
The novel pattern and auspicious meaning of the turic fish breeding technology and prospects

author:Jishan Huayao

The novel pattern and auspicious meaning of the turic fish breeding technology and prospects

Jiang Mingjian

Domestication of ornamental fish at home is an ancient tradition in China, in ancient times only large households have this condition and Yaxing, with the improvement of today's commercial housing decoration grade, the improvement of ancillary facilities and the improvement of people's living standards, ordinary people's homes generally have ornamental fish breeding conditions. After most people gradually live a well-off and affluent life, they transition from the pursuit of material needs to meet the basic food and clothing to the pursuit of cultural needs to enjoy sensory and spiritual pleasures. Nowadays, ornamental fish farming has become a more common hobby of people, beautiful ornamental fish is not only conducive to the layout of the home environment, but also conducive to cultivating personal sentiments, pleasant mood, thereby improving the quality of life, more conducive to promoting the transformation and upgrading of aquaculture industry and effectively promoting the development of the secondary and tertiary fisheries industry. At present, the emerging Turita fish in China's ornamental fish market, with its advantages of ornamental and edible, is not only loved by people as an ornamental fish, but also becomes a delicious dish on the table.

First, the introduction of Turid fish

Astronotus ocellatus is also known as piglet fish, tail star fish, black pig fish, star fish and so on. Because the oval body is covered with irregular red, orange, yellow and other color markings, it is very similar to a flowery map, so it is also called a map fish. Native to the Amazon river and Guyana in South America, Turitfish was introduced to China in the 1970s. Although the turifier is relatively monotonous in color, the pattern and arrangement are very novel and unique, so it has a unique ornamental nature and is loved by breeders.

Turri fish is also a very intelligent ornamental fish, with a certain level of intelligence and dependence, after domestication can know the owner, can easily interact. When people approach the aquarium or breeding pond, the Turid fish will take the initiative to gather, dress up cute to beg, invite pets, and even jump out of the aquarium to compete for food in the hands of the owner, and when happy, they can make various expressions and actions like a river tuan, expressing their love and welcome to the owner. Turri fish has a lively and active personality, likes to "fight" with other fish, and once it has established a relationship, it will boldly protect other species of fish. At the same time, Turid fish is particularly delicious and has a high edible value.

The novel pattern and auspicious meaning of the turic fish breeding technology and prospects

Turri fish have strong adaptability to the breeding environment, are omnivorous and carnivorous fish, and grow rapidly under the conditions of sufficient protein and guaranteed food. Breeding in household aquariums or fish ponds does not require special care, as long as the breeding environment is relatively stable, they will grow very well. After one year of rearing, the individual length of the Turid fish can reach more than 30 cm, and the volume can reach about 0.5 kg per tail.

Second, the analysis of the farming benefits of Turid fish

Turid fish is the largest species of tropical fish, belonging to the same strain as tilapia, and the yield of culture can reach 750 kg to 1000 kg per mu. At present, Turid fish belongs to emerging species, the production of aquaculture in various places is limited, and The tulli fish is not only delicious meat, but also has ornamental value, so the market price is much higher than that of tilapia, and the economic benefits of aquaculture are very impressive. The market price of ornamental Turic fish more than 10cm after breeding is generally 60 yuan to 80 yuan / pair; the fishing price of Turpturic fishing in recreational fishing fisheries is generally 50 yuan to 60 yuan / kg; on-site catering consumption is generally charged a processing fee of 20 yuan / kg; edible Turic fish is sold at 30 yuan to 40 yuan / kg in supermarkets and farmers' markets. After investigation, it can be seen that the net income of small pond intensive ornamental Tuli fish is more than 30,000 yuan / mu, and the net profit of large pond culture commodity Turif fish is about 8,000 yuan / mu under normal circumstances. Turic fish is also adapted to the facility circulation of tanks or container culture, and its breeding efficiency will be higher than that of ordinary commercial Turic fish farming mode.

Turid fish as a commercial fish on people's table or nearly two or three years of things, people have a process of recognition and acceptance, on the one hand rely on the media science publicity; on the other hand, rely on the scale of the farm leisure fishing places to take the lead in introducing Turid fishing and catering projects, triggering tourists' interest and hobbies, thereby guiding the trend of consumption. After the joint promotion of all parties, turic fish has gradually been accepted by people, and even more and more popular.

The novel pattern and auspicious meaning of the turic fish breeding technology and prospects

Third, the main points of breeding technology of Turid fish

(1) Breeding ponds and mode selectionSelect the best places to build fish ponds in places with excellent and sufficient water quality, sunny terrain, no pollution sources around the area, and convenient transportation. Turid fish has no special requirements for water quality, similar to the general freshwater fish, as long as it meets the aquaculture water standards, even in weak acidic, neutral or weak alkaline water can live normally, pH 7 ~ 8 is the most appropriate. Clear fresh and high-quality circulating water can enhance the appetite of Turid fish and accelerate the growth rate, so Turic fish can be well adapted to the current circulating water facility culture. In addition, soil fish ponds, cement fish ponds, micro-flowing water farms or circulating water aquaculture containers are suitable for the growth of Turid fish.

At present, farmers generally adopt the breeding mode of separate breeding after screening out ornamental fish and commercial fish, and the fry, seed fish and ornamental fish are intensively cultured in small tanks with cement ponds, and edible commercial fish are raised in earthen ponds, large ponds and flowing water ponds.

The novel pattern and auspicious meaning of the turic fish breeding technology and prospects

(2) Requirements and key points for aquaculture indicators

Tuli fish can grow very well when the water temperature is 2 2 °C ~ 2 8 °C, the most suitable water temperature is 24 °C ~ 26 °C, water temperature below 18 °C will cause diseases and casualties, above 30 °C growth state is not good, more than 35 °C will appear death phenomenon. In the southern region, the temperature rises in May, and the water temperature should begin to stock overwintering fry or fish fry bred in the same year, take the breeding greenhouse or hot spring fish pond to overwinter in winter, and in the summer high temperature season, you can take the deep well to take groundwater to cool down, and the conditional can use the bottom water of the lake reservoir or the cave water to supplement the pool temperature in the summer.

The color of Turid fish changes with age, and the color and brightness are closely related to light, and they should be given sufficient light when rearing. Turid fish need to receive appropriate light every day, at least 2h of daylight exposure per day is better, which can not only ensure the normal life of Turid fish, but also make the body color of Turid fish more gorgeous, but also can adjust and transform water quality through light, maintain the dissolved oxygen and visibility of aquaculture water, and prevent bad water.

Turri fish is a hybrid carnivorous fish, and the home garden likes to eat small fish, shrimp, water earthworms and other fresh food. When raising large quantities, more pelleted feed is used, which is not only nutritionally balanced, but also convenient for feeding. Ordinary commodity Turifier feed can choose a special feed for Turid fish with a protein content of 28% to 32% or a floating pellet feed for tilapia and crucian carp. Specially cultivated ornamental fish are fed a weekly feed with carrots, tomatoes or astaxanthin, which can make the color of the Turri fish more vivid and dazzling. Turid fish is very gluttonous, with feeding, feeding how much to eat, so the feeding must be done regularly, quantitatively, a day's feeding amount controlled at about 3% to 5% of the total weight of the fish body, feeding in two times, once in the morning, once in the evening. Turifos grow rapidly, mature sexually in 8 months to 12 months, and can reach a length of 20 cm to 30 cm.

(3) Daily management in the breeding process

After sprinkling the whole pond with quicklime 150kg/mu or other fish pond disinfection drugs before stocking the fingerlings, the pond is dried for half a month, and the filtered water is placed 3 to 5 days before seeding.

When the water temperature rises above 20°C around May in the south (around June in the north), fry can be stocked. You can choose the wintering fish fingerlings of the first year, or you can choose the hot spring or indoor factory breeding fry of the year, and calculate the number of seedlings to be stocked after determining the stocking density according to the design yield. In order to save costs and effectively use the space of the fish pond, gradient culture can be implemented according to the size of the size, and the yield of ornamental Turic fish is generally controlled within 500kg/mu, and the yield of edible commodity Turic fish is about 1000kg/mu. Turid's oxygen consumption is large, and it is generally necessary to install a microporous aerator, impeller aerator or water spray aerator for artificial oxygen replenishment to ensure that the dissolved oxygen in the aquaculture water is above 3mg/L.

Tuli fish is ornamental and edible combined fish, because the price of ornamental fish is several times the price of edible fish, so in different stages of the growth of Tuli fish to continue to select, the good size, bright colors, healthy and lively individuals are selected, as ornamental fish individuals separate small pond intensive culture, the ornamental fish pond does not meet the requirements of ornamental fish individuals eliminated into the edible commercial fish pond to raise.

The breeding of Turid fish should often patrol the pond, detect water temperature, dissolved oxygen, observe the feeding situation, daily activities and diseases and pests of Turri fish, find problems and deal with them in time, and pay attention to regulating water quality, and do a good job in the prevention and treatment of fish diseases.

The novel pattern and auspicious meaning of the turic fish breeding technology and prospects

Fourth, the market development prospect of Turid fish

While promoting Tori fish, it is necessary to do a good job in market development in order to ensure late sales and obtain due benefits.

(1) Strengthen publicity and promotion with ornamentation and eating as the selling point

The influence of Turid in recreational fisheries and ornamental fish farming has gradually expanded, but its concept as an ornamental and edible fish has only been proposed in recent years, which is a new biological concept. It is necessary to make good use of various media to carry out extensive publicity, further improve the influence and popularity of popular science turptunes while at the same time, expand consumer groups, and make turic fish enter the field of mass consumption.

The use of major recreational fishing places and farm fish pond on-site fishing and catering services, so that the public in the outing fishing, can get close to the bright and beautiful Turid fish, not only enrich the variety of fishing, improve the quality and added value of fishing, but also let people have a deeper understanding of the tori fish, strengthen the popularity of the tori fish. At the same time, the farm's catering can develop a series of dishes for Turic fish cooking. The tender, delicious and nutritious meat of Tuli fish will bring a new feeling to the taster, thereby increasing people's recognition, developing potential customers, and driving an increase in consumer groups.

(2) Multi-party cooperation to broaden the sales channels and methods of Turid fish

After media publicity and physical store display, after rapidly increasing popularity, an offline sales network was built in a timely manner, and bulk sales were carried out in various aquatic product wholesale markets, farmers' markets, supermarkets, specialty stores, etc., to meet the public's demand for high-quality aquatic products. Make full use of online sales channels, and conduct online sales in the form of pictures and texts through online sales platforms, public accounts, WeChat groups and other channels. With the development of science and technology, the current oxygenated bags for live fish transportation can ensure that the survival time of fish is more than 100 hours, which can fully meet the time needs of logistics and distribution. In addition, it is necessary to develop cold chain logistics for fresh fish and broaden the road for Turid fish's online sales channels. Vigorously developing the fresh fish processing industry, innovating turic fish processing products, and processing turpturic fish into semi-finished food products suitable for the needs of different groups of people are also important ways to increase the sales of turpturic fish.

In summary, Turic fish has the unique advantage of ornamental and edible, both as ornamental fish farming, and do not have to worry about no market due to appearance problems, the market is very broad, coupled with the development of science and technology and people's demand for quality of life, Turid fish as a new breed of aquaculture has great potential for development.

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