
Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!


(Text/Three Butterflies) In this season's hit animation "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots", the legendary high school student Sakamoto can play a handsome role in every word and deed, every move, and each episode of the plot is full of unscientific fan high energy, so that the audience can appreciate the new realm of "cool~cooler~coolest".

In the first episode, Sakamoto encounters an insect opponent, a bee that breaks into the classroom. Originally, everyone thought it was just a bee, but it didn't expect it to be a terrible "big tiger bee", even the teacher was stunned, and quickly led the male students to take off their black coats and pants to avoid being attacked (what a ghost!). )。 Only Sakamoto was still very calm, took out the compass to compete with "Mr. Bee", and also used the secret skill "skillful hand to pinch the bean" - using the compass to catch the bee, and finally releasing it to the window.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Such a divine plot, it is really powerless to complain, and the screenwriter can be described as deliberate in order to create a perfect Sakamoto everywhere.

However, calling this chaotic tiger bee "Mr. Bee" is a small mistake by Sakamoto's classmates. "Bee" refers to bees, which are members of the general family of bees (read more: follow the beekeeper and experience the birth of honey), the wasp is wasp, and the tiger head bee is hornnet.

Mr. Bee is actually a wasp

Who is this great tiger-headed bee who fought with Sakamoto in swordplay? The big tiger-headed bee in the anime is called in Japan and Taiwan, and in China, this species is called Vespa mandarinia.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Golden Ring Wasp, the real body of "Mr. Bee"

It is commendable that the portrayal of this golden-ringed wasp in the animation is quite realistic, and even the V-shaped groove of the compound eye, a feature of the venomous family, is also drawn, and it is also the conscience of the industry to achieve such recognition.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

See the grooves in the compound eye?

In the past, the family Waspidae was divided into Waspidae, Waspidae, Heterogropodiaceae, Bell-bellied Waspidae, Narrow-bellied Waspidae, and Cockroachidae. The tiger-headed bee mentioned in the animation is a species of the authentic wasp family. However, now, the classification system has changed, and it has been divided and merged. The vespa family became a superfamily, and not only earth bees, spider bees, but even ants (what we call ants) were incorporated. The previously mentioned wasps, wasps, grasshoppers and the like are all incorporated into the wasp family, so now we can say that the wasp is also a wasp. With the exception of the family Crabidae, all other species are social insects that live in hives and have a clear division of labor among family members. All wasps are fully metamorphosed insects, going through four stages of growth: eggs – larva – pupae – adults.

How scary are vespas? 】

People are afraid of bees because they mostly carry the weapon of attack such as a chele needle. The chele is specialized from the laying tubes of bees, and only the female bees have the claws, and the males do not (so Mr. Bee is not only not Bee, but also not Mr...). )。 The most important use of the cheet is to lay eggs, and other ancillary functions are drilling, cutting, etc., in addition to defense and offense.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

If it's Really Mr. Bee, there would be no such wonderful swordsman battle...

The claw needle of the bee worker bee connects the internal organs, and there are barbs on the claw needle, and the stinging sting, the poison sac and the poisonous glands will remain on the human skin, and the stinging bees will not live long before they die. The queen bee of the bee also has a chelate, but it is only used to pierce the quasi-queen of the other royal platforms when competing for the throne, and it will not die like a worker bee after the stab. People have their own destinies, bees are the same, born to be king has special privileges, even the structure has more advantageous features, but it is also in this way that the bee colony can reproduce and grow.

The wasp's claw needle is different, usually when not in use, it will be put away, and it can attack many times in case of danger, and will not hurt its own life. In the wasp family, the most terrifying is the species of vespa subfamily Vespa, which is commonly known as the tiger bee, and it is no wonder that even the teacher panics in the animation.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

It seems that the tiger bee has left a serious psychological shadow on the teacher... (There is something wrong with the translation of the subtitle group here, and the wasp directly becomes a wasp)

The wasp's claw needle consists of a thorn sheath and two thin needles, which are larger than the bees, and there are barbs on them, coupled with the strong muscles of the wasps, making the wasps an assassin who can be chased continuously. The golden ring wasp in the animation is the largest of the wasps, with a claw needle of up to 6 mm, piercing into the skin enough to make people scream in pain, making a buffalo fall to the ground. Wasp's chelate needle by a catheter into the venom sac, the venom sac connects the acid glands, can secrete acidic fluid, the other end of the crayfish is connected to the alkali glands, usually the acid and alkali do not meet, the wasp launched to pierce the needle into the skin of people or animals, the acid and alkali liquid is released at the same time, causing a toxic attack. In addition, while releasing the venom, the vespa will also release pheromones to summon other companions to come to support, and the more times they are stung, the more damage to people. Being stung by a vespa can cause redness, swelling, pain and itching of the skin, and can lead to shock and organ failure and death.

Why is the poison of the vespa deadly? According to the research and determination, the components of vespa venom are mainly protein enzymes, peptide bond hydrolases and amino acids, mainly including histamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, waspkinin, phospholipase A, phospholipase B, hyaluronidase and so on. These ingredients can not only cause local skin redness and pain, but also cause serious reactions such as hemolysis, allergic reactions, kidney failure, and hypercalcemia.

Generally after being stung by a wasp, the skin will immediately appear red, swollen, and painful, usually lasting for a day or two, and then slowly recover. There are also people who do not react much at that time, and after a few days, the reaction becomes more and more intense, such as continuous swelling, ulceration or other discomfort, which must be sought in time. There are also a small number of people will have a serious allergic reaction to bee venom, in addition to a large area of skin swelling, itching, there will also be nausea, abdominal cramps, breathing difficulties, bronchospasm and even systemic organ failure, if not rescued in time will die. After such people have been stung once, the reaction of being stung by bees will be more intense. So be sure to be careful when you're outdoors.

【Take off the black clothes!】 Is this really useful? 】

In order to hide from the vespa, the male students, under the leadership of the teacher, threw off their knotted uniforms. The teacher said that wasps like to attack moving black objects, and this statement is really based on some evidence.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Some studies suggest that bees treat large areas of black objects as bears or other predators, suggesting that shaking around in a black uniform does have the potential to trigger their attacks. In addition, bright and vivid colors can also attract wasps, which may use these colors as flowers, and people's panicked evictions may trigger defensive attacks from bees. Objects with strong aromas and sweet diets also attract bees.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Sweetie's favorite! The yellow-footed vespa velutina feeds on the sweet juices of plantain flowers

Knowing their habits, we must do the opposite. In the outdoors for a long time, we should try to avoid wearing clothes that are too brightly colored, wear long pants and long-sleeved sneakers, wear hats, reduce the area of bare skin, and do not apply perfume, and wrap up in leftover sweet food bags.

Outdoors, always pay attention to whether there is a hive under your feet and on the grass and trees around you, so as not to accidentally touch or get too close to the hive and cause a siege of swarms of bees. Especially after the autumn, it is the peak period of all kinds of bee nests, bees also have to look around for food storage for wintering, the number of bees active outside has increased sharply, and outdoor activities need to be extra careful.

When you encounter a bee or swarm flying in front of you, remember to stay calm, stand and breathe carefully, and wait for the swarm to calm down and slowly retreat. If you are unfortunate enough to be attacked by a bee, wrap your head and neck in clothing as soon as possible and quickly flee in the opposite direction of the hive, and do not swing your body to flap wildly. It has been said before that wasps will leave pheromones to pass on to their companions after stinging, and if they swing their bodies randomly, they will attract "public anger" and attract more bees to help attack.

If there is a residue of a chelated needle on the skin, it must be carefully pulled out in the opposite direction of the direction of the penetration with forceps or other tools in time, rinse the stung skin with water, and if possible, use ice to relieve the pain. If someone has an anaphylactic shock reaction, let them lie flat and raise their feet, and call the emergency number in time to send them to the hospital for rescue.

【The wasp of good and evil】

I have said so many terrible things about vespas, but in fact, they are not so irritable and irritable. In all these years of field expeditions and activities, wasps have never actively attacked me, although sometimes my camera has been very close to their nests and bodies (thanks to the wasps' unhindered grace).

Wasps also have a favorable side to humans. Wasps are carnivorous insects, will eat a lot of insects harmful to agriculture, they have a wide range of diet, rapid predation, large amount of predation is also easy to obtain, so it can be used for ecological control.

However, human-farmed insects can also become the wasp's meal. For example, the golden-ringed wasp mentioned in the animation, 5 to 7 can invade the hive and kill a large nest of bees. Even some small wasps are eaten by large wasps.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Tropical Vespa Vespa tropica sneaks up on Black Shield Vespa bicolor

Many places like to take vespa or bee pupae to make wine, but this folk earth recipe is not credible. There are also some cosmetics on the market that claim to contain bee venom ingredients, but the publicity of these products "natural botulinum toxin" and "stimulating collagen" is really suspicious.

【Meet the Wasp Family】

Having said all this, let's take a look at the picture and get to know the Wasp family.

Let's start with a few bees from the authentic vespa subfamily Vespa, the tiger-headed wasp.

The black-tailed vespa vespa ducalis, a large wasp shown here, isps nibbling on the bark to obtain fibrous and go back to nesting:

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

The yellow-waisted wasp Vespa affinis, which looks quite large in the photo, is actually a small and medium-sized wasp. Probably the most widely distributed wasp. This is also collecting the "building materials" for nesting.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

The nest of the genus Vespa is usually a delicate closed ball of paper fibers, which is very artistic. The large vespa nest is larger than a basketball, and the gridded hive is hidden inside, and the appearance is not obvious. Pictured here on the back of the bulbous leaf is the nest of the tropical vespa Vespa tropica.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

The nest under construction looks like this, you can see the lattice inside:

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Next, let's look at the species of the wasp subfamily, also known as the long-legged wasp. It is characterized by long feet and thin waist.

The wasp Postes rothneyi in the picture below is a large horse wasp that is eating a moth larvae.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Your moth is in my hand...

Postes strigosus is a medium-sized brown-red wasp that is slightly smaller than the larger brown wasp. Their larvae and eggs can be seen in the nest above, and the nest of the subfamily wasp is a special dew, which is different from the species of the wasp genus.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

The past heterogasceral wasp family is now also classified as a subfamily, and the following pile is a common meta-lateral heterogabee wasp Parapolybia varia in South China, pay attention to their abdomen, which is not only long but also special in shape.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Fork-breasted heteroglymbic wasp Parapolybia nodosa and its nest:

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Bell-bellied wasp Rhopalidia sp. Long below like this. It is very small, the largest is only 1 centimeter. Their nests are also unobtrusive and much smaller than other species.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

The abdomen of the narrow-bellied wasp is special-looking, very narrow and very irregular. Their nest shape is also quite peculiar, hanging under branches or buildings. The nest below may be that of eustenogaster nigra, a black-bellied wasp.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

Unlike other social wasps, the scorpion is a loner. Females will make a small mud nest for their offspring, and go out to prey on the larvae of the moths and stuff them into the small mud nest. The amazing thing is that these meat bugs do not die, but like an "anesthesia injection", they will remain in an anesthesia. The larvae of the grasshopper hatch and are eaten by live insects.

The "little mud pot" below is the nest of the grasshopper, and the small bugs are stuffed through the opening.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

The great ornate cockroach Delta pyriforme worm, as its name suggests, is large and gorgeous. Their nests are more mud bee-like and look like a long mud ball.

Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!

(Editor: Window knocking rain)

This article was originally published on the author's WeChat public account (sandieji2016), reprinted with permission, and modified when this site was published. All the photos in the text are provided by the author, and the animation screenshots are from "In Shimosakamoto, What Noble Roots".

Source: Fruit Husk

The copyright of this article belongs to The Fruit Shell Network ( and is prohibited from being reproduced.

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Watching "In Shimo-Sakamoto, What Noble Roots" only recognizes the forced king? After reading this article, you are more powerful than forcing the king!