
Breed leopard print shougong, learn these, novice beginners become big gods in a second!

author:Crawl the pet net

Leopard-print keeper is a favorite pet of many novice climbers, mainly because it is so attractive. In addition, the cultivation of leopard print shougu is also more simple and convenient than other pets, so people who like to breed leopard striped shougong account for a large part. So if you are a zero foundation, how can you better breed leopard print shougong? The following compilation will talk about some of the problems that may be encountered in the breeding leopard print palace, I hope it will be helpful to you!

Breed leopard print shougong, learn these, novice beginners become big gods in a second!

1. How to determine the size of the leopard pattern keeping environment space?

(1): Leopard-printed palaces of juveniles and sub-adults must prepare a tidying box larger than its size, because they need to leave room for them to grow. Of course, if you have enough money and budget, you can prepare several different sizes of collation boxes, and change them every stage of growth.

(2): A 60*40*30 wooden finishing box can hold 2-3 adult leopard print shougong.

Breed leopard print shougong, learn these, novice beginners become big gods in a second!

2. Can males and females be polycultured together?

Theoretically, yes, but not so much so. Otherwise, it is easy to lead to big bullying and small ones. It should be noted that adult leopard print guards, males are best not to be polycultured with females, because at this stage of the male palace, there is a considerable possessiveness of their own territory, which is likely to cause serious incidents such as biting.

3. What kind of substrate should we prepare for the palace?

Specialized reptile sand is the best and most suitable substrate at present, we only need to choose professional reptile sand. Remember!!! Do not casually use industrial sand or river sand, this type of sand belt has a lot of dust and germs, to the palace to use may endanger its health.

Breed leopard print shougong, learn these, novice beginners become big gods in a second!

4. Is the legend of reptile sand harmful to the palace?

Many newcomers should have heard about this. In fact, in addition to the larval (because the larval digestive system is too fragile to drain the particles of reptile sand in time, the digestive tract may cause difficulties), the use of reptile sand in sub-adult and adult palaces is not harmful and also helps them digest.

(1): The size of reptile sand 0.5mm is suitable for sub-adult size. (2): Reptile sand 1.5mm-2mm suitable for adult size.

Breed leopard print shougong, learn these, novice beginners become big gods in a second!

5. What degrees of breeding temperature is required for the palace?

(1): The larvae need to be controlled at about 32 degrees. (2): Sub-adults and adults need to be controlled at 28 degrees to 32 degrees. The best way is to prepare a heating pad and prepare a thermometer to grasp the temperature degree in one hand. (Do not use to heat rocks, it is easy to get high temperature burns or low temperature burns.) )

Breed leopard print shougong, learn these, novice beginners become big gods in a second!

6. How should food and water be fed?

Although the leopard striped palace often lives in arid areas, it is still necessary to supply them with water, and it is enough to feed them 2-3 times a week. In terms of food, it can eat more things, such as crickets, bread worms, barley worm cockroaches and so on.

Today I will temporarily share here, and we will continue to talk about some problems that may be encountered in the breeding palace and the corresponding solutions in the next issue.

Climbers who are interested and in need remember to pay attention to the next issue of the article!