
Eyelid beating, in fact, is the facial muscle tendon cramps! Chinese medicine believes that it is insufficient qi deficiency, meridian paralysis, acupuncture facial 6 points to treat facial muscle spasm

author:Get a little spirited

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > click, needle punch facial 6 points for facial muscle spasm</h1>

Facial muscle spasm refers to twitching of muscles on one or both sides of the face. The initial symptoms of facial muscle spasm are eyelid beating, folk and "left eye jumping, right eye jumping disaster", people generally do not think that it is a disease, after a period of time foci formation, developed into facial muscle spasm, connected to the corner of the mouth, serious neck.

Eyelid beating, in fact, is the facial muscle tendon cramps! Chinese medicine believes that it is insufficient qi deficiency, meridian paralysis, acupuncture facial 6 points to treat facial muscle spasm

Facial muscle spasms are often exacerbated by tension and fatigue, which are obvious when speaking and smiling, and can be continuously spastic in severe cases, making people feel upset, unable to work or study, and seriously affecting the physical and mental health of patients.

Chinese medicine believes that because of the lack of qi and blood in the human body, the emptiness of the veins, the decline of local resistance, and the intrusion of foreign evil qi into the facial meridians, resulting in local meridian paralysis, unfavorable operation of qi and blood, and loss of maintenance of local muscles and veins, resulting in spasm of facial muscles.

The special acupuncture points for the treatment of facial muscle spasms are YangBai, Sun, Four Whites, Cheek Cheek, Buccal Car, Dicang, and Hegu Acupuncture.

【Yang Bai】Pressing yang bai acupuncture can relieve frontal muscle spasm.

【Sun】 plays an important role in dredging the meridian qi and blood of the eye, so patients with eyelid beats should choose this acupuncture point.

【Four Whites】 Pressing the four white points can relieve the spasm of the orbicularis muscles.

Eyelid beating, in fact, is the facial muscle tendon cramps! Chinese medicine believes that it is insufficient qi deficiency, meridian paralysis, acupuncture facial 6 points to treat facial muscle spasm

【Cheek cheekbed】 Pressing the cheek cheek socket can relieve the spasm of the corresponding muscles.

【Cheek car】Pressing the buccal car point can relieve the spasm of the corresponding muscles.

【Ground Warehouse】Pressing the ground chamber point can relieve the spasm of the buccal muscles. These acupuncture points are all facial acupuncture points, and the therapeutic effect of the spasm of the opposite muscle belongs to the local role of the acupuncture points, which are to alleviate spasm by regulating local qi and blood circulation and relaxing the corresponding muscles.

[Hegu] can regulate the qi and blood of the entire meridian, so it can also treat facial muscle spasms.

1. Press Yang Bai, Si Bai, Di Cang, Cheek, Cheek Car, Hegu Cave

Use the index fingers of both hands to rub the yang white, the sun, the four whites, the cheeks, the cheek car, the basement acupoint, and finally click the Hegu acupoint, to the degree of acid swelling at the acupuncture point, press and rub for 3 to 5 minutes, if the attack is frequent, you can press and rub every 1 to 2 hours. By regulating local qi and blood and relaxing the muscles, the symptoms of facial muscle spasm can be relieved.

2. Plum blossom needle percussion acupuncture points

Use a plum needle to gently tap the above special acupuncture points, to the extent of redness on the surface of the skin, do not use too much force, and avoid damaging the facial skin. 1 to 2 times a day.

3. Hot compresses

You can apply a hot towel to the face, and apply it for half an hour before going to bed every night to speed up blood circulation in the face, relax the muscles, and reduce spasms.

Eyelid beating, in fact, is the facial muscle tendon cramps! Chinese medicine believes that it is insufficient qi deficiency, meridian paralysis, acupuncture facial 6 points to treat facial muscle spasm

【Dietary Remedies】

Longan porridge: 15 grams of longan meat, 3 to 5 red dates, 100 grams of japonica rice. Cook porridge for hot food.

Longan meat is a good heart nourishing spleen product, containing a variety of vitamins and rich protein; red dates taste sweet and warm, return to the spleen and stomach meridian, have the function of tonifying qi, nourishing blood and calming the nerves, containing protein, fat, sugar, organic acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, trace calcium and other amino acids and other rich nutrients;

Eyelid beating, in fact, is the facial muscle tendon cramps! Chinese medicine believes that it is insufficient qi deficiency, meridian paralysis, acupuncture facial 6 points to treat facial muscle spasm

Japonica rice is flat and sweet, has the effect of benefiting the spleen and stomach, and ensures sufficient sources of qi and blood. This party can replenish the heart, spleen, nourish qi and blood, the human body qi and blood are sufficient, and the meridians can be maintained. Not only are the meridians of the face nourished, but the qi and blood of the whole body are also replenished. Therefore, this delicacy can also treat upset, insomnia, tiredness and other symptoms caused by facial muscle spasms.