
This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Ingredients: Beef loin (2 cm thick) 200 g, vegetable sprouts 100 g, 2 heads of garlic, 1 sweet potato, a pinch of salt beef marinade: 1 tbsp freshly ground coarse pepper, 2 tbsp olive oil

Dijon mustard red wine sauce: 3 tbsp steak sauce, 3 tbsp red wine and water, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp Dijon mustard, 1/2 tbsp cream

Baked cream sweet potatoes: 1/2 tbsp cream, 1 tsp ground cinnamon, 1 tbsp honey

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Start production:

Sprinkle the coarse pepper over the beef, both

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

The sprouts of vegetables are washed and soaked in ice water to maintain a fresh taste.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Cut off the first 1/4 of the whole head of garlic, cut a knife in the middle of the sweet potato, and sprinkle with a little salt and olive oil.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Spread a little cream and honey on the sweet potato incision, sprinkle with cinnamon powder, bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 10 minutes, then add garlic and bake together for 30 minutes.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Stir well in the ingredients of Dijon mustard red wine sauce in a pot, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes and add the cream until it melts.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Pan is preheated and sauté the beef from step 1 while sprinkling with a pinch of salt. Before the gravy oozes, immediately turn over and continue frying.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Plate the fried ingredients and serve.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Cooking Tips: Depending on the harvest time and processing method, pepper can be divided into four types: green, black, red and white. Green pepper harvests earlier and has a milder spicy taste than black pepper; black pepper is harvested when the fruit is not fully ripe on a vine; red pepper is a fully ripe fruit; and white pepper is a fully ripe fruit that is dried and peeled. Colorful and good-looking synthetic pepper, not only to enhance the appetite, but also has a sweet aroma, softer than the average black pepper. It is recommended to grind pepper into powder before cooking, instead of ready-made pepper, which can remove the fishy smell and maintain the unique flavor of pepper.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!

Selected from the book "Western Food Meets Red Wine", all rights reserved.

This authentic Sharon steak is made with beef back loins And the juicy seasonings are delicious enough!