
How to solve insomnia?

author:Sleep Hero

How to solve insomnia?

Author Of Sleep

Let him sleep in a different way – awake sleep.

There are two types of sleep, one is asleep sleep and the other is awake sleep. How is it to sleep awake? It is to lie awake or sit and sleep. Lying awake and sitting is a kind of sleep, this sleep is the same as the effect of sleeping asleep, after waking up, your spirit will not be bad, and your body will not be harmed.


1 Get up at 5 a.m.

2 Before 22 o'clock it is best not to sleep, not to lie down, not to take a nap.

3 Live with great energy, never withering.

4 22:00 - 00:00 Awake and quiet, never asleep.

00:00- 05:00 Lie awake and never fall asleep.

05:00- 06:00 Sit awake and never fall asleep.


1 What should I do if I can't sit still for 2 hours at a time?

Sit still for 1 hour at a time, rest for a few minutes at the end of the meditation, and sit still for another hour.

2 What should I do if I can't sit still for 1 hour at a time?

Sit still for 30 minutes at a time, rest for a few minutes at the end of the meditation, and sit still for another 30 minutes.

3 What should I do if I doze off while meditating?

Get your spirits up and stay awake. If you fall asleep unconsciously, forget it.

4 What should I do if I doze off while lying awake?

Get your spirits up and stay awake. If you fall asleep unconsciously, forget it. When you wake up, continue to lie awake and never fall asleep.

5 What should I do when I am thinking wildly when I am awake and meditating?

Let yourself think wildly, think of whatever you want, think of anything.

6 What should I do when I am lying awake and thinking wildly?

After 10 days of waking sleep, you will sleep well if you fall asleep.

What to do after 10 days of waking sleep?

4 22:00-23:00 Sit awake and never fall asleep.

23:00- 06:00 Lie down and let sleep come on its own.

What should I do if I wake up in the middle of the night

Immediately get up and sit quietly for 1 hour, and then lie down casually.