
In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt

author:191 Grape Service Center

On July 2, the China Meteorological Administration held a press conference in July, according to the press conference, the average national temperature in June this year is 0.6 °C higher than the same period of the year, and in the next ten days, North China Huanghuai will also experience 4 to 7 days of high temperature weather, and the local area can reach 40 °C. The high temperature is added!

In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt

As a major apple growing province in Shandong, in terms of temperature, the western part of northwest Lu, luzhong and southwest Lu will have high temperature weather above 35 °C, and although the weather in July is hot, some diseases and insect pests will not miss the opportunity to harm apples. Apples have entered a decisive period of production, so we must do a good job in the prevention and control of apple diseases and insect pests

In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt


Rotunda disease

Apple rot disease: also known as coarse skin disease, rot disease, belongs to the harm of weak parasitic bacteria. It is one of the important diseases of apple branches and fruits. It often mixes with rot disease and anthrax.

Transmission mechanism: Rotunda overwinters in the diseased tissue with mycelium and conidia, and is the main source of initial infection and continuous infection, which begins to be active in spring and spreads to the branches with wind and rain.

In the early stages of fruit growth, because of various protective mechanisms, the bacteria cannot be infected. After the expansion of the fruit, germs can invade, with the most infested from mid-July to early August.

Outbreak time: Conidia are infested from May to October, and the meteorological conditions of high humidity and raininess from June to July are more conducive to spore sporadic. The peak of infection is in early and mid-July and late August to early September.

Rot disease and anthrax are also in a high incidence period in July, which has been mentioned before, and this time I will not elaborate too much.

Symptoms: Typical symptom, initially on the surface of the fruit centered on the skin hole to produce light red to red spots, enlarged into light brown to dark brown rotten spots, round or irregular shape, the color of the spots are staggered in concentric rings, and the surface is not concave.

In the later stage, the diseased part is more concave, and many small black dots are scattered on the surface. The fruit disease mostly begins near maturity, the diseased fruit is rotten and juicy, has a sour odor, and the whole fruit rots within a few days when the conditions are suitable.

In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt


Pest mites

Diplodocus vulgaris: Commonly known as the white spider, the diplodocus leaf mite. It mainly harms soybeans, peanuts, corn, sorghum, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, plums, grapes, cotton, beans and other crops.

Outbreak conditions: drought and little rainfall, easy to cause large occurrence of diplodont mites. From June to July, the mite is seriously harmful to apple, peach and pear trees.

Harmful symptoms: The bimacerous leaf mite prefers to harm the leaf flesh on both sides of the main vein of the leaf, if you find that the leaf flesh on both sides of the main vein of the leaf has faded green and yellow, you need to pay attention to it, then the back is likely to have been endangered by the leaf mite.

Apple full claw mite: Apple full claw mite is also a kind of red spider, in recent years has shown an explosive trend, in pear, apple, peach, plum, apricot, hawthorn, grape, walnut and other fruit trees have occurred. Every year from June to August the hazard begins.

Outbreak time: Apple full claw mites generally occur in 6 to 7 generations per year, and the first generation of adult insects appears around the beginning and middle of June, followed by gradual generational overlap, which is very untidy, and it is not obvious between generations. The peak period is mid-July to early August, and wintering eggs are laid from mid-August to late September.

Harmful symptoms: Apple full claw mites suck the sap of the leaves, causing the leaves to fade and pale, and in severe cases, the newly germinated buds to die. Generally do not spit silk knot net, only in poor nutritional conditions when the female mite spit silk drooping, by the wind to expand the spread, apple full claw mite harm leaves, young shoots, buds and young fruits, so that the leaves become gray-white spots, serious when a large number of leaves, flowers and fruits.

In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt


Peach small heartworm

Peach heartworm: An insect of the genus Small heartworm in the family Lepidoptera of the insect family. Also known as the peach borer fruit moth. Fruit tree pests, such as peaches, apples, pears, bonuses, hawthorns and sour dates.

Symptoms of pest: peach small heartworm adults mostly fly at night, eggs are mostly produced in the calyx, stem and rough parts of the peel of the fruit, the larvae crawl on the fruit surface after hatching, after looking for the appropriate part, bite the peel into the fruit, eat as a pest. It causes the fruit to develop deformities, forming "lion's head fruit" and "bean paste filling".

Outbreak time: The peak period of the first generation of peach heartworm spawning is in late June (that is, about 10 days after wheat harvest) and the peak period is from the end of the second sentence in June to the beginning of the first sentence in July. The second generation spawning peaks in early to mid-August. The appropriate period for prevention and control is from early June to early July.

In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt


Apple leaf curl moth

Apple leaf curl moth: also known as cotton brown ribbon roll moth or small yellow leaf curl moth, mainly harm apple, pear, hawthorn, peach, apricot, plum and cherry and other fruit trees, the country's fruit production areas are distributed.

Harmful symptoms: it uses larvae to harm leaves and fruits. When the larvae are harmful to the leaves, the silk will be 2 to 3 leaves are attached together, feeding in them, and the leaves are eaten into a network or absent. When the larvae are harmful to the fruit, they only eat the peel, and the fruit surface appears irregularly sized potholes, especially when the fruit and leaves are attached together, which is more susceptible to damage.

Outbreak time: Four generations occur in a year, the first generation of adults occurs in early May, the second generation of adults is the peak period in mid-to-late June, the third generation of adults is in late July to early August, and the fourth generation of adults is in full from late August to early September.

Reproductive ability has a certain relationship with the region, such as Ningxia, Gansu and other regions, the reproductive ability of apple leaf curling moth is relatively low, only breeding about two generations a year. In Shandong, where apples are more grown, 3-4 generations can occur a year.

In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt


Golden-veined moth

Golden-veined moth: It is a type of apple leafminer moth, which mainly harms fruit trees such as apples, begonias, pears and plums.

Outbreak time: Golden moth generally occurs 4 to 5 generations per year, the first generation of adults occurs in mid-to-late May, the second generation is late June, the third generation is early to mid-August, and the fourth generation is early to mid-October; there is no generation overlap. Throughout the year, the second and third generations occur in a larger amount, and the damage is the heaviest, so July to August is the peak of the golden moth.

Symptoms of harm: Larvae dive into the leaf to feed on the leaf flesh. Oval insect spots form on the infested leaves, the epidermis is wrinkled, mesh-like, and the leaf surface is arched. There is black insect feces in the insect spots, which often occur at the edge of the leaves, and when severe, they cover the entire leaf, up to 15 to 20, so that the leaf function is lost, causing early leaf fall.

In July, Shandong is hot and drought-prone, and these five major diseases and insect pests in apple-producing areas are most likely to erupt

Although Shandong and other places encounter high temperature and drought this year, but July often begins to enter the rainy season, high temperature and high humidity is conducive to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, timely medication to pay attention to disease and pest control, while keeping up with nutrition, to prevent hail and sunburn and other injuries, to ensure this year's fruit and harvest escort.

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Editor-in-Charge: White Tea Qinghuan

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