
100% income a year, such a project dare to invest? In 2021 I advise you to be sensible

author:Finance and economics are new to the land

Investment can be said to be a double-edged sword, people who can invest, sometimes just lie and earn, do not need to work as much money. However, people who can't invest, some even lose their capital, how to be a person who can invest? First of all, don't be greedy for investment returns, secondly, investment needs to be rational, if there is such a high-yield project, how can someone chase you around to invest? Someone will tell you that if you give him money, the annual return can reach 100%, and you can maintain it every year - this kind of business Buffett can't find, and the venture capital god Son Zhengyi can't find it - in the world, I dare not say that there is definitely none, but this kind of profiteering project must be an internal talent that may have access to it, and it will certainly not be full of people looking for people to invest.

100% income a year, such a project dare to invest? In 2021 I advise you to be sensible

We said that the project with an annual income of 100% is not related to the average person, then lower the standard a little, and the annual income reaches more than 50% of the project, do we want to invest? Dare to vote? I urge you to wake up!

We rationally look at it, and the return on investment of a serious one is limited. In terms of annual returns, even venture capital seems to have made dozens of times, but you can't just watch thieves eat meat, but also watch thieves get beaten. Venture capital doesn't make money for every project, and one in ten makes money. And there are investment years, so that the average annual return on investment is a limited number, and the annualized yield of more than 20% is good. So you should pay attention to the fact that as long as it is such a project with an annual income of more than 50%, you can believe that there really exists, but basically it is not related to you. Projects with an annual return of more than 30% are also accompanied by huge risks. Even if it is a project with an annual return of more than 10%, in the current 2020, it is necessary to be prepared for loss.

100% income a year, such a project dare to invest? In 2021 I advise you to be sensible

So even if you have a relationship with this high-yield investment project one day, someone will ask you to invest in this kind of project. You probably don't dare to vote, and you shouldn't. From common sense, it is likely to be a scam!

Realistically speaking, the current risk-free rate of return is actually about 4% now, but even about 4% is easy to have pitfalls. The global economic environment has now entered a turbulent era, everyone's wallet is in danger, and it may be that one day who is around you will set a trap for you in order to make money. Therefore, everyone still thinks less about some unrealistic practices. Take care of your wallet first, if you do investment, do financial management, the annual income is set at between 4-8%, may be more at ease. Small income more returns, small money is not afraid of accumulating over time, investment should be rational, protect their own capital, do normal rate of return investment, one day your assets will be more and more. Don't dream of getting rich overnight. In recent years, the painting of the color rendering of overnight wealth, basically "overnight" on the overturn, such examples are too many.

100% income a year, such a project dare to invest? In 2021 I advise you to be sensible

For example, an example of an ordinary farmer who went viral on the Internet for a long time went from being poor to getting rich overnight. Because I got a compensation payment, I suddenly had money, some went to suck - drugged and were arrested, some went to gamble - Bo lost all the family property, not to mention, but also owed a bunch of debts, and finally led to the family fragmentation. They have money, but what he still doesn't have is the process of making money, and he doesn't taste the fun and hard work of saving money. Investment is also the same to keep the heart, down-to-earth, make investment plans in advance, and let your wealth accumulate into more.

As for such projects with an annual yield of more than 100%, it is a joke! At most, take one percent of the money you can invest to try, small bets, congratulations on doubling, and don't bother if you can't touch it. In 2021, everyone has any investment suggestions welcome to leave a message!