
There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

author:Small quality said city

Wild animals

There are a large number of unknown viruses, bacteria and parasites

There are data to indicate

78% of emerging human infectious diseases are related to wild animals

See here

Do you still dare to "bite" wild animals?

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

Which wild animals can't be eaten?

Can't trade?

Xiaobian has to do a big science for you!

Q: Can you eat seafood such as striped fish and yellow croaker that you like?

A: Fishing for natural fishery resources such as fish is an important agricultural production method and an international common practice, and the Fisheries Law has regulated this, according to the decision, fish and other aquatic wild animals are not included in the scope of the ban. Seafood such as striped fish and yellow croaker are wild animals, but they are not terrestrial wild animals and are not among them, so they can be eaten with confidence.

Q: Can I eat domesticated wild animals such as chipmunks, hamsters, and muskrats?

A: The Wildlife Protection Law clearly prohibits the consumption of wild animals and cannot be eaten.

Q: Bullfrogs are also on the fasting list?

A: The relevant departments have not yet released the relevant fasting list.

Q: Can wild boar and sika deer be eaten?

Q: Are pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock prohibited?

A: The more common livestock and poultry, such as pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, etc., are mainly animals for food, and can be eaten in accordance with laws and regulations such as the Animal Husbandry Law and the Animal Epidemic Prevention Law.

Q: Are artificially bred animals such as rabbits and pigeons also prohibited?

A: Rabbits, pigeons and other artificial breeding has a long time of use, mature technology, the people have been widely accepted, the formed output value, employees have a certain scale, some play an important role in poverty alleviation. In accordance with the provisions of the "Decision", these animals included in the "Inventory of Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources" stipulated in the Animal Husbandry Law also belong to livestock and poultry, and their breeding and utilization, including food, etc., shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the Animal Husbandry Law and strictly quarantined.

Q: Which wild animals can no longer be eaten?

A: The decision points out that the Wildlife Protection Law and other relevant laws explicitly prohibit the consumption of wild animals and must be strictly prohibited. It is completely prohibited to eat "terrestrial wild animals with important ecological, scientific and social value" protected by the state and other terrestrial wild animals, including artificially bred and artificially raised terrestrial wild animals.

In fact, as long as you remember one sentence, all terrestrial wild animals cannot be eaten, nor can they be artificially raised, except for livestock and poultry.

Q: What should I do if the aquaculture industry chain is affected?

A: The decision may affect the relevant industrial chain, considering that it will indeed have a greater impact on farmers in some mountainous and remote areas, and some places may use it as an industry for precise poverty alleviation, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress requires local governments to strengthen guidance, give certain economic compensation, and assist in transformation or adjustment. It is worth noting that if it is the purpose of scientific research, pharmaceuticals, and display, after strict approval, it can still be artificially bred, and others are prohibited.

Q: If the animal is not on the Wildlife Protection List, can it be eaten?

A: Even if the animal is not in the wildlife protection list, if people want to eat it, they must go through the necessary quarantine procedures and meet the specified standards before they can enter the market for sale, purchase and consumption.

Q: How is the underground trade in wild animals prohibited? If it is a wild animal caught by yourself, will it be punished?

A: For the wildlife trade may go underground, it is now the whole process of crackdown, and it is severe punishment, and the cost of breaking the law is extremely high, which will greatly curb the spread and development of the underground market. Even if you catch it yourself, if you are found and cannot explain the source, you will be punished.

Q: What are the penalties for illegally selling, raising, transporting, or eating wild animals?

A: The decision stipulates that the illegal consumption and trade of wild animals shall be severely punished, and the punishment shall be increased on the basis of the existing legal provisions for those who hunt, trade, transport or eat wild animals in violation of the Wildlife Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations. Illegal business sites and illegal business operators shall be banned, sealed or closed down in accordance with law.

It has been learned from the relevant state departments that there are about 54 species of domesticated and bred wild animals that cannot be eaten but are currently being used for commercial operation and utilization (the final list published by the relevant departments shall prevail). Of these, 13 were explicitly defined as "viewing only" as early as 2003.

These inedible terrestrial wild animals are classified according to the "class":

There are 14 species of "theropods": raccoons, silver foxes, arctic foxes, minks, civets, wild boar, sika deer, red deer, chipmunks, hamsters, muskrats, woolly rats, guinea pigs, and beaver rats.

There are 25 species of "ornithopods": African ostrich, great American ostrich, emu, warty-nosed duck, green-headed duck, ring-necked pheasant, turkey, beaded chicken, stone chicken, blue peacock, blue-breasted quail, quail, cocktail parrot, tiger skin parrot, Fischer peony parrot, peach-faced peony parrot, yellow-collared peony parrot, white-loined literary bird, black-throated grass finch, colorful literary bird, orange-cheeked plum finch, red plum finch, grass finch, chestnut ear grass finch, canary.

There are 6 species of "reptiles": Brazilian tortoise, alligator turtle, Chinese turtle, Nile crocodile, bay crocodile, Siamese crocodile.

There are 4 species of "amphibians": Chinese forest frog, Heilongjiang forest frog, pig frog, tiger striped frog.

"Arachnids" 1 species: scorpions, alias "whole worms".

There are 3 species of "insects": double-toothed spiny ants, large black carpenter ants, and yellow fox ants.

1 species of "polypoda": centipede, alias "Draco".

Seventy percent of human infectious disease viruses come from wild animals, and the disease enters from the mouth, which is a fact that has long been verified.

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

Pangolins carry a variety of internal parasites

It can damage the stomach and intestines and cause complications such as myocarditis and pneumonia

Studies show

Pangolins or potential intermediate hosts of novel coronaviruses

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

It carries more than 100 viruses throughout the body

SARS virus, Ebola virus

Rabies virus, Nipah virus, etc

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

Civets are widely considered to be intermediate hosts of the SARS virus

It carries a variety of parasites in its body

Including trichinella, Silanes sturgeon flukes and so on

It can damage the lungs and central nervous system

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

Marmots are the main source of infection for plague bacteria

It also carries a variety of internal parasites

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

Wild hedgehogs carry a large number of internal parasites

Including schizocephalic larvae, protoplasma spp

It can seriously damage the eyes, subcutaneous tissue, brain and other organs

It also carries a variety of ticks outside the body

Diseases such as relapsing fever and Q fever can be transmitted

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

Raccoons are one of the carriers of the rabies virus

The body also carries numerous parasites

Including roundworms, hookworms, raccoon shellworms and so on

It can cause serious damage to organs such as the stomach and intestines

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

"Do you have to eat the means of transport this year?"

Research suggests that the MERS virus may be transmitted by camels to humans

In addition, it causes the common cold in humans

The coronavirus also originated from camels

There's no wildlife eating, and there's more you'd want to know

Due to their wide range, snakes are often hunted

Used for cooking and medicine

However, it carries a variety of internal parasites

These include tongue-shaped worms, Taenia mansonii, Cryptosporidium, etc

It can cause peritonitis, sepsis, pericarditis, etc

It's time to put a stop to eating wild game!

Wildlife protection is related to national public safety,

It is also related to the safety of each and every one of us.

Reverence for nature, starting with me,

Never get a good scar and forget the pain!

The market supervision department passes the national 12315 platform

Provide unity for the public

Complaint and reporting service for illegal trade in wild animals

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