community activities with classroom teaching to implement quality education.

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  Zou Xinxin, a student of Jiandong Primary School in Laolong Town, said: "Usually after class, I will practice martial arts with my classmates, because this is the characteristic of our school, practicing martial arts can not only exercise the body, but also exercise our will, everyone likes it, when practicing martial arts, I feel like a heroine." ”

  With the introduction of the "double reduction" policy this autumn, Longchuan schools have taken the "5 + 2" after-school service model as the starting point to effectively reduce the excessive homework burden and off-campus training burden of students in the compulsory education stage, solidly promote the implementation of the policy, and let the "after-school service" inject new vitality into the campus.

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  Cai Jie, a student at the Second Primary School in Laolong Town, said: "Chess has cultivated my keen thinking, high analytical ability and judgment ability. I think these club activities are very good, and then they make me more motivated to learn, and the relaxation and joy these activities bring us to release stress. ”

Like Laolong Town Jiandong Primary School and Laolong Town No. 2 Primary School, which have built characteristic education into schools with their own unique brands, it is a microcosm of longchuan Lide tree people and the implementation of quality education to achieve fruitful results.

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people
Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people
Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  Yu Jianjun, principal of Jiandong Primary School in Laolong Town, said: "In this piece of characteristic education, we follow the concept of 'shangwu reverence, both inside and outside', so that students can learn scientific and cultural knowledge, but also learn this martial art. The school also uses this after-school service time to carry out ten clubs, so that students can learn what they want to learn, which can promote the development of students' personality, let them have fun, and then go home happily. ”

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  In the past five years, Longchuan schools have integrated campus characteristic culture into basic education, and the results have been highlighted, and the county has created 26 civilized campuses in the city, 12 special schools such as basketball and football in the country, 17 special schools such as provincial art education and chess, 19 municipal football promotion schools and green schools, and the pattern of "one town, one product" and "one school and one characteristic" has initially taken shape.

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  Yang Weiyan, deputy principal of the Second Primary School of Laolong Town, said: "The school has carried out language and English homework tutoring, composition tutoring and reading guidance. Under the guidance of the spirit of chess, the school pays attention to teaching according to talents and vigorously promotes quality education. In the past five years, the number of honors won by the school at or above the county level has been increasing, ranking first in the list of compulsory education schools in the county. ”

Educating people for the party and educating talents for the country

  In the past five years, Longchuan has always adhered to the "three priorities" principle of "priority arrangement of education projects, priority allocation of education funds, and priority satisfaction of educational needs", and the strength of running schools has been significantly enhanced, the conditions for running schools have been significantly improved, 31,500 new degrees have been added, and public and inclusive kindergartens account for 80.5%.

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people
Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  Huang Donglin, director of the county education bureau, said: "In the past five years, the county's education and people's livelihood have achieved new improvements, investing 1.204 billion yuan in education infrastructure construction, 37 new schools (kindergartens), completing the construction of 21 boarding schools, and completing the '5080' task on schedule. Solidly promote the construction of the Xincheng Happiness Kindergarten and Longshi Kindergarten projects, and fully promote the key construction projects such as the C Campus of Longchuan First Experimental School, the School in Suzhou District, and the Chinese School, alleviating the difficulties of entering kindergartens and schooling. ”

  In the past five years, Longchuan Education has handed over an eye-catching "report card" and has won honorary titles such as "Guangdong Province Education Strong County" and "Guangdong Province Advanced County for Promoting Education Modernization". The county's education system has won a total of 749 national honors, 1613 provincial honors, and 5024 municipal honors, ranking first among all counties (districts) in the city.

Five years of hard work, five years of spring and autumn

  In the next five years, focusing on the goal of "running a satisfactory education for the people", Longchuan will insist on doing a good job in handling children's affairs, deeply implement the education quality improvement project, create a national county with high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, strengthen the construction of the teaching team, deepen the governance of training institutions, promote the high-quality and inclusive development of preschool education, the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, the diversified and characteristic development of high-school education, the high-end development of vocational education, and the high-quality integration and development of special education, and strive to create a new situation in the modernization of Longchuan education.

Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people
Longchuan, Guangdong: Implement the fundamental task of Lide shuren and strive to run a satisfactory education for the people

  Huang Donglin, director of the county education bureau, said: "In the next five years, we will strive to run 'every school at the doorstep' through the 'seven major grasps', so that every child can go to school and be brilliant." The first is to grasp the work of strengthening the pilot work of party building; the second is to grasp excellent basic education, actively promote the universal and inclusive development of preschool education, actively promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and actively promote the high-quality development of ordinary high school education; the third is to strengthen the construction of the teacher team, deepen the reform of 'county management and school employment' of primary and secondary school teachers, and implement it. The new strong teacher project', selecting the best and strong principals of primary and secondary schools, and strengthening the functions of the teacher development center; the fourth is to do a good job in modern vocational and community education; the fifth is to pay attention to the ideological and moral construction of minors; the sixth is to grasp the excellent special education, and the seventh is to grasp the informatization of education, so that education will always become a shining business card and golden signboard showing the achievements of Longchuan's economic and social development. ”

丨Remotion of a reporter

  Running education well is today's mission, and it is also tomorrow's hope. In the past five years, the county's education industry has made great progress and achieved gratifying results. In the past five years, we have continuously moved toward running a fair and quality education, continuously meeting the growing educational needs of the people, and making "learning, affordable, and good learning" a reality. Looking forward to the "14th Five-Year Plan", we firmly believe that Longchuan will carry the original intention, with the mission, with the feelings, with the responsibility, with the responsibility, and with the responsibility, strive to run the people's satisfactory education, strive to create a new situation in education modernization, and create a better tomorrow for Longchuan education! (Zhuang Shirong)