
Society should cherish the dutiful "domineering" teachers

author:Parenting neighbors
Society should cherish the dutiful "domineering" teachers

Nurture neighborly dreams

Netizens asked: Some teachers are very domineering, and they can't help but lose their temper with the parents of the students, and the parents have suffering and what do you think?

Reply: Society should cherish the dutiful "domineering" teachers.

Life is endowed with a combination of natural substances with the ability to reproduce + growth cycle + a small part of the self-healing function that damages itself. What should individuals look like, how to achieve intergenerational rotation, and in which natural environments are suitable for survival..... These are genetically determined by natural physiological genes. However, as a higher level of natural life, in addition to the basic physiological characteristics of animal groups, the ability to adapt to the natural living environment needs to be acquired through acquired exploration, such as the predatory skills of predators such as lions + tigers + cheetahs, and the ability of vegetarian animals such as antelopes + hares + bison to escape predators.

Humans, the most intelligent and high-grade mammals in the natural life system, only humans have evolved into a systematic abstract social civilization in the natural life system, only humans have the ability to transform the natural material composition form through large-scale division of labor and cooperation, only humans have improved the structure of self-food supply by domesticating and sowing plants + taming captive animals... However, in addition to physiological characteristics, the acquired social civilization life skills of human society do not have genetic traits. Therefore, in the course of tens of millions of years of evolutionary practice, human society has formed a complete and unique comprehensive social practice activity to guide and assist children to grow up and become adults - education.

Education, the comprehensive social practice activities of human guidance and assistance to children to grow up and become adults, is the core grasp of human social civilization to be passed on from generation to generation, the fundamental guarantee for everyone to acquire basic survival skills after birth, and the strong backing for relieving modern families to solve the "worries" of fertility. The core goal of educational work is to inherit the wisdom of the wise, and the fundamental task of educational work is to improve intelligence and solve problems, the essence of which is to use the mature rules of human society to restrain children's growth mentality and give them the comprehensive ability to adapt independently to human social life.

Educational work is the most complex comprehensive performance art in the history of human society, it is like a painting, parents and teachers color the child over and over again, expecting the child to be able to present the picture picture he envisions. However, children are independent individuals with full behavioral willpower, they will give up or add many colors according to their own preferences; educational work is the most difficult picture in the history of human society, because every parent and teacher can only rely on their existing experience to guide children to learn and grow, and can only use the known social civilization of human society to guide children to adapt to the unknown world; education work is the easiest picture in the history of human society, because as long as the environment adapts, Children will always color themselves according to their own preferences, and children can always use their existing wisdom and experience to "see the tricks" of the problems encountered in life; education work is the greatest century project in the history of human social civilization, because only by supplying the best resources of human society to children can human society have talents from generation to generation, and can we ensure that the generation of talents is stronger than the generation.

Society should cherish the dutiful "domineering" teachers

The teaching is not strict, and the teacher is lazy

The Three Character Sutra

In the beginning of man, nature is good. Sex is similar, habits are far away.

Sex is not taught, sex is migratory. The way of teaching is expensive and specialized.

Xi Mengmu, choose the neighbor. The child does not learn, the machine is broken.

Dou Yanshan, there is a righteous party. Teach the five sons, and the fame is famous.

It is the fault of the Father not to teach. The teaching is not strict, and the teacher is lazy.

The child does not learn, it is not appropriate. Young do not learn, what is old.

Jade is not thoughtful, not a tool. Man does not learn, he does not know righteousness.

As the Son of Man, when the party is young. Dear teachers and friends, learn etiquette.


Education is to borrow the mature achievements of human social civilization to correct children's daily life words and deeds, and to give each child the comprehensive ability to independently adapt to human social life. Parents bring their children to the human world and are the first and only lifelong mentors in their children's life journey. However, with the continuous accumulation of the achievements of human social civilization, the possibility of each family raising their own children alone is becoming less and less likely. From the beginning of the primitive ancestors of human beings to the clan or tribe as a unit to teach children to grow better, feudal emperors and aristocratic classes took the lead in hiring respected people for their children as teachers, since the machinery industry began to enter the auxiliary human social production labor, due to the increasing complexity of mechanical operations, the operation of machinery engaged in occupational production labor for a longer and longer time. Therefore, "changing children and teaching" has begun to become the basic means for human beings to assist children in learning and growth.

School education, the masterpiece of human society's implementation of "changing children and teaching" and pursuing efficient talent training programs, is the first productive force of modern human society, the best way for every citizen to obtain the ability to produce labor in society, the cradle of reserve talents for the construction and development of the country and society, and the basic starting point for alleviating the "worries" of professional families. It has a vibrant campus, clean and tidy teaching facilities, high-quality full-time teachers, a well-coordinated teaching program, and a complete learning and growth certification system... At present, school education shoulders the heavy responsibility of inheriting the long history and culture of the country and the nation, shoulders the historical mission of cultivating talents for social development construction, and carries the ardent expectations of the family "hoping that children will become dragons and women will become phoenixes". Teachers are a new profession that has been bred after the popularization of school education.

Qing Dynasty poet Luo Zhenyu's "Mingsha Shi Shi Shu - Taigong Tutor": "Disciples and teachers, respect the same father, learn his Way, and learn his speech." ...... Loyal subjects have no foreign friends, and disciples have good cultivation. One day as a teacher, a lifetime as a father. "The ancients said: The master/teacher is the disciple/student's food and clothing parents.

Indeed, the core goal of education work is to inherit the wisdom of the wise, and the fundamental task of education work is to improve intelligence and solve problems, which is simply to teach children the principle of being a person and doing things. Therefore, there is often a saying that strict teachers are high disciples, famous historical allusions such as Wang Xizhi's godson, the Eastern Jin Dynasty's famous book saint Wang Xizhi, his calligraphy can be called a must in the history of our country, and the apprentice he taught, that is, his son Wang Xianzhi, is also quite famous in the history of our country. Wang Xianzhi was born with a strong nature and excellent intellect, so under the guidance of his father, he practiced calligraphy diligently, even if it was frozen for three feet, uninterrupted, until he had written twenty cylinders of ink, and then he really learned calligraphy and became famous in the world.

The syllabus regulates the teaching content of modern schools, the form of teaching, the code of conduct for teachers... Professional modern education is becoming more and more restrictive to the behavior of teachers and the protection of children's right to education. However, a very small number of children have exploited the loopholes that teachers dare not discipline students, and in the process of learning, they not only do not abide by the teaching order themselves, but also often interfere with the learning of other students. Therefore, at a time when teachers are fully professional and feminine, society should cherish those conscientious "domineering" teachers. Because the teacher's domineering purpose is only to ask the child to focus on progress with his professional vision, if not, wouldn't it be more comfortable to talk about it?

Society should cherish the dutiful "domineering" teachers

The mission of raising neighbors: to be a sparring partner and consultant on the road to children's growth.

The vision of nurturing neighbors: let there be no small and difficult old people in the world.

Nurturing neighbors: Promote social harmony with neighborhood friendliness, promote social moral education and indoctrination, and promote the healthy and happy growth of everyone. Explore a set of public welfare and inclusive education undertakings that solve the problem of "one-child syndrome + intergenerational education" in the form of neighborhood mutual assistance, and work with parents to "tailor" children's growth plans to provide children with games, cooperation and shared growth space... That is, the community neighborhood education service ecosystem.

Society should cherish the dutiful "domineering" teachers