
Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

author:The truth about the island

The words ocean and mystery are the most appropriate.

At the bottom of the sea, there are many creatures of different shapes, and many times, we will be shocked by the strange shape of the creatures on the seabed, but we will also be amazed by their beauty.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

So, how many cute creatures are hidden in this mysterious world?

And listen to me one by one.

Clownfish Anemone Fish

The clownfish is a common name for the fish of the sea anemone fish subfamily of the family Snapper and is a tropical saltwater fish. There are 28 known species, one from the genus Premnas and the rest from the genus Amphiprion.

Clownfish and sea anemones have an inseparable symbiotic relationship, so they are also called anemone fish. The stinging anemone protects the clownfish, and the clownfish eat the digested residue of the anemone, forming a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship.

As the protagonist of Finding Nemo, his cute expression and orange and white coat deserve to be the brightest star under the sea.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Non-toxic Jellyfish

Non-toxic jellyfish are herbivorous, mainly relying on the nutrients secreted by seaweed to survive, so the jellyfish emit a faint orange glow, and there are also large groups of silverfish and transparent moon jellyfish in the lake, all of which are mild and non-toxic.

If you want to play with them, just go to Palau.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Light bulb sea squirts

Light bulb sea squirts (light bulb sea squirts) is a transparent marine life, is found in the North Sea sea sea squirt, the appearance of the cylinder, because the appearance is extremely similar to a light bulb, so the name of the bulb sea squirt.

Most live in seawater of 20-50 meters. Its body is attached to a shell, seaweed or vertical rock wall, its body has yellow or white lines, you can see the movement of its internal organs, far away look like a light bulb, hence the name bulb sea squirt.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Sea Hares

The sea hare is not a rabbit, but a species of snail, a collective name for the marine gastropods of the sea hare family, also known as sea slugs. The two pairs of antennae on its head protrude like rabbit ears. Sea hares are shellfish living in shallow seas.

It is a special member of the crustacean mollusk family. Their shells have degenerated into inner shells. On the back there is a transparent thin shell skin, which is generally white with a pearly luster.

And Sea Hare is also weDive's royal spokesperson.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed
Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Algae sea slugs

Algae sea slugs are a type of sea slug that resembles a lamb draped in leaves, also known as "leaf sheep".

The body is soft and spongy, the length can only grow to 5mm, and it looks like a lamb, like it is covered with furry tentacles, and innocent little eyes, cute.

Algae sea slugs can photosynthesize by eating algae, allowing chloroplasts to coexist with their own somatic cells.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Grass Sea Dragons

The Grass Sea Dragon (scientific name: Phyllopteryx taeniolatus), which looks like a seaweed grass leaf and resembles a dragon, is one of the most amazing creatures in the marine fish. The whole body is covered by leaf-like appendages.

In the same family as the hippocampus and tubular fish, the grass sea dragon also tends to have a "reversal of role" phenomenon in the process of incubating offspring, mainly in the well-concealed reefs and shallow waters with dense seaweed overgrowth.

Australian authorities have listed the grass sea dragon as a rare animal under key protection.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Queen Angelfish

The queen fish should be said to be the most dazzling color among all the angelfish. The dynamic yellow and electric blue give the Queen Fairy a rainbow-like look. The head has bright blue spots. The dorsal and fins are particularly long.

This is not only cute, but also particularly charming

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Furnace tube sponge

The furnace tube sponge is a sea creature with protruding eyes, a wide mouth, and a blue appearance, all of which resemble a cookie monster.


Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed


Rays, belonging to the order Ray of the cartilaginous fish order Rajiformes and rayfish, are a collective term for a variety of flat cartilaginous fish. It is distributed in most water areas of the world, including 2 suborders, a total of 8 families, about 49 genera and 315 species.

There are 28 species in 6 families and 8 genera in China. The common names in various parts of China are different, the fishermen in Zhoushan call the yellow sable rays the yellow tiger, the manta rays call the swallow flower fish, the black tiger, the double-headed flower fish, the He's rays call the cat cat flower fish, and the Jiaodong fishermen call the Laozi fish and the boss fish.

Rays vary in size, with small rays only 50 cm in adult size and large rays up to 8 meters long. Rays are harmless, benthic, and often partially buried in underwater sand.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Fluorescent squid Wataseniascintillans

Fluorescent squid (Watasenia scintillans), the only species in the genus Cephalopods, fluorescent squid is an undersea assassin who can use biolumines to camouflage, and is currently the only creature in cephalopods that has been shown to have color vision.

Fluorescent squid is usually only 7 cm long, with a luminous blob located at the end of the tentacle.

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

Dumbo Octopus Grampoteuthis

Dumbo Octopus (scientific name Grampoteuthis) got its name from its resemblance to Dumbo in Disney cartoons.

Dumbo octopus usually lives on the ocean floor, with an average lifespan of 3 to 5 years, making it the most precious and rare octopus species.

It's so cute, is the heart melted??

Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed
Marine life | the cute creatures on the seabed

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