
Mistakenly poke the honeycomb

author:Chiye carefully selected

#Fuan ##Wasp##Childhood##Childhood Time Machine##福建头条 #

When he was young, he was stubborn, and he especially liked outdoor activities, especially wild animals. Go down the river to catch fish and shrimp, go into the mountains to pick fruits and hunt, go up to the trees to pick birds and catch cicadas, everything is fine and everything is done. Especially when it's hot, meet up with a few companions, and challenges are everywhere. This is not a horse's hoof, a man's negligence, and this time it has been greatly affected.

The Fu'an Di Committee Auditorium, on the edge of the old bridge on the balcony, is empty. There are two cement platforms on either side of the entrance steps of the auditorium, and a row of red bricks is a ping-pong table. On both sides of the platform there are two plants with yellow trumpet flowers, and the nectar of that flower is very sweet, and when it blooms, it is plucked and plucked from the flower peduncle to drink directly.

Mistakenly poke the honeycomb

When I went to college, I learned that the two were yellow oleanders, and the whole plant was poisonous. I have drunk at least a few hundred oleander nectar, nothing at all, I guess it is a hundred poisons.

This is not a thing, the accident is one evening, as the third (2) class leader of Nanhu Elementary School, I played with a dozen male classmates in the auditorium of the prefectural committee. Everyone scattered and did everything, and I ghostly came to the flood control dam of the auditorium, and then picked up a bamboo pole in a daze, aimlessly tapping the green bamboo and sycamore leaves outside the head of the dam. To be honest, why I did it, I myself was completely unclear and unconscious.

Suddenly, with a pop, I felt the bamboo pole hit a hollow substance. Soon a whining sounded, Mom, it was really blind to the dog's eyes, a huge honeycomb was close at hand, as big as a basketball. In an instant, a large group of thumb-thick wasps rushed towards me, and I had two words in my heart: It's over!! I remember very clearly, the swarm of bees visible to the naked eye all flew over my head, and then the unforgettable pain made my whole body wake up immediately. I squatted down subconsciously, useless, getting more and more painful. So I kept slapping the wasps with my hands, and although I killed a lot of wasps, it was useless, and I felt that more and more wasps had been surrounded, and my head was getting more and more painful. In a panic, I jumped directly from the dam more than three meters high, and after landing on the ground, I squatted with my head held for a few seconds, and the wasp flew down to continue biting. I couldn't stand it anymore, and ran desperately in the direction of the auditorium, about 30 meters out, and the wasp finally stopped chasing.

Mistakenly poke the honeycomb

I was red in the face, my heart was beating fast, I was worried that I was going to die, and I gasped and said: Classmates, there is a honeycomb there, I was stung, it hurts, I want to go home. After saying that, I ran home.

After running for an estimated five minutes, when I got home, I said to my sister that I had been bitten a lot by wasps, and you went to tell my mother. At that time, my parents were still in the vegetable field, and my sister quickly ran to the vegetable garden to call my mother home.

Mistakenly poke the honeycomb

The aunt next door also heard that I had been stung by a horse bee and treated me in ancient ways. Pour salted fish juice on my head, oh my God, that sour I will never forget, it hurts!!

About half an hour later, the mother came back, Fu'an words "bee sting" and "touch the stool" is basically the same, the mother also thought that my head hit the stool, it is estimated that the scoop. As a result, I found that I was stung by a wasp, so I washed my hair and took me to the village to see Dr. Liu Chulao.

Dr. Liu asked me how old the wasp was, and I said the biggest one. The old horse bee is also called the long-legged bee, there are as many as 5-6 species, the largest of this black and yellow.

Mistakenly poke the honeycomb

Ask me how long it has been dinging, and I said it's been more than an hour.

Asked if there was anything uncomfortable, I said it hurt before, but now it's basically not painful.

Dr. Liu brought me a box of cool oil to touch home and said that without looking, it would be fine if you were not allergic.

If you will be allergic, it is estimated that you will not be able to come back on the spot.

When I got home, it was already dark, and when my hair was short, my sting scalp would leave a black hole the size of a big matchhead, and I didn't feel anything when I touched it with cool oil. A rough count of 33 holes means that at least 33 holes have been stung. But strangely, the scalp was not swollen at all, and I slept soundly at night with two towels wrapped around my head.

Going to school the next day was hilarious. Later, my classmates helped me take revenge, and Zheng'er Bajing went to poke the honeycomb, and seven classmates were injured. There are faces, backs, arms are stung, most of them are stung, and the wounds are swollen like red buns, which makes people cry and laugh. In particular, the eyes of the monk Boy (nickname), the ear root of the hemp ball (nickname) is incredibly swollen. I hit 33 bites in the head, but I couldn't see it at all.

Mistakenly poke the honeycomb

After the Chinese teacher knew about it, he also deliberately responded to the principal about this matter. As a result, the next day, on the willow tree at the entrance of the second grade, a honeycomb the size of a bucket was served. The husband of the Chinese teacher is a police officer, and he asked the SWAT officer to come and climb up the ladder to get rid of it.

Mistakenly poke the honeycomb

The People of Fu'an do not have the habit of using horse bees to make wine and eat bee pupae, which leads to a huge number of honeycombs in our horses.

Now the urban population is increasing, there are fewer horse honeycombs, and there are still many mountainous areas.

Friends, have you ever been stung by a wasp? Horse bee earth talk what you call it.

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