
Scientists use LED lights to trick insects and uncover the truth about luminous mushrooms

author:Far North
Scientists use LED lights to trick insects and uncover the truth about luminous mushrooms

We know that certain mushrooms have special effects, such as hallucinogenic effects. Such mushroom products are popular in countries like the Netherlands and are considered illegal in most other countries. Of course, today I want to talk about those mushrooms that can emit light at night, referred to as luminous mushrooms.

As early as 1840, the British botanist George Gardner saw a child holding something that looked like a giant firefly in Brazil, which turned out to be a neonothopanus gardneri (a mushroom that can emit bioluminescence).

Scientists use LED lights to trick insects and uncover the truth about luminous mushrooms

Gardner sent the mushroom sample back to England, leaving important evidence of the glowing mushroom and naming the amazing fungus after himself. His research is important because it wasn't until 2009 that new researcher Dennis Jardins took a digital camera to record the discovery again in the Brazilian rainforest. He recounts the reasons why the light of this mushroom disappears:

"As long as there is enough moisture and oxygen, this mushroom can glow 24 hours a day. But in reality, they only emit light for a specific short period of time, which means that the chemicals affected by enzymes in mushrooms need to be adequately supplied. ”

Now, researchers have revealed the answers to questions about how mushrooms glow and the benefits of glowing.

Scientists use LED lights to trick insects and uncover the truth about luminous mushrooms

The scientists were amused, and for further research, they made fake mushrooms out of LED luminous lights to trick the insects. Like moths to a fire, bees, flies, ants and other insects are attracted to the light. Once they climb onto the mushroom, or feed on real mushrooms, the insects carry the mushroom's spores and spread the light.

To unravel the mystery of the mushroom's glow, the researchers ground the mushroom and analyzed the fluorescein molecules in it. In the case of providing oxygen and luciferase, this luciferin molecule can make fireflies glow. This chemical reaction produces oxidized fluorescein, which releases light energy to "tend to ease."

Similarly, researchers isolated and also found luciferase in fungi. This is considered an important substance that controls changes in the color and intensity of mushroom luminescence.

Scientists use LED lights to trick insects and uncover the truth about luminous mushrooms

I can't help but imagine that if this mushroom is edible, then dinners made with this ingredient must be very popular.

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