
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

author:Dragon Peak Seawater Fish
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

When it comes to angelfish, most of the impressions are probably like this, after all, the queen fairy is so famous! But today we are going to talk about a new breed that is several times worth more than the Queen Immortal:

Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

Deborah fairy centropyge deborae

In fact, it is not a particularly rare and expensive fish, but it is rarely seen in the mainland market, and very few aquarists know about this kind of immortal. The fish was not finalized until 2012, and is the latest angelfish to be discovered, if not a few slightly controversial species. Its discoverer found Shen Kangning, a big bull in the immortal fish taxonomy world in Taiwan, for identification (the teacher also gave me a copy of his private collection of angel fish pictures, which are still very cherished and preserved).

The process of discovering and naming it is also very interesting, this kind of immortal has been regarded as another kind of all-black black immortal (centropyge nox) because it is all black.

Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

The Black Immortal looks like this

But its body color is actually slightly different, when it is in good shape, from a certain point of view, it will emit a certain blue luster. Teacher Shen felt different at that time, and then bought one to go back to do DNA comparison, and found that it was really different, it was a new species! Then, when preparing to publish the paper, the news was passed out by Mr. Shen's fish merchant friend, and it spread to the Fijian fishing farm owner who sold the fish, so the fish merchant quickly wrote to Mr. Shen and asked him if the fish could be named after his wife's name, debora, and Mr. Shen agreed to him (although I think he was quite reluctant, hahahaha), so the name of the fish was called centropyge deborae.

Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

What is more interesting is that after this fish was separately divided into new species, the market price immediately doubled several times, and the owner of the Fijian fishing farm actually did not send a few fish to Teacher Shen.

Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

It should be said that deborah immortals are the kind of fish raised by knowledgeable people, at first glance black bar is bland, but the state of good light is right, you can see the faint blue luster. I have selected some very good photos of deborah immortals and enjoyed them!

Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

So when you see this fish, don't hesitate to get one, and don't forget that this is a kind of fish that shows your face.

Author: Li Yan

Xiamen University · Environmental Science Marine Science PHD in reading

Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

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Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!
Wife and love fish use the same name, the price increases! The price must go up!

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