
Debut is the peak! Rowing four-person paddle girls must "always be excellent"

author:Beijing News

After 13 years, the Chinese team composed of Chen Yunxia, Zhang Ling, Lv Yang and Cui Xiaotong once again stood on the highest podium in the Olympic rowing women's quadruple sculls final. At 6:05.13, the Chinese team won the championship with a huge advantage, and the 4 girls have not failed since the 2019 boat.

Debut is the peak! Rowing four-person paddle girls must "always be excellent"

The women's quadruple sculpt won the 10th gold medal for the Chinese delegation. Photo: Xinhua News Agency

丨 Record

There has been no defeat since the boat was deployed

Chen Yunxia, Zhang Ling, Lü Yang and Cui Xiaotong have their own different growth histories: Zhang Ling and Cui Xiaotong were discovered by coaches when they were in elementary school, while Lü Yang and Chen Yunxia changed their sports halfway, Lü Yang switched from archery to racing boats, and Chen Yunxia's previous training program was long jump. In 2019, 4 girls of similar age became comrades in the same boat, becoming a new combination of women's four-person double oars of the Chinese rowing team.

Debut is the peak is a true portrayal of them. In May 2019, they successfully won the first race in the rowing World Cup, kicking off the 2019 season: the Henry Cup Challenge, the World Cup Series and the World Championship were all won by the Chinese women's four-man double sculls.

The Olympic arena is almost a copy of the previous history, from the first promotion in the preliminary round to today's final, the Chinese team has a huge advantage. The girls smiled happily after winning the championship, and Chen Yunxia sighed: "Maybe everyone sees that we have been winning, and we think it is very easy, and the difficulty behind is only known to us." But today to get the gold medal, it is not easy to become easy. Zhang Ling smiled and made a wish: "I hope we can always be excellent!" ”

Debut is the peak! Rowing four-person paddle girls must "always be excellent"

The 4 girls want to "always be excellent". Photo: Xinhua News Agency

丨 Pay

Accumulate and develop to lay the foundation for advantages

At the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Chinese rowing achieved a "breakthrough of zero" in Olympic gold medals, and it was the women's four-person double oars that represented Chinese rowing on the highest podium of the Olympic Games. Therefore, when witnessing the scene of the Chinese women's four-person double sculls winning the championship today, the CCTV commentary also choked up: "This is the best inheritance of Chinese rowing." ”

"Our goal is to compete for gold." After advancing to the top of the preliminaries, the girls spoke out the direction of their efforts, because the hard training of the past few years has laid a solid foundation for them. In the preparation cycle for the Tokyo Olympic Games, training subjects such as water specials, aerobics on the road, and circulating strength are fully lined up, and physical therapy is also received in the evening.

The women's quadruple doubles group accumulated energy in the almost harsh training, recalling the past "devil training", Cui Xiaotong sighed after winning the championship: "Before the coach always told us, 'If I don't torture you now, the opponent will torture you when I get to the field'. Judging from the course of today's game, the coach usually has a very effective effect on our 'torture'. ”

The coach who "tortured" them in training was Zhang Xiuyun, the legendary Figure of Chinese Women's Rowing, and as a world champion, Zhang Xiuyun's only regret was that she had not won an Olympic gold medal. After transforming into a coach, Zhang Xiuyun's goal became to help athletes realize their Olympic gold medal dreams. The dream was realized today, and the players who understood the coach's painstaking efforts sent thanks for the first time after the game: "Hard work, you really worked hard." Now that we've won the championship, you can take a break. ”

Beijing News reporter Zhou Xiao

Edited by Wang Xichong Proofread by Chen Diyan

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