
Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

author:China Automotive News
Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News
Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

Create intelligent interconnection and open a new journey of green commercialization. In order to actively respond to the national strategic goals of "carbon peaking" and "carbon neutrality" and lead the high-quality development of green commercial vehicles, on October 31, Geely Commercial Vehicles "Chaoku Light Truck Zhizai Bida" China Pure E-commerce Vehicle City Championship was opened in Kunming. This not only means that the independent brand commercial vehicle market will usher in changes, but also means that Geely commercial vehicle new energy vehicles have completely opened a new era of green commercial vehicles.

New development leads the new trend and comprehensively assists the implementation of the "double carbon" strategy

In September 2020, China announced that "carbon dioxide emissions will strive to peak by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060". This is a solemn commitment to the world, and at the same time accelerates the process of change in the automotive industry in China and even the world to the era of new energy.

"The proposal of the national strategic goals of 'carbon peaking' and 'carbon neutrality' is an important measure for China to achieve high-quality economic development and build a community with a shared future for mankind, and is an ambition of China's green development." As Wang Yanbin, vice president of Geely Commercial Vehicle Group and general manager of the light commercial business department, said, the new development leads the new trend, under the "double carbon" goal, the curtain of a new round of industrial revolution has been slowly opened, and China's commercial vehicles will eventually achieve "comprehensive new energy".

Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

At present, the global commercial vehicle field is facing profound changes, and the new energy and intelligent technology service ecology has become a new trend in development. The new round of technological revolution provides a broad space and unlimited opportunities for industrial transformation, and new technologies have spawned new ecosystems and new business models, bringing users a new experience.

As the leader of the new energy commercial vehicle industry, Geely Commercial Vehicles took the lead in feeling the signal of industrial development, and firmly established the development direction of new energy and intelligence, closely followed the trend of the times, actively responded to the national call for the development of new energy, and fully developed the new energy commercial vehicle industry.

It is reported that geely commercial vehicle group in the strategic layout, in line with the national strategic orientation, is committed to becoming a smart green capacity technology integrated service provider, in the charge and exchange operation and maintenance, intelligent vehicle networking coordination, financial system support, the formation of a green capacity aggregation platform, to achieve the intelligent linkage of people, vehicles, roads, energy, and upstream and downstream industry chain partners to build a new green smart logistics ecology.

Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

In terms of product layout, Geely Commercial Vehicle has formed urban commercial vehicle products with pure electric and range extended range power systems as the core, as well as highway commercial vehicle products with methanol clean energy and electric drive force system of power exchange technology as the core, covering buses, light trucks, LCVs, pickup trucks, heavy trucks and other series, achieving full coverage of commercial vehicle categories.

In terms of innovative business layout, remote cars put forward a new business model - remote e home. It will integrate upstream and downstream businesses, break through the traditional marketing model through strategic collaboration, realize a new marketing model of "people, vehicles, goods, finance, services, and platform linkage", establish an ecological alliance, and empower partners. It is reported that in the strategic planning of the remote e-home in the next 5 years, it will realize the integration of 500+ resource platforms, serve 10 million+ people, and is expected to achieve the goal of contributing 100 billion+ social value.

Leading green commercialization plugs in the "light and intelligent" wings for urban transportation

The layout of the plot grasps the initiative, and the wind is setting sail again. In order to better implement the "double carbon" strategy and further pass on the practice of "creating smart interconnection and leading green commercialization", Geely Commercial Vehicles carried the banner of "industrial landing" and held the China Pure E-commerce Vehicle City Championship.

Among them, the protagonist of the competition, Remote Xingzhi, won unanimous praise from the guests in various events such as taxiing deceleration, brake deceleration, parking start, S-road piling, unilateral bridge, roller road, gravel road, etc., which fully demonstrated the hard power of remote Xingzhi.

Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

It is reported that different from the traditional car manufacturing logic, remote Xingzhi light truck around the "green, intelligent" new model development and design, this is the geely commercial vehicle exclusive platform of the first new energy commercial model, thanks to the wisdom architecture "cloud world" has a rich scalability, it can not only derive to meet a variety of user scenario, customized product needs, but also at the level of electronic and electrical architecture reserved sufficient upgrade potential, the product from "hardware-defined car" to "software-defined car" commercial vehicle industry new height.

First of all, "Cloud World" is the industry's first positively developed exclusive architecture for new energy light trucks, which can meet the needs of pure electricity, extended range, hydrogen fuel cells and other new energy power routes. It adopts an electrical and electronic architecture derived from Geely passenger cars and is a leader in the field of light trucks. At present, L2+ level assisted driving can be realized, and in the future, it can be extended to L4 level automatic driving. The key controllers are equipped with ota functions, which can quickly introduce new functions, so that the vehicle has the ability to quickly learn and iterate. In the future, each remote Xingzhi light truck will become a smart node in the logistics ecology, making possible the dynamic management and ecological interconnection capabilities of "people, vehicles, roads and energy", so that the product form of commercial vehicles can truly achieve qualitative change.

Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

In addition, remote Star Wisdom from the technical concept, brand packaging, service system and other multi-dimensional innovation, equipped with the latest human-computer interaction system, equipped with a large number of intelligent auxiliary driving functions and remote management functions, and carried out body lightweight design, integration of intelligence, is a real Internet intelligent products, effectively meet customer and market demand, leading the construction of a new commercial vehicle industry ecology.

"Remote Xingzhi is like a 'Hulk' of urban logistics transportation, which can open up the "main artery" of urban transportation, meet the needs of the whole scene of urban logistics and transportation, and plug in the wings of 'light and intelligent' for urban transportation." Wang Yanbin said confidently.

More than half a step ahead, contribute more "remote intelligence" and "remote power"

From the emergence of the 1.0 era to the creation of a real 2.0 era brand, Remote Xingzhi has led the industry by more than half a step. According to data, the cumulative market share of long-range vehicle new energy light trucks from January to September was 24.5%, ranking first in the market and leading the industry at an unprecedented speed.

Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

During the competition, remote Xingzhi won 178 orders, adhering to the concept of "wisdom and efficiency, green development", with the help of the opportunity of the country's development of green logistics, once again injected new momentum into the development of Yunnan Green City.

From commercial vehicles to "new commercial vehicles", remote Xingzhi has truly achieved good looks, good driving and good money for users; also for the market and society, remote Xingzhi has also achieved benchmarking and low-carbon environmental protection.

It is reported that the remote Xingzhi New Energy Smart Light Truck has successfully achieved zero emissions, each vehicle can reduce operating costs by 22,000 yuan per year, reduce carbon emissions by 17 tons, and have unlimited market space and unlimited development prospects under the new situation of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality".

Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News

Also in terms of smart logistics, remote star wisdom can develop a variety of remote fleet management functions according to the actual needs of the increasing proportion of users in the current logistics industry, equipped with advanced functions such as electronic fences, intelligent monitoring of vehicles and drivers, etc., with the current green transportation capacity and smart car networking ecosystem, it can achieve reasonable distribution of transportation capacity through advanced technologies such as big data, cloud, and AI, helping truck drivers achieve intelligent dynamic management, increase economic benefits, and reduce operating costs.

If you do not ascend a mountain, you do not know the height of the sky; if you do not come to a deep stream, you do not know the thickness of the earth. In the future, Geely Commercial Vehicles will continue to uphold the corporate mission of "creating intelligent interconnection and leading green commercialization", take innovation-driven development as the core, help the construction of green city distribution system, and contribute more "remote wisdom" and "remote power" to achieve the goal of "3060".

Text: Yao Huifa Editor/Layout: Zhao Fangting

Carrying the banner of "double carbon", remote Xingzhi opens a new era of green commercial | China Automotive News