
Parents are not at home How can children take care of the most reassuring?

author:Pro-treasure children's song animation

Many post-80s parents like to travel, and they always hope to be able to relax their bodies and minds after being empty, but when they think of their babies, they can't walk away, and they go on a tour to take care of their children? In fact, as long as young parents have mastered the skills, they can also travel and take care of their children.

Parents are not at home How can children take care of the most reassuring?

First, temporarily entrust the child to the object of trust

Although we advocate that parents can bring their own children, but temporary entrustment is no problem, such as close family members or trusted friends, entrusting children to themselves can also relax, but also can maintain their inner peace when traveling. Before temporarily entrusting the child to relatives or friends, you should also inform them about the child's living habits, including diet, whether there is a history of medication, etc., and provide your own phone number to your relatives or friends to ensure that they can contact themselves as soon as possible.

Second, prepare enough milk powder in advance

For children who are still breastfeeding, parents should be able to prepare enough milk powder for their children before traveling, if it is a breastfeeding child, then prepare breast milk reserves for the child first, you can first place breast milk in some strictly sterilized bottles, and then put the bottles into the refrigerator of the entrusted relatives or friends.

Parents are not at home How can children take care of the most reassuring?

Third, increase the sense of security for children

Children who are accustomed to getting along with their parents will inevitably feel afraid once they leave their parents, in addition to the necessary food, parents also need to prepare some other items for their children before traveling, such as diapers, wipes, clothes, etc., as well as some necessary medical supplies, etc., and it is best to provide children with something that can increase their sense of security, such as mother's clothes or photos.

Fourth, travel with children

This advice is more suitable for a slightly older baby, who can travel without crying or making trouble, preferably a child who has formed a regular schedule, bringing enough milk powder, and if it is a breastfeeding mother, she should save enough breast milk in advance to avoid the child's hunger and distress during the trip.

Parents are not at home How can children take care of the most reassuring?

Fifth, keep in touch with your child

Even if you are outside, you have to contact your baby more, even if your child sometimes can't understand their parents' words, but they will feel very happy to see or hear their parents' words.

Summary: Parents should of course think more about their children, which is something we cannot forget at any time, and the entertainment of young parents is of course very important, but in this process, it is still necessary to maintain a balance, and the personal pursuit and family harmony can be taken into account together.

The above graphics and text are from the Network