
How many years did the great general Cheng Bite Jin live Where is the tomb of Cheng Biting Jin?

author:Interesting history

Introduction to Cheng Biting Gold

Cheng Biting Jin was a general of the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties, whose real name was Cheng Zhijie, who had served as a horse of the internal army, and after returning to the Tang Dynasty, he was very brave in killing the enemy, suppressing the rebel army and attacking the Turks, so he was promoted and dismissed, and then let's look at the introduction of Cheng Biting Jin.

How many years did the great general Cheng Bite Jin live Where is the tomb of Cheng Biting Jin?

Bite image

Cheng Yaojin is a Jeju Dong'a native, a generation of family officials, since childhood is good at riding and shooting Chen Yaojin has a good skill, and the image of his novel is exaggerated by the author and the actual ability of the characters, but can not be separated from its good war, brave characteristics, such as Cheng Biting Jin's weapon is not a three-plate axe but a mallet.

When Cheng Yaojin was young, it was the late Sui Dynasty, and the absurdity of the late Sui Emperor and the brutal and cruel methods of the ruling class aroused public indignation, and finally this large-scale peasant uprising broke out, and the young and enthusiastic Cheng Yaojin joined it as a rebel army, and later joined Li Mi's troops and became the weight of the Wagang Army.

Later, due to Li Mi's unfavorable command, Cheng Yaojin's Wagang army defeated Wang Shichong, so its strength was greatly damaged, and Cheng Yaojin and other grand prizes were also severely damaged, thus leading to the decline of the army's strength, and the desperate Wagang army could only surrender to Wang Shichong and return to the Tang Dynasty's subordinates. Hou Cheng and Qin Shubao reached a consensus to stay away from Wang Shichong, and the two were very powerful, making Wang Shichong fear his fierceness and not chase.

Cheng Biting Jin and Qin Shubao were placed under Li Shimin's disciples, and were appreciated for their bravery in fighting, and Cheng Biting Jin fought for Tang to unify the world.

The above is the brief introduction of Cheng Yaojin, when Li Shimin succeeded to the throne as Tang Taizong, Cheng Yaojin served as the Left Leading General, the Assassin History, and the ZhenJun Grand General.

How many years did Cheng bite Jin live

As the founding general of the Tang Dynasty and the right-hand man of Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, Cheng Yaojin was appointed as the Duke of Lu, the nineteenth of the twenty-four heroes in the Ling Yan Pavilion. Cheng biting jin changed his name to Cheng Zhijie, and the word is yizhen, in order to show the Determination of loyalty to the Tang Dynasty, and said that Cheng biting Jin is very lucky and very long-lived, so let's understand how many years the next Cheng Biting Jin lived.

How many years did the great general Cheng Bite Jin live Where is the tomb of Cheng Biting Jin?

Stills of Cheng biting Jin played by Zhang Weijian

Born in 589 AD, Cheng Yaojin became one of the leaders of the peasant revolt of the Wagang Army at the age of 21, and was highly valued by Li Mi, but later surrendered to Wang Shichong due to defeat, although he was treated favorably by Wang Shichong but knew that he was treacherous, so he defected to Li Shimin at the age of 30 and became the founding hero of the Tang Dynasty.

Cheng Yaojin has been serving the Tang Dynasty ever since, serving as a general in the Zhenjun Army when he was nearly 60 years old, and when Cheng Yaojin was 67 years old, he led troops to attack the Turks. According to records, Cheng Yaojin died of illness at home in 665 AD, that is, at the age of 77, so Cheng Biting Jin lived for 77 years, and in terms of the length of life at that time, it was for longevity.

How many years did the great general Cheng Bite Jin live Where is the tomb of Cheng Biting Jin?

There are also other years of life and death for Cheng BitingJin, so Cheng BitingJin lived to be 73 years old, born in 593 AD, and died in 665. In the "Sui and Tang Dynasty", it is about the life span of Cheng Yaojin up to 120 years old, not only longevity, but also very healthy, in his old age can also lead soldiers to go out, very energetic, and finally laugh and die.

The above is an introduction to how many years Cheng Biting Jin lived, of which Cheng Biting Jin lived for more than 120 years, after all, it is a novel, which may be an exaggeration used to exaggerate the character and characteristics of the characters.

Cheng bites the golden tomb

Cheng Yaojin was born as a peasant, born straight and hot-blooded, and courageous and brave, heroic and good at war, the late Sui Dynasty era was turbulent, the government was corrupt, Cheng Yaojin joined the peasant uprising and became one of the leaders of the uprising with courage. Cheng Biting Jin has always been considered a famous and blessed general among the heroes, always able to turn danger into destruction, turning it into nothing, and also has a very long life, and then let us understand the next Cheng Biting Jin Tomb.

How many years did the great general Cheng Bite Jin live Where is the tomb of Cheng Biting Jin?

Cheng bites the gold game image

Cheng Biting Jin Tomb is buried as a funerary mausoleum in tang Taizong Li Shimin's mausoleum Zhaoling, this mausoleum is known as the "world famous mausoleum" is the largest of the Tang Dynasty emperors' mausoleums, but also the largest number of funerary tombs, as many as 180, and Cheng Biting Jin's mausoleum is among them.

In the first half of his life, Cheng Yaojin only ran for life, in order to let his mother live a stable life, he also became a robber, and when the court was corrupt and tyrannical, he exposed the uprising and became a leader of the peasant uprising, protecting the people from being plundered by the rogues, and even dedicated himself to the people.

Later, he was able to defect to Li Shimin and became the founding hero of the Tang Dynasty, which was among Li Shimin, but in the later years of Cheng Yaojin, he was late in his life, and the hero also had a day of decline, because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, greedy for money and did not listen to the correct advice, killing thousands of Hu people just to pay for his wealth. Therefore, Cheng Yaojin was deposed, although he soon re-used it as a thorn history, but Cheng Yaojin has always taken this as a taboo, and has no intention of pursuing a career, so he quickly resigned from the government.

Depressed at home, he finally died of illness at home, and was buried in the Zhaoling Tomb for funerary burial, and left an epitaph to verify, so that he could show the real Cheng Yaojin to posterity.

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