
What kind of person is worth deep friendship and reuse

author:Let's read the classics together
What kind of person is worth deep friendship and reuse

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the Duke of Qi Huan reused Guan Zhong, carried out reforms, and under the banner of "Honoring the King of Qi", the princes of Jiuhe attacked Shanrong in the north and the Chu state in the south, becoming the first hegemon of the Central Plains. One day he said to the chef: It is a pity that a widow has tasted all the food in the world, but has not eaten human flesh. Originally a casual sentence, Yi Ya put it in his heart, he felt that this was a good opportunity to curry favor with the monarch; he actually killed his son and cooked it for the Duke of Qi Huan. Qi Huangong was deeply touched by this, believing that Yi Ya loved himself more than his son, so he was very fond of Yi Ya. After Guan Zhong's death, the Duke of Qi Huan favored and reused Yi Ya, Wei Kaifang, and Shu Diao in his later years; when Qi Huan Gong was seriously ill, Yi Ya and Shu Diao launched a coup d'état, and the State of Qi was in chaos, and a generation of overlords were starved to death.

Judging from the achievements of Duke Huan of Qi and the reuse of Guan Zhong, he is definitely a Ming Jun; from yi Ya, in order to get the favor of the monarch, he did not hesitate to kill his own children, which shows that the villain has the ultimate means to gain favor. It is easy to summarize in the hereafter, but how many people can really distinguish between loyalty and adultery when they are in it? Even friends around you may not be able to see clearly. When a person is smooth, rich or powerful, friends are all over the world; there are many friends who know you more than you do, sometimes you just have ideas, there are friends who do things for you; but when you are down, you will suddenly feel that there are fewer friends, and the one who stepped on you the most was the "friend" who could think most about you at that time.

What kind of person is worth deep friendship and reuse

One of the stories in the Chronicle of History is more straightforward about human nature. The "Chronicle of History" contains: Humble and generous, free from long peace, when the loss of power, the guests are gone. and reuse as will, the guest returns. Lian Po Yue: Guest retreat! Guest: Woo! Jun Ho see the late also. The world is made by city road. The king has the power, and I am the king. If you have no power, then go. This solid reason also, what a complaint!

Some people say that it is very reasonable to see oneself clearly in great joy and great sorrow, and to see one's friends clearly in the ups and downs; but is it too unwise or a little late to see one's friends clearly when there are great ups and downs? Let's look at another kind of person:

Liu Xiahui was a scholar in the country of Lu, equivalent to the official in charge of the criminal law now; he came to power three times and was deposed three times, so someone said to him, why do you have to do things in the country of Lu? You can go to other countries to develop. Yanagishita said: A person who walks the straight path all his life, thinks, acts, and acts with complete integrity, may encounter the same problems in any country. If you use means to gain status, to glorify your fame and fortune, and not to do things for the country and society, then why leave your parents' country?

Is Yanagi Kei particularly like some of our friends around us, whether you have money or power, he will not bother you, let alone beg you, and from time to time may say some advice that makes you particularly unhappy; but when you are down, he is still like that, but as long as you need, he will try his best to help you, and there will be no conditions for help. This kind of person is like this to friends, and it is also true for work, a picture of indisputable world.

When we are in a smooth sailing, like the monarch, it is easier to like villains, and Sun Jiagan gave Qianlong a famous recital "Three Habits and One Drawback" summarized extremely accurately and in place, excerpted as follows:

"The virtuous gentleman is unique, and the villain and the gentleman are together, and they are victorious." The language is correct, the gentleman is gentle and the villain is obedient, and the ear is in tune with the ear. Running around, the gentleman is clumsy and the villain is easy to break, and the eye is in contact with the habit. That is, to protect things and examine labor, the gentleman willfully do what he wants, and he is ashamed of the main work, the villain is skillful in pandering, and the work is diligent, and he is in tune with the heart.

The villain holds his strengths to good at casting, the man drowns in what he has learned and does not perceive, listens to his words and hears them, looks at them and is pleasing to the eye, and tries them before they are called the heart. Therefore, the villain does not agree with himself, the gentleman does not leave himself one by one, and the husband and the villain merge and the gentleman leaves, and his suffering is better than words! ”

What kind of person is worth deep friendship and reuse

Comparing the two kinds of people at the same time, we will find that being spoiled is an extremely despicable thing, just like a pug, in order to get the bones thrown by its owner, shakes its head and tail (this metaphor is a bit unfair to dogs, they are much better than these people), and does everything in its power, like Easy Tooth, once such a person gains power, he will be more vicious and ruthless than the jackal. And the upright people, often strict requirements for themselves, pay attention to self-cultivation; when the pampered people are favored because of a glass of wine or even a piece of meat, they can stand proudly, and they will not bow their knees for the favor. Unfortunately, we are not saints, and inviting favors is nothing more than fame and status, we can look down on the pets who invite favors, but it is difficult not to be moved by honor. Everyone has a dream of honoring the ancestors in their hearts, but they need to have a clear understanding that honoring names and distinguishing themselves is accompanied by misfortunes, as Zeng Guofan said: Left Merit And Right Slander Book. The more dignified the position, the more careful you must be.

There is a small story in "Zhuangzi Tian Zifang" that deserves our taste: Song Yuanjun planned to paint something, so he gathered painters from all over the country, and after the painters came, they all respected each other, and stood quietly on the side after performing the ritual. Only one painter was late, after performing the ritual, he slowly and leisurely walked into the studio to undo his clothes, openly exposed his upper body, sat cross-legged, disregarded the eyes of others, and took care of his own ink, Song Yuanjun saw it, and chose him to paint for himself.

From this we can see that a person who cares too much about other people's ideas will have some scruples, and his mind will not be fully invested; people who do not care much about other people's eyes will not be distracted when doing things, and they are often more focused, more engaged, and their achievements are naturally higher and more trustworthy. At the same time, if one's mind is focused on the mind of the master, and one is bent on obtaining favor by means, and does not pay attention to self-cultivation, the arrival of favor will not be far from danger. Only by truly cultivating oneself and learning to think that it is the way to enter the body, not forgetting the danger, surviving without forgetting the death, can we have no trouble for life, and only such people are worthy of reliance, and even more worthy of our deep friendship, and we ourselves should be the same.

What kind of person is worth deep friendship and reuse



Spoiled, your body is troubled. What is flattery? Spoil it. To be shocked to gain and to be lost is to be insulted. What is a noble and troublesome person? So I have great troubles, for I have a body, and I have no body, what is the trouble? Therefore, if you are in the world, if you can entrust the world; if you love to be the world, if you can send the world.

Personal originality, interpret the classics with a different perspective!

Commentary on Lao Tzu in the Book of Books, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 13 Insights, Original Text.

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