
Do you like Miss Huang or Miss Bai? What are Miss Bai and Miss Huang? Topic:

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Do you like Miss Huang or Miss Bai? What are Miss Bai and Miss Huang? Topic:

Author: Mu Shu

Before there were girls to pick Mr. Left and Mr. Right, then I will let everyone pick Miss Bai and Miss Huang today.

What to do? I love a boy so much! Miss Bai: Girls should be a little more subtle, waiting for others to chase you. Miss Huang: On! raise! It is really not possible to push it down directly, first sleep and then say!
He actually gave me a thumbs up!! Also commented on my circle of friends! He definitely likes me!! Miss White: Haven't you woken up yet? Miss Huang: Well, this is sexual innuendo, think about which side of the school district house to buy!
I read a novel that is very good! It's a little yellow, slightly yellow (with a lewd smile on your face). Miss White: Well, how do you read this kind of book? Miss Huang: Don't talk too much nonsense, send it to me! Do I have any more yellower ones I want?
Take a bath with Miss White: I haven't showered with anyone else yet! Miss Huang: Sleeper, your chest is so big! Sleeper, your legs are so white! Sleeper! You actually shaved your armpits, you hahahaha
I got the fifty degree black fertilizer ash will turn black resource! Miss White: What's that? Miss Huang: I've seen it, and it's not pretty.
Go to my house to watch a movie tonight? Miss White: It's too late, I won't go. Miss Huang: You dirty mind! Your routine Lao Tzu is clear!
Affectionate Miss White: Oh so shy... Miss Huang: Lie down and let Lao Tzu come!

Wait, wait, see?

Do you like Miss Huang or Miss Bai? What are Miss Bai and Miss Huang? Topic:

Boys often ask me, what are you girls talking about together? Clothes Bag Makeup TV Series?

I said you're so young! The topic of conversation between girls and girls, only you dare not think, there is no we dare not say.

Bagua split leg small three about cannon, big chest long leg abs mermaid line, game av little yellow book. There are also various connotations. Who you want to sleep with, who you want to sleep with, and so on, and so on. Even if you don't talk about it, you have secretly studied it yourself.

So, when you think you're flirting with a girl with a paragraph, you see the other person's blushing face or ask you with a puzzled face, "What do you mean?" Do you think that the other party really does not understand or has successfully been provoked by you?

Stop dreaming! Most of the time, girls understand in seconds, and then say silently in their hearts

"Outdated passages, Lao Tzu has already seen them. I also have to pretend that I have not seen it so tired! ”

Do you like Miss Huang or Miss Bai? What are Miss Bai and Miss Huang? Topic:

In fact, think about it, how in this world there may be any stupid white sweet miss who does not understand ah, I must have secretly studied, secretly seen, and fantasized about what it would be like to sleep until someone I liked, but these can be put to the extent of thinking, and it will be crowned with the name of riotous meanness.

It is said that boys can never see the hidden green tea characteristics of a girl, and girls can always see through it at a glance. I think this may be the reason why boys prefer Miss Bai, and girls are always willing to be girlfriends with Miss Huang, right?

In fact, Miss Bai and Miss Huang are just one person, just different personalities that appear when they get along with different people. Intimate people will say a lot of things unscrupulously without fear of the other party rejecting you.

And every Miss Huang is not so freewheeling, they are often giants in language and dwarfs in action. Theoretical knowledge is very rich, but practice may have to consider a lot deeper than Miss Bai.

The person who shouts every day about who to sleep with is often instigated as soon as he arrives in front of him.

And the silent man may have practiced it a long time ago.

The best confession I've ever heard is that I want to sleep with you for the rest of my life.

And the best girlfriend friendship is that I know who you want to sleep with for a lifetime.

Is there that Miss Huang by your side?

Make you want to be with her for the rest of your life?

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